Press Fantasy: Trump Is Inheriting an Obama Economic 'Boom'

December 7th, 2016 11:54 PM
Readers who have spent any time reading economic dispatches from the establishment press since the presidential election have likely noticed that its business journalists have taken to praising the alleged wonders of the economy President Barack Obama is passing on to President-Elect Donald Trump. Current reality renders the praise completely undeserved, but of course that's not stopping them…

Not News: Black Lives Matter Praises Castro's Harboring of Cop-Killers

December 6th, 2016 12:09 AM
No review of the reactions of leftists and the establishment press (but I repeat myself) to the death of Fidel Castro would be complete without seeing what the wonderful, caring people at Black Lives Matter wrote after the Cuban dictator died. BLM's reaction is posted at a website called Since that post doesn't link elsewhere, it was possible to hope that the content there doesn't…

AP, as Castro's Ashes Interred: A 'Near-Religious Farewell'

December 4th, 2016 11:15 PM
A funny thing happened on the way to delivering Fidel Castro's ashes to their final resting place. According to an Associated Press photo caption, soldiers had to "push the jeep and trailer carrying the ashes of the late Fidel Castro after the jeep briefly stopped working during Castro’s funeral procession near Moncada Fort in Santiago, Cuba." had a sense of the symbolism: "The…

Earnest Claims 805K Mfg. Jobs Gained Under Obama; No, It's 303K Lost

December 1st, 2016 11:56 AM

At Wednesday's White House press briefing, Obama administration Press Secretary Josh Earnest, in a fit of completely unsupported arrogance, claimed that 805,000 jobs have been created "while President Obama was in office," and that "President Obama has set a high standard" in that regard. The lazy stenographers posing as journalists present at the briefing, along with other reporters covering…


AP, Several Other Outlets Ignore Hillary's 2005 Flag-Burning Bill

November 29th, 2016 11:25 PM
Well now. The press has been raking President-Elect Donald Trump over the coals for proposing "consequences" for burning the American flag. It's especially rich to see leftists like Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post invoke the name of the otherwise completely despised late Antonin Scalia, who was considered the tie-breaking Supreme Court Justice in the 1989 case when the Court ruled that flag-…

AP 'Guidance' on Using 'Alt-Right' Designed to Smear Conservatives

November 29th, 2016 5:28 PM
In an extraordinarily selective move which reeks of political motivations, the Associated Press has issued "usage" and "boilerplate" guidance relating to the "alt-right" which it clearly expects its "1,400 U.S. daily newspaper members and thousands of television and radio broadcast members" to follow. The AP is essentially demanding that journalists henceforth define the beliefs of the "alt-right…

At AP, Castros' Cuban 'Revolution' Is Alive and Well as It Never Died

November 27th, 2016 4:01 PM
Geraldo Rivera is far from the only member of the U.S. press with what Fox News's Pete Hegseth described Saturday as a "reflexive desire" to see Communist dictator Fidel Castro, whose death was announced Friday night, as a "cult hero." Entire major U.S. news outlets fell prey decades ago.

Press Is Largely Ignoring Recent Awesome Fossil Fuel-Related News

November 24th, 2016 10:00 AM
Since Donald Trump's election, environmental zealots have mostly had a very rough two weeks — and Donald Trump has had nothing to do with any of it. Two developments they consider really bad (meaning good for the rest of us) far outweigh the single item they're celebrating. First, in Wyoming, just two days after the election, their "fracking is bad" Exhibit A in Pavillion, Wyoming was completely…

Obama to NYT: My Admin Hasn't Had the 'Kinds of Scandals' Others Have

November 22nd, 2016 6:42 PM
At a Sunday press briefing in Lima, Peru, President Barack Obama concluded his response to a question referring to how President-Elect Trump might consider handling his extensive holdings during his presidency by saying that "I am extremely proud of the fact that over eight years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations."

Real AP Headline: 'Trump Staff Picks 'Injustice to America''

November 21st, 2016 11:15 PM
It's hardly a secret that establishment press news organizations have had a hard time coping with the reality that Donald Trump is this nation's President-Elect. Having worked so zealously in their failed effort to push Hillary Clinton over the finish line while abandoning all remnants of journalistic standards, the Associated Press and its reporters appear to be among the hardest hit. That…

Press Yawns as Howard Dean Calls Bannon a 'Nazi'

November 21st, 2016 3:49 PM
Though there are other candidates for the post, it appears that the two leading contenders to take the disgraced Donna Brazile's place as the head of the Democratic National Committee are Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison and former 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean. It appears that one of the requirements to be DNC head is being on the record as equating Republican and conservative…

After AP Sets Ceiling, Economic Growth Forecasts Get Bumped Up

November 18th, 2016 10:49 AM
The Associated Press's coverage of the U.S. economy is undergoing its own presidential transition. One might expect a bit of chaos as the AP moves from frequently and inordinately praising and defending the historically awful economy we've seen during the past eight years under a Democratic administration to eventually downplaying and bashing it at every opportunity once a Republican takes over.…

CNN Imagined Anti-Semitism in Trump Ad, Ignores Ellison's Statements

November 17th, 2016 7:33 PM
The weekend before Election Day, Jake Tapper at CNN, interviewing Democratic Minnesota Senator Al Franken, used the classic "some people say" tactic to allege that there were anti-Semitic undertones in the Donald Trump campaign's closing ad. Why? Because three of the many people briefly pictured in the ad, in which the candidate criticized the political establishment's attitudes and actions which…

Transition Team 'Chaos'? No Appointments in First 5-6 Weeks Is Norm

November 17th, 2016 1:27 PM
The latest media meme on President-Elect Donald Trump is that his presidential transition effort is in "chaos," "total disarray," etc. Establishment press outlets from the supposedly chastened (but not really) New York Times, to the Associated Press, to the fever swamps at the Huffington Post, are relentlessly playing that tune. As Bret Baier at Fox News noted on Special Report Wednesday night,…