Pro-Life Democrats Call Out Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism'

July 24th, 2020 7:30 PM

Democrats for Life led a coalition against the Democrat Party’s “explicit support” for “abortion extremism” in its national platform in an open letter released on Friday.

Associated Press

AP Will Capitalize the 'B' in 'Black,' But NOT the 'W' in 'White'

July 22nd, 2020 3:49 PM

One apparent result of the rioting and looting in cities across the country by people of different races during the past few months is the decision made by employees with the Associated Press to continue lowercasing the first letter in the word “white.” However, a decision made last month to capitalize the “B” in “Black” will continue since there is “clear desire and reason” because of “the…

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Morning Joe 7-22-20

Trump's Measured Presser Sends Scarborough Into New Screaming Fit

July 22nd, 2020 12:38 PM

President Trump's measured, somber, tone at his coronavirus press conference of July 21st enrages Joe Scarborough, sending him into a screaming, table-pounding, fit about how he's killing Americans.

Column: The Journalistic Malpractice of Touting 'Devout' Biden

July 22nd, 2020 6:23 AM

Get a load of this badly disguised press release from AP, headlined "Biden's bid touts faith, courts even religious conservatives." A Biden aide declared Biden's identity as "a very devout Catholic and person of deep faith" is "baked into" his campaign. Rebuttal? Not allowed.

Kneeling pro soccer players

Women's Soccer Players Kneel; NASCAR Anthem Musician Denounces U.S.

June 29th, 2020 4:48 PM

The topic of race enveloped two sporting events this past weekend. Saxophonist Mike Phillips, who performed the Star Spangled Banner prior to Sunday's NASCAR competition at Pocono Raceway, called America a racist nation. All members of the Portland and North Carolina teams kneeled during the national anthem prior to their National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) game in Utah Saturday.

George Soros Group Part of $59M Mail-In Voting Effort to Help Left

June 18th, 2020 4:03 PM

Liberal billionaire George Soros is pouring it on in a multimillion-dollar effort to help Democrats turn out their voters in the 2020 election. The Associated Press reported that “A network of deep-pocketed progressive donors is launching a $59 million effort to encourage people of color to vote by mail in November.”


McEnany Tells Off Lefty WH Press on Social Distancing Double Standard

June 17th, 2020 8:00 PM

Amidst what was sadly a White House Press Briefing marred by a litany of audio problems (which the White House later cleans up), the shameless liberal press corps turned in an embarrassing performance while Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany schooled them on their double standard in coronavirus concerns about Saturday’s Trump rally versus Black Lives Matter protests.

AP Cries False on 'Trump vs. Twitter' on Coronavirus Spin

May 31st, 2020 11:50 AM

AP's "Fact Check" team obsessively challenges the statements of President Trump, almost to the exclusion of other people in national politics. But are they checking facts, or opinions? On Saturday, they claimed Trump "stretched the facts or shredding them as he tried to make the best of a U.S. death toll surpassing 100,000 from the coronavirus" and other issues. Their "fact check" was actually…

AP Cameraman Fired After Criticizing Palestinians for Beating Reporter

May 30th, 2020 10:45 AM

Covering the news in the Middle East can be a very dangerous job, especially when opposing forces become intensified during clashes between warring factions. That was the situation this week, when Eyad Hamad, a veteran cameraman for the Associated Press, stated that he was fired after the Palestinian Authority filed a complaint against him for criticizing security forces who had arrested and…


Carlson Blasts the Liberal Media for Mental Pain Caused by Lockdowns

May 22nd, 2020 7:21 PM
Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson began his eponymous show Wednesday with a lengthy monologue eviscerating the left and their allies in the media for their eager peddling of indefinite lockdowns and limits on American life with no expiration dates. Specifically, he called out the liberal media for their dangerous promotion of eternal lockdowns contributing to a massive, national mental health…

Column: AP Says Ditch the 'Mistress'

May 15th, 2020 6:18 AM
The 2020 Associated Press Stylebook is being published soon, and the AP is not humble about what it represents. “The style of The Associated Press is the gold standard for news writing,” they boast, and the book offers a sturdy path to the AP’s “famous” brand of “clarity and professionalism.” In recent years, conservatives have seen AP’s Stylebook squad tilt perilously to the Left, foregoing…

Smackdown: Citing the MRC, McEnany Embarrasses the Liberal Media

May 8th, 2020 3:27 PM
Along with reporters donning masks (which led to muffled questions), Friday’s abbreviated White House Press Briefing was tough sledding for the liberal media. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany began her third briefing highlighting the Justice Department dropping the Michael Flynn case and citing NewsBusters before ending later with a zing to a perturbed Paula Reid from CBS.

AP 'News' Story: Virus 'Shakes the Conceit of American Exceptionalism'

April 24th, 2020 11:50 AM
The branding of the Associated Press used to be just-the-facts news. But today, they uncork snotty commentaries without even slapping the word “News Analysis” on it. Get a load of this headline today: "Coronavirus shakes the conceit of ‘American exceptionalism’." Reporter Calvin Woodward uncorked nothing but editorializing about "cascading failures and incompetencies" under Trump.

YIKES: Reporters Lob Questions Attacking Hope, Closing Grocery Stores

April 6th, 2020 12:41 AM

True to form in Sunday’s White House Coronavirus Task Force daily briefing, multiple White House reporters made complete fools of themselves, firing off snarky questions to President Trump taking issue with him showing hope amid this pandemic, the idea of anyone using hydroxychloroquine, and even wondering whether even grocery stories should be closed indefinitely.