Jimmy Carter's Craven Critiques, Part 1: World's Religions Share Blame

June 29th, 2013 3:08 PM
(See Updates Below based on commenter input) At first glance. Bill Barrow's write-up of Jimmy Carter's speech at his center's Mobilizing Faith for Women conference appears to have covered the facts about the conference and the specifics of the former U.S. president's outrageous attempts at moral equivalency in comparing how the world's religions treat women reasonably well. But the AP…

AP's Wiseman Indirectly Reveals That Top Half of Households Is Over

June 28th, 2013 11:55 PM
On Sunday, in a report which I contend would surely have been published on a weekday -- and more importantly, published with far greater clarity -- if a Republican or conservative were in the White House, the Associated Press's Paul Wiseman essentially explored the following question: "Why aren't people spending more if they're so much richer?" The answer he found, which should surprise no…

Imagine That: 'U.S. Warns on Egypt Travel, Moves to Reduce Presence

June 28th, 2013 8:10 PM
(UPDATE: "Obama Supports Terrorism" sign obtained at Twitchy.com) This "Arab Spring" update comes from the Associated Press: "The Obama administration on Friday warned Americans against all but essential travel to Egypt and moved to reduce the official U.S. presence in the country amid fears of widespread unrest." No one could possibly have predicted this type of crisis would be a likely…

Explaining Downward Revision of Economic Growth, AP Ignores Damage Fro

June 28th, 2013 4:27 PM
Before the government released its first estimate of first-quarter economic growth in late April, the establishment press, particularly Bloomberg News and the Associated Press, salivated at the chance to report the then-predicted "robust" annualized growth of 3 percent and to describe how the economy had "accelerated" from the previous quarter's pathetic 0.4 percent. When that first estimate…

Robert Spencer Skewers AP's Coverage of UK's Ban of Spencer-Pamela Gel

June 27th, 2013 4:05 PM
Over at Jihad Watch, Robert Spencer has posted what he says is the substance of his entire email exchange with James Brooks of the Associated Press in the wire service's coverage of the UK Home Office's decision to ban Spencer and fellow Stop the Islamization of America leader Pamela Geller, so we can compare what actually transpired to what was published. Brooks apparently did not contact…

Banned From Britain: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer

June 27th, 2013 1:21 AM
Pamela Geller announced at her Atlas Shrugs blog Wednesday morning that "the British government has banned us (herself and fellow Stop Islamization of America activist Robert Spencer) from entering the country ... In not allowing us into the country solely because of our true and accurate statements about Islam, the British government is behaving like a de facto Islamic state. The nation that…

AP's Crutsinger Writes Up Artificially Influenced 2.1% Increase in New

June 26th, 2013 1:55 PM
Continuing the business press's slavish devotion to seasonally adjusted figures in government reports to the exclusion of looking at what actually happened, Martin Crutsinger at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, began his Tuesday dispatch on May's new-home sales report from the Census Bureau as follows: "Sales of new homes rose in May to the fastest pace in five years, a…

Press Ignores Record Number of Food Stamp Households, But Frequently C

June 18th, 2013 11:23 PM
A search at Google News on "households food stamps record" done at 9 p.m. ET (not in quotes, sorted by date, with duplicates and similar items) returned three items. Two are at the Daily Caller (here and here); and the other is at Reason.com. Program statistics for March, the latest month available, show that a record 23.12 million households -- one in every five in the U.S. -- received food…

AP, Politico, Others Ignoring CNET Scoop: 'NSA Admits Listening to U.S

June 16th, 2013 12:17 PM
In a four-paragraph "Big Story" item time-stamped 10:48 a.m. ("CURRENT, FORMER OFFICIALS BACK SECRET SURVEILLANCE"), Stephen Braun at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, names several Sunday news program guests who he writes are "are supporting the government's collection of phone and Internet data following new revelations about the secret surveillance programs aimed at…

WashPost Reprints AP Story Protesting 'Outdated' ID Cards That Tell th

June 16th, 2013 8:37 AM
Here’s a headline that stood out in the Sunday Washington Post: “‘M’ or ‘F’? Outdated IDs don’t cover transgender individuals.” It even had the period, for emphasis. This was meant to be a news story on A-5, by AP reporter Lisa Leff, even though it read like a libertine-left pamphlet. The “outdated” part is an ID that describes a man who “identifies as” female. AP’s Leff constructed a whole…

AP Tries to Frame NSA Surveillance Issue as 'Far Left and Right' vs. E

June 16th, 2013 3:01 AM
In an early Wednesday morning story which seems to have been a strategic trial balloon, Charles Babington at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, ran a story trying to portray the NSA surveillance revelations by Edward Snowden and subsequent developments as matters which have only riled up people on the "far left and far right." Otherwise, the American people are okey-dokey…

AP Tries to Frame NSA Surveillance Issue as 'Far Left and Right' vs. E

June 16th, 2013 2:07 AM
In an early Wednesday morning story which seems to have been a strategic trial balloon, Charles Babington at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, ran a story trying to portray the NSA surveillance revelations by Edward Snowden and subsequent developments as matters which have only riled up people on the "far left and far right." Otherwise, the American people are okey-dokey…

Not News at AP: Connecticut Legislative District Goes GOP For First Ti

June 15th, 2013 9:45 PM
A GOP candidate for the Connecticut State Legislature's 53rd District about 70 miles northeast of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown won election on Tuesday, marking the first time the seat has gone to a Republican since Richard Nixon was president. Republican Samuel Belsito defeated Democrat Anthony J. Horn by a 58.5%-41.5% margin, largely because his stances in support of citizens'…

AP's Yost Ignores Mueller's String of Ignorant IRS Scandal Answers at

June 14th, 2013 12:20 PM
Not that it absolves them from blame, but one contributor to the Big Three establishment TV networks' utter failure to report on or keep up with developments in the IRS targeting scandal -- failures which have been noted by Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters, as well as by the Media Research Center's Brent Bozell on Sean Hannity's TV show last night -- is the Associated Press. The AP provides…