AP Unfazed By Blatantly Contradictory Climate Change Agitprop

January 19th, 2024 3:00 PM

The eco fanatics over at The Associated Press are trying to have their cake and eat it too by screeching “climate change” to explain both freezing and warm weather happening simultaneously around the world.


PBS Defends AP's Premature Iowa Call: 'Been Doing It for 170 Years'

January 19th, 2024 12:11 PM

Even some in the liberal press were a bit bothered by the Associated Press’s decision to call the Iowa caucuses for Donald Trump at 7:30 p.m., just 30 minutes after they’d begun and before some caucus-goers had even voted. The decision was especially significant, given the handwringing in the mainstream press about the dangers a second Trump term would pose to free elections and democracy…

HA HA: Lefty Media Freak Over Conservative Baltimore Exec Saving Paper

January 17th, 2024 2:26 PM

In February 2021, liberal journalists (correctly) were crestfallen that Tribune, The Baltimore Sun’s parent company, would merge with Alden Global Capital, an infamous newspaper conglomerate known for stripping down newspapers to ghost status. After it was announced Monday that local businessman and Sinclair Broadcasting Group executive Chairman David Smith had rescued The Sun…


Fox’s Doocy, Even CNN’s Lee Asks KJP: Where Has Biden Been All Week?

January 12th, 2024 1:48 PM

When you have the Fox News Channel and CNN asking the same thing this week during White House press briefings, that’s a bad sign for any administration. Such was the case as, on Wednesday and Thursday, CNN’s M.J. Lee and Fox’s Peter Doocy pressed the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre where has Joe Biden been this week as he wasn’t seen in public on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday…

‘Progress’? Leftist Media Pathetically Sugarcoat Hot Inflation Numbers

‘Progress’? Leftist Media Pathetically Sugarcoat Hot Inflation Numbers

January 12th, 2024 12:39 PM

Legacy media outlets scrambled to save the pro-Bidenomics narratives they’ve been spewing after new data showed inflation came in hot in December.

Know-Nothing Media Hit DeSantis’ ‘Pale Pastels’ Reagan Quote As Sexist

January 11th, 2024 1:02 AM

A basic tenet of any sort of media tradecraft, whether in print or on-screen, is that you should have some knowledge of the things of which you speak or write. Revolutionary concept, I know. When that doesn’t happen, we get what we saw tonight- an assortment of drive-bys beclowning themselves over the meaning of a quote used by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a callback to Ronald Reagan.


Here’s What You Missed (or Not) from 2024’s First WH Press Briefings

January 8th, 2024 6:15 PM

Last week featured only two White House press briefings (Wednesday and Thursday), but it brought about more of the same as the National Security Council’s John Kirby helmed much of both installments when taking questions about foreign policy and the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre began 2024 with nothing but venom for Biden’s opponents on domestic issues.


WATCH: Jesse Watters Rips AP’s Eco-Extremist Bias

January 5th, 2024 2:06 PM

Fox News host Jesse Watters ripped apart the Associated Press (AP) for accepting funding from eco-extremist donors while still painting itself as an impartial news service.

AP's Take on Gay Ouster: Plagiarism 'Conservative Weapon' vs. Colleges

January 3rd, 2024 9:42 PM

The Associated Press story on the resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay was a pathetic woke whine from headline to text: “Plagiarism charges downed Harvard’s president: “Harvard president's resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges: plagiarism.” It got no better: "Christopher Rufo, a conservative activist who helped orchestrate the effort against Gay, celebrated…

Climate-Obsessed Associated Press Reveals Wacky Eco-Extremist Donor

January 3rd, 2024 3:37 PM

How The Associated Press could admit to being financed by eco-extremist donors and yet still claim to be neutral when it comes to its climate change reporting defies common sense.

FLASHBACK: Media’s Crisis of Credibility Got Even Worse in 2023

December 30th, 2023 8:40 AM

It’s hardly a secret that large swaths of the public have soured on the news media as reliable communicators of factual information. A series of new polls released in 2023 showed the public’s distrust of the media elite has gotten worse, not better.

AP Wonders 'Can Journalism Save Democracy?' (and Defeat Trump)

December 24th, 2023 8:32 AM

Most of the anti-Trump media have endorsed the argument of leftist New York University professor Jay Rosen that "horse race" coverage of the 2024 election is trivial and should be shelved in favor of full-blown panic about the stakes of a second term for President Trump. In other words, the media must engage in incessant fear-mongering about democracy dying in darkness if Republicans win.


Sen. Vance SCHOOLS AP Reporter on Rampant Media Bias on Border Crisis

December 20th, 2023 11:09 AM

The Daily Caller posted audio of Sen. J.D. Vance (R.-Ohio) lecturing a reporter on Capitol Hill about the blatant bias in how they cover Trump, Biden, and the border crisis. "You guys seem far more upset about the guy who criticized the problem than you did about Joe Biden, who’s causing the problem.”


The Bold & the Beautiful…& the Pro-Hamas: This Week at WH Briefings

December 15th, 2023 11:32 AM

With President Biden out and about to start the week, White House press briefings didn’t kick off this week until Wednesday and continued on Thursday, leaving plenty of space for questions from the left bashing Israel, the New York Post’s Steven Nelson and Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann stumping Biden flacks Karine Jean-Pierre and John Kirby, and, of course, Doocy Time on Hunter…