Gillibrand on 'This Week': 'We All Knew' That 'Keep Your Plan' Wasn't

November 18th, 2013 10:19 AM
Well, that settles it. Sunday on ABC's "This Week" (video here) New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand admitted that "We all knew" that Obamacare's core guarantee — "If you like your plan-doctor-provider, you can keep your plan-doctor-provider" — was false. That's "we" as in "all of us Democrats." There's no wiggle room in what Gillibrand said, as will be demonstrated after the jump.…

Politico's Purdum: Obama Had to Lie to Pass ACA Because Public Couldn

November 17th, 2013 8:52 PM
In a pathetic analyis piece at the Politico on Friday morning, Politico's Todd S. Purdum engaged in egregious excuse-making driven by a de facto admission that the Affordable Care Act would never have passed if the public had been told the truth about what was in it. This is the same Todd S. Purdum who recently, as Mark Finkelstein at NewsBusters reported earlier this month, accused…

Press Virtually Mum As Arne Duncan Blames Common Core Opposition on 'W

November 17th, 2013 4:56 PM
Will yet another example of rhetorical intemperance by an Obama administration official get a free pass? So far it mostly has. A Washington Post item by Valerie Strauss at its "Answer Sheet" blog quotes a dispatch from Libbly Nelson at the Politico, but does not link to it. I couldn't find a related original story by Nelson at her Politico archive or in a Politico search on Education…

Another 'Obama Lied' Euphemism About Obama's 'Cherished' Law, This Tim

November 17th, 2013 9:07 AM
At the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, who has been the wire service's lead reporter on Affordable Care Act matters for years, came up with a new euphemism to describe the now-broken unconditional guarantee made dozens of times by President Obama, at least 27 Senate Democrats, and many House Democrats, namely that "If you like your plan-doctor-provider…

Not Establishment Press News: Obamacare Causes Bowie State, Md.’s Ol

November 16th, 2013 11:56 AM
The student health care plan offered by Bowie State University, Maryland's oldest historically black college, is an example of one of those "substandard" plans President Obama, the Affordable Care Act's architects, and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius have been determined to extinguish. Well, they've gotten their way. Rather than continue a plan whose costs would have gone from $54 to $900 per…

'Road Trip!' As Obamacare Crumbles and Dems Defect From It, AP's Babin

November 16th, 2013 10:00 AM
In Animal House, when the members of Delta Tau Chi fraternity faced imminent expulsion for poor grades, they decided to take a "Road Trip!" to, as Wikipedia's plot summary indicates, "take their minds off their troubles." The presidential keister-kissers at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, are in a similar quandary. Over the past seven weeks, they've seen their favorite…

How About That? AP Details the 'Secret, Dirty Cost of Obama's Green Po

November 12th, 2013 1:30 PM
So it appears the Associated Press has discovered what conservative and libertarian economic critics have been saying all along: top-down government regulation to promote "green energy" has numerous unintended consequences, including negative repercussions for the environment. In their November 12 article, "The secret, dirty cost of Obama's green power push," AP writers Dina Cappiello and…

AP: Agencies 'Found' Billions to Get Through Sequestration, But 'Secon

November 11th, 2013 8:23 PM
Even though government operational outlays didn't really go down at all in fiscal 2013 compared to fiscal 2012, several government agencies ended up raiding slush funds (my term) to get through sequestration, the tiny reductions in previously increased projected spending which took effect during the second half of the fiscal year. This evening at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's…

Press Virtually Silent as Appeals Court Blocks Obamacare's Contracepti

November 11th, 2013 2:54 PM
The press has been obsessed with the fate of Obamacare's contraception mandate ever since religious, corporate, and other litigants began challenging it in the courts. So what explains the fact that a search on "Korte" at the Associated Press's national site and at the New York Times return nothing and nothing relevant, respectively? Or that there are only nine stories at Google Newsin a…

HuffPo, AP Report Obama Considering an Expansion of ObamaCare Subsidie

November 9th, 2013 11:43 PM
Sam Stein, who poses as a journalist while toiling at the Huffington Post (he lost any legitimate claim to the title when he wouldn't back away when caught red-handed pretending to know something he couldn't possibly know about John McCain's vetting or lack thereof of Sarah Palin in September 2008), wrote on Thursday (HT Hot Air) that "The Obama administration is considering a fix to the…

National Press Ignores Wendy Davis's Claim to Be 'Pro-Life,' 'Amateuri

November 9th, 2013 10:58 AM
Recently declared Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis had a really, really bad opening round of campaign appearances. Naturally, the national press, which swooned over the Fort Worth Democrat's ultimately failed filibuster against a common-sense pro-life law in the Lone Star State's legislature, pretended not to notice. They had local help. On Wednesday, At The Monitor in McAllen, Texas…

AP Promotes New Swedish Feminist Movie Ratings Established by 'Dykes t

November 6th, 2013 2:10 PM
Even as American movie theatres rebel against abiding by the NC-17 rating to keep high-school kids away from sex-drenched French movies, AP's Malin Rising reports (positively) that the Left would love to impose its own cultural standards on the movie industry: "movie theaters in equality-minded Sweden are introducing a new rating to highlight gender bias, or rather the absence of it." To get…

AP: 'Venezuela's Health Care System in Collapse'; Will Rest of U.S. Pr

November 6th, 2013 11:53 AM
The Associated Press has published a great but disturbing story. Given the frequent and deserved grief yours truly administers when the wire service lets its readers, listeners, viewers, and subscribing news organizations down, it seems only fair to acknowledge fine work when it does occur. The real question is, in the politically charged U.S. health care environment, whether the AP's…

AP's Initial Report From Obama's 'You Can Keep It If It Hasn't Changed

November 6th, 2013 9:22 AM
The Associated Press's initial coverage of President Obama's attempt to "reinvent history," the term used yesterday by the National Journal's Ron Fournier, is instructive. Monday evening, Obama claimed that his core "you can keep your (health care) plan" guarantee — made dozens of times from 2008 through 2012 — was only relevant "if it (your current plan) hasn’t changed since the law was passed…