WashPost: Asad Shah's Death Had 'Nothing to Do With Christianity'

April 9th, 2016 5:08 PM
Two weeks ago, yours truly posted on a very inadequate March 26 U.S.-distributed Associated Press story out of Glasgow the previous day (since expired) about the murder of Asad Shah. Despite the fact that far more information was known at the time, the wire service would only acknowledge that "the killing of a Muslim shopkeeper who wished Christians a happy Easter is being investigated as '…

Not News: Once-Deported Illegal-Immigrant Driver Kills Father, 2 Girls

April 7th, 2016 12:33 AM
In a properly functioning news environment, where genuine journalists recognize important news and report it without first screening its relevance through a PC filter, the deaths of volunteer firefighter Peter Hacking and his two young daughters in a car crash near Wylie, Texas last week would have become a widely covered national story by now. Sadly, virtually the only reason it's known at all…

More Details on Those 'Low-Level' Recipients of Obama's Commutations

April 6th, 2016 6:40 PM
On Sunday, I noted how USA Today, the Associated Press, and the establishment press in general have swallowed the Obama administration's line that the 61 convicted and incarcerated criminals whose sentences the President commuted last Thursday were "low-level inmates" guilty of "low-level drug offenses." A spreadsheet working only from the information the White House provided demonstrates that…

Hillary Loses Again; AP Plays Race Card to Explain Away Sanders' Win

April 5th, 2016 11:18 PM
At Politico tonight, the headline is: "Sanders crushes Clinton in Wisconsin." Given Mrs. Clinton's frontrunner status and the fact that, as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel noted on Saturday (HT Ann Althouse), "Wisconsin has a nearly unbroken modern-day record of voting for party front-runners in its presidential primary," that's an accurate characterization of Sanders' 12-point lead over Mrs.…

AP's Econ Writers Hype 'Healthy' Job Market, Ignore Flat Pay

April 4th, 2016 5:02 PM
The Associated Press, the nation's de facto business news gatekeeper for those who don't follow the economy or the markets closely, is telling America that the U.S. job market is fine, and ignoring the dismal results seen in weekly pay during the past several months. Christopher Rugaber's Friday evening coverage of the government's jobs report earlier in the day described the reported 215,000 in…

AP, NY Times Ignore Hillary's Reference to 'Unborn Person'

April 3rd, 2016 10:21 PM
Earlier this evening, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters noted how Hillary Clinton committed an obvious gaffe for someone who is supposedly radically pro-abortion. On NBC's Meet the Press, Chuck Todd asked, "When, or if, does an unborn child have constitutional rights?" Mrs. Clinton responded that "the unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights." The best way to tell when a leftist's gaffe is…

USA Today: Obama Commuted Sentences of Only 'Low-Level Inmates'

April 3rd, 2016 5:56 PM
The antennae went up when I saw the following tease on the front page of Thursday's USA Today print edition: "Obama commutes sentences for 61 low-level inmates." The brief description which immediately followed told readers that "He has cut sentences for 248 so far, more than (the) previous 6 presidents combined, official says." Hmm. What's a "low-level inmate"? The underlying Page 3A article by…

AP Video on Small Biz Reax to $15/Hr. Min. Wage Stays in San Francisco

April 2nd, 2016 8:47 PM
The Associated Press sent its cameramen and reporters out to get the reaction of small business owners to California's just-passed six-year plan to raise the state's minimum wage to $15 an hour. Anyone expecting the AP to find representative responses clearly doesn't understand how the far-left propaganda machine disguised as an objective news service operates. All three business owners…

AP Touts Serial Killer's Home Being Up For Rent To RNC Attendees

April 1st, 2016 11:07 PM
On Friday, the Associated Press oddly spotlighted that the childhood home of an infamous serial killer is available for rent to those attending the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. The unsigned short article, which was promoted by CBS News's Twitter account, reported that "the former Bath Township home of Jeffrey Dahmer is one of several private properties that real estate…

AP Ignores Weak Data, Their Own Reporting in Creating Economic Fable

March 31st, 2016 11:09 PM
In covering Thursday morning's report from the Department of Labor on initial unemployment claims, one of a relatively few economic reports showing strength these days, Associated Press reporter Scott Boak spread his enthusiasm over the result to the entire economy. It wasn't justified. It's as if the poor guy has missed most of the pertinent other economic news during the past week, most of…

California's $15/Hr. Min. Wage Gives Public Union Employees Big Raises

March 31st, 2016 9:01 PM
A Los Angeles Times story by Liam Dillon and Patrick McGreevy hailed the "historic" increase in the state-mandated minimum wage to $15 an hour. Apparently giddy with excitement, the pair also unwisely told readers that many public-sector employees who earn far more will be receiving big raises as a result of the legislation with having to bother negotiating with the government entities involved…

Allegation: AP 'Willingly Cooperated With the Nazis' From 1933-1941

March 30th, 2016 11:40 AM
Those who have noticed that the Associated Press, even to this day, tends to be sympathetic towards leftist causes, leftist protesters, leftist and totalitarian governments, and even terrorists in its coverage of domestic and world events won't be surprised by what follows. Others who still believe that the AP has always at least tried to be a paragon of objectivity will be stunned. The UK…

San Jose Paper's Howler: Jerry Brown Is 'Notoriously Frugal'

March 29th, 2016 7:38 PM
This sentence actually appeared at the web site of the San Jose Mercury News Monday afternoon regarding California's Democratic Governor Jerry Brown: "In his 2016 budget plan, the notoriously frugal governor warned that a $15 minimum wage would cost the state about $4 billion a year and risk plunging it back into the red." Yesterday, Governor Brown "sudden(ly) embraced" the $15 minimum wage. At…

IBD and HuffPo Columnist Agree: Hillary Should Withdraw

March 28th, 2016 6:02 PM
Who says that there can't be occasional agreements across the partisan divide? The free-market, liberty-loving editorial board at Investor's Business Daily and a Bernie Sanders-supporting columnist at the Huffingon Post agree on one thing: Hillary Clinton should withdraw from the presidential race. Okay, IBD wants her to "suspend," while HuffPo's H.A. Goodman says she should "concede." Both…