
Andrea Mitchell to Socialist Bernie Sanders: Is Hillary 'Credible?'

April 30th, 2015 4:39 PM
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell on Thursday encouraged Bernie Sanders to hit Hillary Clinton from the left, wondering if the self-described socialist senator found the Democratic nominee "credible" or "authentic." Mitchell carefully refrained from labeling Sanders a "socialist," but seemed to question Clinton's authentic liberalism: "Her campaign is supposedly going to raise a billion and a half…

Mitchell Makes Excuse for Baltimore Mayor's Delay in Calling for Guard

April 28th, 2015 1:20 PM
Let's begin by answering Andrea Mitchell's question. "How would it have appeared" if Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake had called the Maryland governor to request National Guard troops just afer Freddie Gray's funeral? It would have appeared that she was doing her job, protecting people and property, rather than being overly concerned with photo-op politics. On her MSNBC show today,…

MSNBC: 'Holes' in 'Clinton Cash'; 'Hard to Prove' Without E-Mail Trail

April 24th, 2015 4:16 PM
On her Friday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell dismissed the upcoming Clinton Cash book as having "a lot of holes" in its corruption allegations against Bill and Hillary Clinton: "There is the question of, how do you connect the policy that she was pursuing as a Secretary of State with the allegation that money was being contributed to the charity or speeches were being booked for Bill Clinton…

Chris Matthews: Democratic Party 'Coming Apart,' 'Devolving'

April 22nd, 2015 1:15 PM
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, Hardball host Chris Matthews sounded the alarm over the left-wing being in disarray: "The Democratic Party is not unified right now. It's coming apart, you can see it, it's devolving. And so everybody – it's every man for himself, every politician for themselves right now."

Bozell & Graham Column: Hillary's Wacky Poor-House Claims

April 21st, 2015 10:17 PM
While Hillary Clinton hates doing Sunday shows – as we remember from the weekend after Benghazi – she did allow her close friend Gov. Terry McAuliffe to appear on Meet the Press on April 19. Jaws dropped when NBC host Chuck Todd threw him a real Russert-like hardball, quoting from his 2007 memoir What A Party! "This is Hillary Clinton," said Todd. "This is you quoting her in your book. ‘They had…

Mitchell Parrots Hillary's Talking Points on Latest E-Mail Revelation

April 15th, 2015 5:04 PM
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell clearly has the latest Hillary Clinton talking points. On Wednesday, she discussed the New York Times revelation that the former Secretary of State was pressed two years ago on her private e-mail server. That congressional inquiry, headed by Republican Darrell Issa, received no response. On Andrea Mitchell Reports, the journalist regurgitated, "The answer I'm getting from…

Andrea Mitchell: U.S. Venezuela Sanctions 'Really Upset the Cubans'

April 10th, 2015 10:37 AM
Throughout her MSNBC show on Thursday from Panama at the Summit of the Americas, host Andrea Mitchell wrung her hands over the Obama administration actually trying to stand up to a Latin American dictator: "...there are other issues here, including recent sanctions by the U.S. against Venezuela, which have really upset the Cubans and a lot of America's close allies here, Costa Rica and Colombia…

NBC's Todd and Mitchell Scold Rand Paul After Today Show Interview

April 8th, 2015 3:39 PM
After Senator Rand Paul engaged in a heated interview with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie on Wednesday's Today, Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd repeatedly scolded the Republican presidential candidate over his conduct with their colleague.  

NBC's Mitchell & Todd Realize Nuke Deal Would 'Make Iran Stronger'

March 27th, 2015 3:35 PM
Despite having savaged Republicans two weeks earlier for voicing opposition to an Iran nuclear deal in an open letter to the totalitarian regime, on Friday, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd suddenly realized such a deal would be a bad idea.

Palestinian Activist Blasts Israel, 'Racist' GOP; NBC Reporter Sits By

March 20th, 2015 5:09 PM
Filling in as host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Friday, NBC national correspondent Peter Alexander brought on radical Palestinian activist and executive director of the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Yousef Munayyer to condemn Israel and the Republican Party. Alexander lobbed this softball: "What is your take on the back and forth right now between the President and…

Andrea Mitchell to Netanyahu: Congrats, Your Win is 'Costing You'

March 19th, 2015 5:02 PM
Starting off her interview with newly reelected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, NBC's Andrea Mitchell acknowledged his win – then told him how bad it was: "Prime Minister, congratulations on your victory. But – there's always a but – critics and analysts here and around the world are saying, 'At what cost?' Your hard turn right on the Palestinian issue, what you said about…

Andrea Mitchell Provides Palestinian Perspective on Netanyahu Victory

March 18th, 2015 5:04 PM
While in mourning over the re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on her Thursday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell avoided talking to any Israeli officials and instead brought on former Palestinian Authority spokesperson Diana Buttu to denounce the victory of the Jewish leader.

Jeffrey Goldberg: Netanyahu Used Israeli ‘Southern Strategy’ to Win

March 18th, 2015 1:55 PM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg repeatedly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s electoral strategy which he labeled “the Israeli version of the Southern Strategy.”  

MSNBC Denounces Netanyahu as a 'Panicking' 'Racist'

March 17th, 2015 5:06 PM
Reporting live from Tel Aviv and campaigning hard against the re-election of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on her MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell invited on one guest after another to denounce the Likud party leader.