Press Ignores General Amos's Criticism of U.S.'s Poor 'Leadership' and

July 23rd, 2014 5:19 PM
It has been eight days since Marine Corps Commandant and Joint Chiefs of Staff member General James Amos spoke out against the current lack-of-leadership climate in Washington. Specifically, in a question-and-answer session at the Brookings Institution on July 15 (PDF transcript here), Amos noted how badly the situation in Iraq has deteriorated since U.S. troops' departure in 2010, and…

ABC, CBS Ignore Upcoming VA Secretary Confirmation Hearing; Will Netwo

July 22nd, 2014 1:25 PM
ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning both ignored the news Tuesday morning that President Obama’s nominee to become the next Secretary of the scandal-ridden Department of Veterans Affairs will testify today on Capitol Hill in his confirmation hearing.  NBC’s Today did cover the news, but only in the form of a 24 second news brief during the 7:00 a.m. hour from news reader Natalie…

Politico's Coverage of Obama's 'LGBT Executive Order' Ignores Left's W

July 21st, 2014 11:59 PM
President Obama signed an executive order on Monday which will force many religious organizations and their members to sever their service and business ties with the federal government if they wish to stay true to their beliefs. The EO adds "sexual orientation and gender identity" to the bases upon which contractors cannot discriminate if they wish to continue doing business with Uncle Sam.…

NYT, Apparently Other Press Orgs Complying With Hamas Coverage Restric

July 21st, 2014 12:45 PM
Sunday evening, Noah Pollak at the Weekly Standard noted that "Something important is missing from the New York Times's coverage of the war in Gaza: photographs of terrorist attacks on Israel, and pictures of Hamas fighters, tunnels, weaponry, and use of human shields." That's because Hamas has demanded that such photographs not be circulated. The Times is clearly complying, and without…

Priorities: As World Tensions Escalate, Schumer Pushes For Pet Meds Le

July 21st, 2014 9:16 AM
Let's see. A rebel group pushing for separation from Ukaine has shot down a passenger plane, killing almost 300 aboard. Israel has invaded Gaza. Illegal immigrants are flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, in at least one instance following a hail of protective gunfire directed at Border Patrol agents. Meanwhile, in news concerning truly important matters, New York Democratic Senator…

AP's Crutsinger Thinks Today's Econ News Was Good; Bloomberg's Glinski

July 18th, 2014 8:00 PM
There were two pieces of significant economy-related news today. The first was that the Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators increased for the fifth straight month, this time by 0.3 percent, while May's increase was revised up to 0.7 percent. The second was that the University of Michigan's preliminary June reading on consumer confidence came in at 81.3, a decline from May.…

As World Tensions Mount, State Dept.'s Psaki Tweets on Being 'Smart, S

July 18th, 2014 3:38 PM
The Obama administration is probably wondering why so many people of all political stripes don't believe that they take foreign policy seriously, up to and including charges that the president and his minions are doing the equivalent of fiddling as some parts of the world burn, and others threaten to. I don't see why would anyone think that (in case it's not obvious, that's sarcasm). After…

AP Quickly Buries Bad Housing News, While Reporter Crutsinger Blames I

July 17th, 2014 11:59 PM
Late this afternoon, I went to the Top Business Headlines page at the Associated Press's national web site to get today's new home construction news. Because the AP didn't have a story there (saved here for future reference), I knew it had to be bad, especially because to ignore it, the wire service made room in its Top 10 stories for an item on Toyota experimenting with fuel cells and aircraft…

AP Posts 500-Word Story on School Lunch Foods Controversy, Fails to Me

July 15th, 2014 12:00 AM
Michelle Obama's name must really be mud in the school nutrition community these days. I had to do a double-take when I read today's coverage of the School Nutrition Association's Annual Conference in Boston by Philip Marcelo at the Associated Press today. What Marcelo hid from the nation is that the SNA didn't want Michelle Obama or anyone else from the White House anywhere near their…

NYT Pentagon Correspondent: Government-Media ‘Dysfunctional Marriage

July 13th, 2014 9:18 PM
Well, this explains a lot. A Justin Lynch column ("Wartime Press") originally posted at the Weekly Wonk and republished at with a more foreboding title ("Bloggers, Surveillance and Obama’s Orwellian State") really ends up being an attempted justification by those Lynch quoted for having a close alliance between the government and "journalists" with "professional standards." Thom…

Associated Press Release? AP Highlights How Obama's 'Hope' Takes Aim a

July 13th, 2014 1:00 PM
The Huffington Post happily ran an Associated Press analysis by Josh Lederman that simply regurgitated Obama’s latest stump-speech complaint that the other side represents cynicism, but he still represents hope. The headline was "How 'hope' became Obama's fight against cynicism." Lederman never acknowledges the sorry state of Obama’s polling – that this is the lament of a man who’s lost all his…

AP's Taylor Swallows Administration's Absurd 2014 Full-Year Growth Est

July 12th, 2014 7:45 PM
At the Associated Press on Friday afternoon, Andrew Taylor, who it should be noted covers Congress and is not routinely on the economics or business beat, relayed an Obama administration prediction that economic growth in 2014 will come in at 2.6 percent. Taylor noted that this estimate, lowered from 3.3 percent, came about because of "the unexpected 2.9 percent drop in gross domestic product…

In Covering June Budget Surplus, AP's Boak Conveniently Forgets Larges

July 12th, 2014 10:27 AM
One of the reasons President Barack Obama and the left can continue to make their cherished "budget stalemate" arguments against conservatives and Republicans is that the establishment press has memory-holed tax increases, including "the largest tax increase in the past two decades," which have already taken place. It now acts as if taxes on "the wealthy," which are really taxes on "high-income…

AP Acts As If Only Dems Have Problems With Bloomberg's Ridicule of Two

July 11th, 2014 8:42 PM
In what appears to be an act of leftist self-defense, an unbylined story at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, describes certain Colorado Democratic politicians' crticisms of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg over recent "off-base remarks about two of its cities," but noted no reactions from Republicans — who are genuinely outraged, as opposed to arguably trying to…