
Press Loves Stewart's 'Man-Baby' Trump Tag, Downplay His Hillary Hits

May 13th, 2016 12:02 PM
In an appearance at the University of Chicago on Monday, Jon Stewart, as NewsBusters' Scott Whitlock noted the next day, mocked those who think highly of this country's ideals and history, and particularly GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and his supporters, when he asked, "When was American great?" In that interview with former Obama presidential campaign chief David Axelrod, the former fake Comedy…

WashPost Headline Says 'The Economy's Real Drag' Is 'Us'

May 11th, 2016 5:14 PM
In case you didn't get the message the first or second time around, the Washington Post wants you to hear it again: Cool your complaints about the weak U.S. economy, because it's your fault. To be clear, the problem is primarily with the Post's headline — "The economy’s real drag: Us" — than with Robert J. Samuelson's content, which at least gave American consumers credit for having "sobered up…

Barely News: Rendell Says Sanders' Delegates Must 'Behave' in Philly

May 11th, 2016 6:55 AM
Ed Rendell, the chairman of this year's Democratic National Convention, stepped in it bigtime in a Sunday interview with billionaire businessman and radio talk show host John Catsimatidis. He got in even deeper trouble with supporters of candidate Bernie Sanders when he tried to explain himself. Though there's plenty of hostility in the Republican Party these days, there's no shortage of it…

Not News: Kerry Tells Grads We're in a 'Borderless' World

May 9th, 2016 6:08 AM
Based on the content of John Kerry's Friday commencement speech at Northeastern University, one might have expected that those in attendance threw away their passports after the event ended. That's because the Obama administration's Secretary of State told those in attendance: "You’re about to graduate into a complex and borderless world." Kerry's extraordinarily dense, naive and dangerous…

CNN and NY Times Fail to Label This Convicted NY Democrat

May 6th, 2016 3:16 PM
Forner New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, was sentenced to 12 years in prison Monday after being convicted last year "in a $5 million corruption case alleging he traded favors to enrich himself and then lied about it." Perhaps cognizant of the fact that media watchers are looking over their shoulders, the primary dispatch and several other news stories at the Associated…

AP Uses Soldier's Death to Smear His Grandfather (See Update)

May 4th, 2016 8:30 AM
The establishment press seemingly never misses an opportunity to smear a conservative's or businessperson's reputation upon their death. For those who need reminders, see how the Associated Press went after Tony Snow in 2008 and how the New York Times treated Cracker Barrel founder Danny Evins in 2012. Today, the AP took matters a step further, using the occasion of a soldier's death to smear his…

WashPost Blog: Cops Less Likely to Shoot Unarmed Black Suspects

April 29th, 2016 2:58 PM
The Black Lives Matters folks and their enablers in the press won't like this one bit. On Wednesday, Washington Post writer Tom Jackman, at the paper's True Crime blog, reported on a rigorous study of police behavior which found that, in his words, "even with white officers who do have racial biases, officers are three times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects…

Broke Socialist Paradise Venezuela Can't Pay to Have Its Money Printed

April 29th, 2016 12:44 AM
Venezuela's hyperinflationary economic crisis has gotten worse in one very important and apparently unprecedented sense than even the one seen in Weimar Germany in the 1920s. Yet the Associated Press and the New York Times apparently have no interest in telling their readers, listeners or viewers about it. In the post-World War I German Weimar Republic, the situation became so out of control…

John Bolton on FNC: Obama Has Iran 'On a Highway to Nuclear Weapons'

April 27th, 2016 11:59 PM
On Fox News shortly after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's foreign policy speech today, former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton evaluated what the GOP frontrunner had to say about Iran's efforts to develop nuclear weapons. He also stated the inconvenient truth about the Obama administration's nuclear "deal" with Iran, namely that it puts the jihad-driven, terrorist-funding,…

AP Story on Anti-Trump Violence Explains Why So Few Trust the Media

April 27th, 2016 8:07 PM
An April 17 Associated Press story reported that "Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media." AP writers Carole Feldman and Emily Swanson complained that "perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans' skepticism about what they read on social media." In a later paragraph, they confessed that "The poll shows that accuracy clearly is the most…

Not News: Hillary Promising to 'Go Further' Left Than Obama

April 26th, 2016 11:58 PM
Search for "go further" and "Hillary Clinton" for recent news on the Democratic Party's frontrunner, and you won't find any establishment press coverage. This is disappointing but not unexpected. The establishment press continues to run interference for her, and reporting that Mrs. Clinton will "go further" (to the left, of course) on a number of issues than Barack Obama has while he has been…

Delusional AP Treats Awful Economic Report as ‘Rebound’

April 26th, 2016 12:33 PM
Today's stories at the business wires covering this morning's disastrous durable goods report from the Census Bureau ranged from good to absolutely horrid. March orders only increased by a seasonally adjusted 0.8 percent, less than half of the 1.7 percent to 2.0 percent increase that was expected. Additionally, February's originally reported decline of 2.8 percent was revised down to -3.1 percent…

AP Reporter Outraged by State Dept. Spox's Claim About Troops in Syria

April 25th, 2016 11:24 PM

State Department spokesman John Kirby did a fist-pounding imitation of Baghdad Bob at a press conference today on the Obama administration's decision "to send 250 more troops to Syria." Note that the Associated Press report by Kathleen Hennessey linked in the first paragraph refers to "troops," not "advisers" or "trainers." This is important, because that AP report acknowledges that in…

Obama Takes Credit For 'Saving World Economy From a Great Depression'

April 25th, 2016 6:25 PM
If what Barack Obama contended in London, England on Saturday was obviously true, I suspect that the establishment press would be broadly proclaiming it and looking back at the President's wonderful work. What Obama is claiming — that his presidency is responsible for "saving the world economy from a Great Depression" — is nonsense, but he's clearly beginning to lobby for it to become the…