AP, NYT, and Politico Ignore 'Serious High-risk Findings' at HealthCar

December 21st, 2013 10:24 AM
Friday morning, CBS News's Sharyl Attkisson reported that Teresa Fryer, the chief information security officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), "told Congress there have been two, serious high-risk findings since the website’s launch." Further, Fryer "told congressional interviewers that she explicitly recommended denial of the website’s Authority to Operate (ATO)" in…

AP: Reducing Fed's Annual 'Stimulus' From $1.02 Trillion to $900 Bil I

December 19th, 2013 11:25 PM
As would be expected, Associated Press reporter Martin Crutsinger Wednesday treated Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's announcement that the nation's central bank will reduce the amount of money it creates out of thin air from $1.02 trillion per year to $900 billion, i.e., from $85 a month to $75 billion, as "its strongest signal of confidence in the U.S. economy since the Great Recession…

Bloomberg, AP Mimic DOL Meme on Ugly Unemployment Claims Report: 'Holi

December 19th, 2013 12:31 PM
Bringing on yet another appearance of the dreaded "U-word" — "unexpectedly" (via Bloomberg) — the Labor Department reported today that initial claims for unemployment benefits rose to a seasonally adjusted 379,000. That's a nine-month high, and an increase from last week's also unexpected 369,000. This week's and last week's results were far above the 332,000 and 320,000, respectively, analysts…

AP's Price Spins Utah Dem's Retirement From Congress As Potential for

December 19th, 2013 8:24 AM
So here's the "logic" Michelle Price at the Associated Press relayed from Democratic circles in Utah in her Tuesday report on eight-term Democratic Congressman Jim Matheson's decision to leave Congress: He would have had a tough time defeating Mia Love in next year's congressional race rematch, but he's now in a better position to take on an incumbent Republican in a 2016 statewide race —…

CNN's Lemon and Toobin Prefer Bullying Klayman Over Discussing Judge's

December 18th, 2013 10:04 PM
Earlier today, Matt Hadro at NewsBusters refuted a ridiculous assertion Tuesday evening by CNN's Don Lemon who, in reaction to guest Larry Klayman's criticism, insisted that he is not "a big supporter of Obama" or an "ultra leftist." Horse manure, Don. Lemon and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin also acted like immature children in Klayman's presence. They were clearly mortified that — ugh —…

Via AP, WashPost Asks 'Is Santa a Military Pawn

December 17th, 2013 5:40 PM
The Washington Post's free commuter tabloid Express found no space to summarize the Post's Tuesday bad-news-for-Obama poll story. But in the Nation section, they did feature a story with this headline: "Is Santa a Military Pawn?" AP reported "A children's advocacy group says an animated video on the NORAD Tracks Santa website injects militarism into Christmas by showing fighter jets escorting…

'Today' Also Downplays and Truncates Obama's Admission of False 'Keep

December 17th, 2013 1:14 PM
Earlier this morning (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), in a post primarily about the Associated Press's whitewashing of President Barack Obama's quote of the year acknowledging that his multi-year guarantee — "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health clinic care plan, period" — was, ahem, "not ... accurate" (Obama's words), I noted that the related web page for NBC's "Today"…

AP Headlines Obama's 'Health Care Promise' As Year's Top Quote, Trunca

December 17th, 2013 9:18 AM
In what appears to be a deliberate watering down of the significance of the statement a Yale University librarian has identified as the year's top quote in his eighth annual list, the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, used the following headline in its Sunday morning "Big Story" coverage: "OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE PROMISE IS 2013 TOP QUOTE." Uh, no. The statement tagged as 2013's…

AP Fails to Connect Poll Finding to Obamacare: 11% With Employer Cover

December 16th, 2013 1:26 PM
An Associated Press-GfK poll has found that 11 percent of an admittedly small sample of Americans insured through their employer or a family member's employer are losing their coverage in 2014. The related AP report relays that point and even has a graphic supporting it. But reporters Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Jennifer Agiesta failed to make the drop-dead obvious connection. According…

Not News Outside Connecticut: Every Plan on State's Obamacare Exchange

December 13th, 2013 9:44 PM
Searches on "Connecticut" at the Associated Press's national site and at the Politico indicate that there's plenty of news about the Nutmeg State which the two web sites believe merit national attention. But somehow, the fact that the state's Obamacare exchange, Access Health CT, "had incorrect information online about deductibles and co-insurance impacting all 19 individual health plans from…

For Sochi Olympics, NBC Hires Soviet Union Apologist Who Called Its

December 13th, 2013 9:44 AM
Earlier this week, NBC Sports announced that "Moscow-based TV journalist Vladimir Posner (also frequently spelled "Pozner") will be a correspondent for NBC Olympics’ late-night show with Bob Costas during the Sochi Games." To call Posner's background "problematic" is like saying that Bob Filner, former Democratic Mayor of San Diego, has a bit of a problem with how he treats members of the…

Imagine That: As Obama Denies Its Importance, AP's Ohlemacher Identifi

December 11th, 2013 7:24 PM
Well, it's not perfect, but it's a start — and it's certainly a far cry from what President Obama is now willing to admit. In his report Tuesday on the congressional hearing for John Koskinen, Obama's nominee to be the next IRS Commissioner, Stephen Ohlemacher of the Associated Press wrote that Koskinen "told senators Tuesday he will work to restore public trust in the agency in the wake of…

AP's Report Bemoaning Income Inequality Says You're 'Rich' If You've E

December 10th, 2013 2:14 PM
Monday evening at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Hope Yen, with the help of lead AP pollster Jennifer Agiesta and three other reporters, tagged 20 percent of Americans as "rich." To do so, she reinvented what it is to be "rich" or "affluent." It apparently has nothing to do with how it is normally defined, i.e., based on current net worth (assets owned minus debts owed…

Ezra Klein Still Won't Call Obama 'Keep Your Plan' Guarantee a Lie, Re

December 9th, 2013 9:01 PM
As a reminder, the Washington Post's Ezra Klein was the founder of the secretive JournoList group late last decade. Their objective was to put left-wing writers, perhaps with input from the Democratic Party itself and certain of its candidates for national office, on the same page in their coverage of the news. That's useful to know, as on Saturday Klein published a column which might as well…