Bozell Column: Obama's Legacy? Scandal

May 14th, 2013 10:51 PM
The Obama scandals started piling up on top of each other in the last few days. The civil servants who testified on Benghazi were heart-breaking. Then the IRS admitted a punitive agenda against tax exemptions for groups with “Tea Party” in the name, or groups which “educate about the Constitution.” Then Eric Holder’s Justice Department was revealed to be wiretapping the Associated Press in…

AP's Yost Cuts Holder Undeserved Slack in DOJ's Power-Abusing Phone Re

May 14th, 2013 7:35 PM
In a disptach early this evening, the Associated Press's Pete Yost, perhaps signaling his employer's intent to remain the journalistic lapdog known as the Administration's Press, accepted at face value Attorney General Eric Holder's claim, while defending his department's actions, to have played no role in its wide-ranging subpoena of two months of AP phone records involving 20 cellular,…

Abuse of Power: Obama/Holder DOJ Admits It Obtained Two Months of AP J

May 13th, 2013 8:45 PM
In a move which appears conveniently timed to coincide with a wave of other arguably more damaging bad news for the administration, the Associated Press has reported that the Department of Justice informed the wire service on Friday that it had secretly obtained two months of reporters' and editors' telephone records. In the words of AP's Mark Sherman, in coverage late this afternoon, "the…

New Jersey Dems Caught on Hot Mic Wanting to 'Confiscate, Confiscate

May 11th, 2013 8:12 AM
How many times have we heard establishment press members, particularly broadcasters, insist that no one on the left side of the gun control discussion wants to take away anyone's guns? Just a few examples include CNN's Piers Morgan, CNN's Carol Costello, and MSNBC's Alex Wagner, even after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was quoted in the New York Times before Christmas saying that "confiscation…

Head Of IRS Tax-Exempt Division: 'I'm Not Good At Math

May 10th, 2013 4:21 PM

Associated Press Headline Casts Official House Hearing On Benghazi as

May 8th, 2013 12:58 PM
The Associated Press could not very well ignore today's hearing at which whistleblowers are testifying as to the events surrounding the Benghazi attack and the Obama administration's failed response thereto.  So AP did the next best thing from its liberal perspective: it downplayed the hearing's significance, casting it as a purely partisan event in its headline as a "GOP hearing." That is…

Liberal Beinart Calls for Dems to Denounce Harpootlian's Attacks on Go

May 8th, 2013 10:18 AM
At the Daily Beast on Sunday, liberal Peter Beinart called on Democrats and liberals to "strongly denounce" former South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian's insult campaign against Palmetto State Governor Nikki Haley, or else "Democratic Party bigotry is likely to get worse." It's too early to test Beinart's long-term prediction (such bigotry is bad enough already), but the…

Bill Richardson Says Ted Cruz Should Not Be 'Defined as a Hispanic,' T

May 6th, 2013 9:54 PM
In a web interview after his appearance on ABC's “This Week” yesterday, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who suddenly withdrew after being nominated by President Barack Obama to be his first Secretary of Commerce in 2009, was asked the following about freshman U.S. Senator Ted Cruz: "Do you think he represents most Hispanics with his politics?" His answer (video is at link) follows…

S. C. Dem Chair: Send Nikki Haley ‘Back To Wherever The Hell She Cam

May 5th, 2013 10:40 AM
The latest insensitive and arguably racist public utterance coming from the supposed party of tolerance and compassion comes from a Democrat in South Carolina. But not just any Democrat. This one is Dick Harpootlian, the Chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party. Harpootlian has a history of making outrageously offensive public remarks about South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, yet he…

AP Highlights GOP Problems for 2016, Ignores Democrat Baggage

May 2nd, 2013 6:21 PM
In the liberal fantasyland that is the Associated Press, it's only Republican governors with an eye on 2016 that are fraught with potential problems that could end their campaigns before they begin.  In their May 2 AP story, reporters Bob Lewis and Charles Babington sought to convince readers that the Republicans governors of Virginia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Florida are…

AP Ignores South Carolina Dem Calling ObamaCare 'Extremely Problematic

April 30th, 2013 10:43 PM
How do you know when a Democratic politician's or candidate's quote will either hurt that person or hurt President Obama (in this case, it's the latter)? When the Politico reports it, and the Associated Press avoids it. Elizabeth Colbert Busch, who is running against former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford for the congressional seat opened up when Tim Scott was appointed to replace Jim…

AP's Raum Seems Puzzled That 'Economic Gains May Not Help Democrats Mu

April 30th, 2013 9:35 PM
You've got hand it to some (probably most) of the reporters at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. Their story is that the economy is all right, and by gosh, they're sticking to it. Tom Raum's dispatch yesterday is a case in point. Along the way, he pulled out several of the tired spin-driven claims which have long since been taken down but which haven't yet penetrated the…

First-Quarter GDP, Part 3 of 3: AP's Crutsinger Argues With History

April 28th, 2013 5:14 PM
On Friday, the government reported that the economy grew by an annualized 2.5 percent during the first quarter. Earlier today, in Part 1 of this series, (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) I showed that while most news organizations, including CNN, Bloomberg and Reuters, characterized that news as a disappointment, especially comparred to expectations of 3.0 percent or more following an awful fourth…

First-Quarter GDP, Part 2 of 3: AP Argues With Itself

April 28th, 2013 12:48 PM
On Friday, the government reported that the economy grew by an annualized 2.5 percent during the first quarter. As I noted in Part 1 (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), three establishment press outlets (CNN, Bloomberg, and Reuters) pronounced the result "disappointing" -- but not Martin Crutsinger and Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press, whose headline read "AFTER NEAR-STALL IN LATE 2012,…