
Carville: Benghazi Scandal Created by Rupert Murdoch, Koch Brothers

October 20th, 2015 4:00 PM
On Tuesday – just two days before Hillary Clinton’s testimony before the House Benghazi Committee – MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell teased an upcoming interview with liberal operative and longtime Clinton hatchet man James Carville, hailing him as a “political Jedi master.” Carville: “Trey Gowdy is a creation of the Koch brothers and the whole climate denial industry and this committee was nothing but…

Andrea Mitchell: Israel ‘Inciting Violence’ by Shooting Terrorists

October 16th, 2015 3:32 PM
In a contentious interview with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer on Friday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell fretted over Israeli police killing knife-wielding Palestinian terrorists: “What about the possibility of excessive force?” Dermer responded: “Andrea, if someone was coming at you with a knife, would you want the police officer to take out a knife and to try to stop him or would you want that…

MSNBC: Can Israel Find ‘Middle Ground’ With Knife-Wielding Terrorists?

October 15th, 2015 3:32 PM

On Thursday, while interviewing Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports about the wave of Palestinian terrorist attacks plaguing Jerusalem, fill-in host Peter Alexander cited Obama administration fears of Israeli police being too hard on the knife-wielding killers: “State Department spokesperson John Kirby said that the U.S. was, in his words, ‘concerned about reports…


Andrea Mitchell Asks Ben Carson Can Republican Party 'Survive?'

October 9th, 2015 10:34 AM
Who is taking more glee from the current Republican turmoil over the selection of the next Speaker: Democrats or the MSM—or do I repeat myself? Today's Morning Joe featured a clip from Andrea Mitchell's interview of Ben Carson in which she asked: "what does this just say about the Republican brand and the Republican party. Can it survive after this kind of chaos?" Wishful thinking, Andrea?

WashPost’s Tumulty: McCarthy Gave Hillary ‘Get Out of Jail Free Card’

October 6th, 2015 3:30 PM
On MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Washington Post reporter Karen Tumulty proclaimed that House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s comments about the Benghazi investigation had granted Hillary Clinton immunity from scandal: “...the Kevin McCarthy thing has been not only a political gift but it has been sort of a ‘get out of jail free’ card for her to sort of abandon the kind of semi-…

Chris Matthews Rants: Pro-Life Forces Use Stillborn Child to Deceive

October 1st, 2015 5:03 PM
Chris Matthews on Thursday, filling in for Andrea Mitchell on Andrea Mitchell Reports, interviewed Congressman Jason Chaffetz. Rather than discussing the current investigation, which the Congressman leads, into Planned Parenthood's finances, Matthews grilled Chaffetz on his opinion of the stillborn footage included in a Center for Medical Progress video. He also lectured Chaffetz to watch more…

Andrea Mitchell: What Are Republicans Really ‘Up to’ With Clinton?

October 1st, 2015 11:45 AM
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday trotted out conspiracy theories in relation to the Benghazi investigation and Hillary Clinton. The anchor interviewed Senator Claire McCaskill, asking, “Was this a case of [Repulicans] actually explaining what the Benghazi Committee is up to?” 

MSNBC Slams Fiorina’s ‘Serious Misstatements’ on Planned Parenthood

September 17th, 2015 3:04 PM
Eager to provide supposed “fact-checking” of the Republican presidential debate, on Thursday, MSNBC NewsNation host Tamron Hall declared: “But to Carly Fiorina's moment regarding Planned Parenthood. While that comment was applauded by conservatives, a lot of that Twitter traffic was also...people fact-checking her on that statement.”

MSNBC Accuses Iran Deal Opponents of ‘Making it Partisan’

September 8th, 2015 4:35 PM
Despite the bipartisan opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, on Tuesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell and Wall Street Journal political editor Jeanne Cummings accused critics of the plan of being “partisan.” Mitchell began by touting a video of former Vice President Dick Cheney being shouted down by a left-wing protester: “Dick Cheney today speaking about Iran with a very tough attack on the…

After Interview, Mitchell, Gearan Tout Hillary's 'One-on-One' Skills

September 4th, 2015 3:51 PM
In the first few hours after Andrea Mitchell’s interview with Hillary Clinton, reactions poured in on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports and MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts that ranged from Rachel Maddow dismissing the growing e-mail scandal as “kinetic activity” to the Washington Post’s Anne Gearan fawning over her “one-on-one” skills to Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd excusing her non-answers…

Andrea Mitchell to Hillary: Are You ‘Sorry’ About E-Mail Scandal?

September 4th, 2015 3:02 PM
In an exclusive interview with Hillary Clinton on Friday, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent and MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell began by gently wondering if the former Secretary of State was “sorry” about the e-mail scandal: “You said recently that using your personal e-mail while you were secretary of state was not the best choice and that you take responsibility. Are you sorry?”

Mitchell on E-Mail Scandal: Will FBI ‘Close This Down Quickly’?

September 3rd, 2015 4:32 PM
In an interview with Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar on Thursday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell fretted that the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal would continue to damage the Democratic front-runner unless it was suddenly shut down: “ that the FBI is involved and now that these e-mails will trickle out between now and January....unless they close this down quickly and…

Mitchell: 'Are We Ever Going to Get Out of Cycle' of Hillary E-Mails?

September 1st, 2015 4:44 PM
Fretting over Hillary Clinton’s ongoing e-mail scandal on Tuesday, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell wondered: “Is she ever going to get out of this cycle?” The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza bemoaned: “...when the federal judge ordered the release of these things at pretty regular intervals....this was the worst outcome for her presidential hopes....We're not talking about her plan for college…

MSNBC: Hillary's Secret E-Mails Were 'Defensive' Reaction to Enemies

September 1st, 2015 12:56 PM
Atlantic magazine editor Steve Clemons spun Hillary Clinton's use of a private, unsecured e-mail server as the natural, "defensive" reaction to being "under political assault" by people like Ken Starr. On Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, the MSNBC contributor exonerated: "We don't know exactly what the rational is, but there was a certain defensiveness that makes a lot of sense when you look…