AP, Stelter Hide Truth About Leftists Behind NJ's Media Handout Law

July 6th, 2018 7:10 PM
The Free Press Action Fund, the far-left group that lobbied for the just-passed New Jersey "Civic Info Bill," which authorizes $5 million of taxpayer money for "grants to strengthen local news coverage," is getting an underserved but predictable free pass from the establishment press. Two prominent cheerleaders include the Associated Press and CNN's Brian Stelter.

Associated Press Posts Two Misleading Headlines in One Day

July 6th, 2018 3:09 PM
On Thursday, the Associated Press posted two misleading headlines to their Twitter account, one with a full article attached. The first tweet had the article to match but misled their followers into thinking that the U.S. Army was discharging dozens of immigrants simply because they were immigrants.

Shocking Year of Media Indifference Over Three Threats on Paul's Life

July 4th, 2018 6:50 PM
There were two developments Monday in the disgraceful year-long, media-underplayed saga involving threats on Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul's life. First, federal prosecutors appealed the 30-day sentence given to Rene Boucher, who violently assaulted Paul in November. Meanwhile, as NewsBusters' Nicholas Fondacro noted in a separate Monday evening post, Capitol Police arrested a man who…

AP Resists, Tries to Distort Good News in Trump-Saudi Oil Discussion

July 2nd, 2018 10:28 AM
On Saturday afternoon, Ken Thomas and Jon Gambrell at the Associated Press demonstrated the wire service's chronic resistance to recognizing genuinely good news during the Trump era. The pair pretended in their story about Donald Trump's Saturday conversation with Saudi King Salman that the President could only "claim" that Saudi Arabia has agreed to significantly boost its oil production in…

AP Describes Authoritarian California Gun Law As 'Unusual' and 'Rare'

June 29th, 2018 3:38 PM
California's Supreme Court unanimously ruled Thursday that the state's legislature can pass a law knowing full well that compliance is impossible. The law in question, as described in the Associated Press's coverage, requires "new models of semi-automatic handguns to stamp identifying information on bullet casings when shots are fired." The underlying law defines any such weapon without this…

Williams: Fonda Tirade 'Poorly Worded,' Says Fox Hosts 'Delight in It'

June 23rd, 2018 2:00 PM
On Wednesday's edition of The Five on Fox news, Juan Williams passed off Peter Fonda's overtly threatening tweet wishing that 12-year-old Barron Trump should "be put in a cage with pedophiles" as "poorly worded." He also claimed that his fellow hosts were "taking delight" in the appearance of Fonda's series of threatening tweets, because talking about them "takes away from the conversation…

Media Ignores Wage, Regulatory Issues Causing Starbucks Store Closings

June 21st, 2018 9:59 PM
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson announced Tuesday that the nation's number 3 fast-food outlet (by number of locations) is closing 150 U.S. stores. It's not difficult to read Johnson's comments as indicating that the shuttered stores will primarily be in "blue" or liberal sections of the U.S. At the same time, he has specifically targeted "middle America and the South" for expansion. The business…

Press Found UAC Trafficking in Jan. 2016, Did No White House Follow-up

June 19th, 2018 10:31 PM
The press has gone into hyperbolic overdrive criticizing the Trump administration for separating families caught illegally crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. They clearly want the public, against all evidence, to believe that questionable processing of illegal-immigrant children and their families only began after Donald Trump took office last year. But in January 2016, the Associated Press, the…

Not News: Planned Parenthood Runs to Trump's NLRB to Stop Union Effort

June 19th, 2018 8:06 PM
The establishment press, which never seems to miss a chance to highlight conflict among Republicans and conservatives, is ignoring a major dispute involving two of the left's most prominent organizations: The SEIU and Planned Parenthood. The union has tried to organize workers at the Rocky Mountains affiliate of the nation's largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood is not pleased with the…

'We Were Warned:' AP Touts Anniversary For Climate Change Activist

June 18th, 2018 4:49 PM
On Monday, the Associated Press launched a series of planned articles marking the 30th anniversary of former NASA scientist James Hansen's "opening salvo of the age of climate change," as Douglas Brinkley it. Seth Borenstein and Nicky Forster trumpeted how "we were warned" by Hansen's June 1988 congressional testimony, and underlined that "thirty years later, it’s clear that Hansen and other…

Press Ignores Obama's Lie About Emails to Hillary's Private Server

June 15th, 2018 4:49 PM
Thursday's Inspector General's report reviewing FBI and Department of Justice actions before the 2016 election effectively concluded that former President Barack Obama lied to the American people and committed illegal acts in emailing then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private-server email addresses. The IG also found that former FBI Director James Comey scrubbed all hints of Obama's prior…

Sudden Media Respect for Mark Sanford as He Loses in S.C. GOP Primary

June 13th, 2018 7:47 PM
The press is simplistically treating South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford's Tuesday Republican primary loss as exemplifying the price one pays if one doesn't learn, per the Associated Press, "not to cross (President Donald) Trump." A closer look at Sanford's history illustrates that this is a classic case of sudden media respect which ignores why Sanford was so vulnerable.

AP Reporter Bitterly Rips Amazon as Seattle's 'Head Tax' Faces Repeal

June 12th, 2018 5:21 PM
Seattle's $275-per-employee "Head Tax" (EHT), which was to be levied against every business with over $20 million in revenue, was repealed on Tuesday by a 7-2 City Council vote. City leaders' abrupt repeal occurred when it became obvious that a referendum effort would gather far more than enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. In a 1 p.m. ET Associated Press dispatch published…

Polio Reappears in Venezuela, With Virtually No Mentions of Socialism

June 11th, 2018 7:29 PM
Venezuela's descent under Bolivarian socialist President and de facto dictator Nicolas Maduro has achieved yet another grim milestone. This time it's the return of polio, on top of other previously eradicated diseases including diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, and malaria. The return of polio has caught the attention of some in the international press in the past few days, but only one of over…