Andrea Mitchell: ‘No Reason For The Debt Ceiling’; ‘It’s A Rea

September 27th, 2013 5:28 PM
Members of the liberal media continue to pile disrespect on the debt limit as the drumbeat for Congress to raise it grows louder. On Thursday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell called the debt limit “a really dumb idea” and said there was no reason for it. That's right, she wants to get rid of it altogether. Mitchell was talking to Rachel Maddow about the coming debt ceiling…

Andrea Mitchell Dismisses NBC News Poll Finding Americans Don’t Want

September 13th, 2013 6:15 PM
A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll stumbled across a very interesting finding: 44 percent of respondents said they did not think Congress should raise the debt ceiling before the U.S. reaches it in October, while only half as many (22 percent) said Congress should raise it. On Friday, Andrea Mitchell reported that finding on her eponymous MSNBC program Andrea Mitchell Reports, but she…

Andrea Mitchell: Can You Blame Obama For Not Calling On Congress In Sy

September 11th, 2013 5:47 PM
President Obama has been facing an unusual amount of criticism lately for his handling of the Syrian crisis, so it was only a matter of time before someone in the mainstream liberal media tried to cut him some slack for his weak leadership. On Wednesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, the host-turned-apologist asked if Obama could really be blamed for not calling on Congress to authorize a…

Andrea Mitchell Offers Glowing Video 'Tribute' to MSNBC's Rachel Maddo

September 9th, 2013 6:07 PM
At the end of Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports, fill-in host Kristen Welker teed up a taped congratulatory message of Mitchell marking the fifth anniversary of Rachel Maddow's left-wing MSNBC show: "It is a very special day here at MSNBC. Five years ago, The Rachel Maddow Show made its debut. Rachel, congratulations from all of us. And Andrea, even though she's on the road, wanted to be sure to…

NBC's Mitchell Blames Iraq 'Hangover' for Obama's 'Credibility Gap' on

September 5th, 2013 5:36 PM
In an interview with former Bush national security advisor Stephen Hadley on her Thursday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell pinned all of President Obama's problems selling military action in Syria to the Iraq War: "There is such a credibility gap between the White House and Congress, the leftover, the hangover from the Iraq War. So can you be at least a little sympathetic to what the…

NBC's Mitchell: Trust Obama, He's Going to Bomb Syria 'From A Very Cau

August 30th, 2013 4:42 PM
On her Friday MSNBC program, host Andrea Mitchell tried to ease the concerns of Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee and other members of Congress calling for a congressional vote on military action in Syria: "Barack Obama, as you know better than I do, was one of the leading Democratic politicians against the Iraq War. So if he says that this is different, that the evidence is there....does…

NBC's Mitchell: How Do We Stop All These GOP 'Voter Suppression Effort

August 29th, 2013 10:11 AM
In an interview with California attorney general Kamala Harris during live MSNBC coverage of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, host Andrea Mitchell fretted: "I talked to Jesse Jackson earlier about all the voter suppression efforts, and what's happened since the Supreme Court decision on the Voting Rights Act. What can be done, from your perspective –…

MSNBC Programs Lose Close to 50% of Viewers in One Year

August 27th, 2013 8:25 PM
The epic ratings slide for the so-called cable "news" station MSNBC continued in August. In fact, new numbers show that some of the network's programs lost up to almost half of their viewers since last August.

NBC's Mitchell: Is GOP Doing Democrats 'A Favor' by Pushing 'Voter Sup

August 27th, 2013 10:59 AM
On her 1 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Monday, host Andrea Mitchell touted Attorney General Eric Holder "speaking about the national battle for voting rights" in the wake of new state voter I.D. laws and lead off a panel discussion on the topic by wondering: "How will the President take on those voter suppression laws?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Mitchell eagerly…

MSNBC: Obama Having to 'Swat' GOP 'Gnats' That Are 'Swarming Around Hi

August 21st, 2013 5:39 PM
On Wednesday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, fill-in co-host Kathleen Matthews, wife of Hardball host Chris Matthews, lamented Republicans distracting President Obama from pushing his liberal agenda: "...the President's got the gnats of August swarming around him, with Ted Cruz out there fighting against ObamaCare. So, hard to kind of keep that message and that kind of – that solid message…

Matthews Bemoans Manning Sentence: 'Frail Guy Who Doesn't Look Threate

August 21st, 2013 2:43 PM
So what if he disclosed information that potentially threatened American lives and security interests?  Manning's a "frail guy who doesn't look threatening to anyone." So you have to question the length of his sentence. Such was the bizarre logic that Chris Matthews—guest hosting for Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC today—employed as he bemoaned Bradley Mannings' sentence--which could in practice…

Chris Matthews Congratulates DNC Chair for Uniting Democratic Party

August 19th, 2013 5:33 PM
Filling in for Andrea Mitchell on her 1 p.m. et MSNBC show on Monday, Hardball host Chris Matthews wrapped up an interview with Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz by adorning her with praise: "Congresswoman, I want to congratulate you on one thing that nobody ever gives you credit for, which is uniting the Democratic Party as it's never been united." [Listen to the…

NBC's Mitchell and WaPo's Cillizza Express 'Disappointment' in Obama's

August 9th, 2013 4:37 PM
On Friday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, while previewing President Obama's upcoming press conference, host Andrea Mitchell turned to The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and lamented the lack of liberal policy successes in the President's second term: "There's a disappointment factor because he doesn't have immigration reform, he doesn't have any notches on his belt, if you will, on domestic…

Andrea Mitchell: If Republicans Know What's Good for Them, They'll Acc

August 9th, 2013 10:35 AM
While MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell admitted that the planned NBC biopic of Hillary Clinton was a "bad idea," on her Thursday 1 p.m. ET hour show she and her guests scolded Republicans for refusing to allow the biased network to moderate GOP primary debates: "That's where you get debates where the audience is cheering because they were all hand picked by local or state parties, that's where you…