State: Snow Will Delay Release of HIllary Emails; AP, Politico Ignore

January 22nd, 2016 11:01 PM
These people play the press and the courts like a fiddle. At 2 p.m. Friday — just in time for a slow-news weekend and the onset of what is supposed to be a serious blizzard in the Northeast — the State Department asked a federal court for an extension of time to February 29 to complete its interagency review and release of Hillary Clinton's private-server emails. But State didn't merely use the…

Hillary Speaks Less Than 5 Minutes at Campaign Rally; Press Yawns

January 22nd, 2016 9:00 PM
It would appear that the incurably leftist UK Guardian can be tougher on a Democratic Party presidential candidate than the U.S. establishment press. The Guardian, the perch from which Edward Snowden exposed the activities of America's National Security Agency in June 2013, had reporter Adam Gabbatt at Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's Iowa City campaign appearance. The couple of…

AP Underinforms, Delays in Covering Venezuela's Rule-by-Decree Impasse

January 22nd, 2016 6:13 PM
When the Associated Press issues a brief unbylined report on an obviously important matter, one's first instinct should always be to ask: "What are they deciding not to tell us?" More often than not, the answer is "Plenty." An example justifying the need to look further appeared this morning when the wire service published a five-paragraph report on inflation in Venezuela's economy:

Ho, Ho... No: AP Xmas Sales Reporting Was Way Off Target

January 21st, 2016 12:19 PM
On December 28, the headline at a conveniently unbylined report at the Associated Press screamed: "HOLIDAY SPENDING UP 8 PERCENT; ONLINE SALES SURGE." As I noted in a post later that day, this was odd, to say the least, given that even the incurably optimistic National Retail Federation had predicted an increase of only 3.7 percent. It turned out that the reported growth rate was based on the…

Juan Williams: Republicans Are Responsible for 'Civility's Breakdown'

January 20th, 2016 1:40 PM
Poor President Barack Obama. Juan Williams, in a Monday column at The Hill, insists that "the president is not to blame for the rancor and polarization that have characterized his presidency," and "is not responsible for the unprecedented obstructionism employed by (Mitch) McConnell’s Senate Republicans." Why, In Williams's world, Obama has apparently been the very model of civility, while…

Nets Ignore Fed Judge Rebuking Obama DOJ In Fast & Furious Matter

January 19th, 2016 11:10 PM
On Tuesday, a federal judge who was appointed by President Obama himself ordered the Obama/Lynch Justice Department to turn over documents related to the "Fast and Furious" gunwalking scandal which the administration was claiming were exempt from congressional review because of executive privilege. None of the Big Three broadcast network evening newscasts so much as mentioned the development.

AP Fails to Report: 93 Pct. of U.S. Counties Haven't Fully Recovered

January 18th, 2016 11:58 PM
On Wednesday, Amber Phillips at the Washington Post's The Fix blog impressively took President Obama to task for his over-the-top bragging about the nation's mediocre (and likely getting worse) economy. She noted that "the biggest knock on the Obama economy ... is that the recovery has been very good for the wealthy and certain sectors and not so much for the middle class and everyone else." Hear…

With Worse Data Than a Decade Ago, AP Says No Recession 'Anytime Soon'

January 18th, 2016 12:10 PM
During the middle years of last decade, the business press, including the Associated Press, worked the word "recession" into its reports on the economy quite regularly. Yesterday, despite a current economy facing far worse fundamentals than were seen during 2007, the AP's Paul Wiseman and Bernard Condon gave us a nearly 882-word treatise on "WHY GLOBAL WOES AND SINKING STOCKS DON'T MEAN US…

AP Blames World for Stocks' Dive; CNBC Scribe Warns: 'Worse Than '08'

January 17th, 2016 9:33 AM
The Associated Press's coverage of Friday's deep U.S. stock market dive in two Friday afternoon reports engaged in the reality avoidance longtime readers here have come to expect. An item by Stan Choe ("Get used to it: Big drops for stocks are back again") spent most of its verbiage on "volatility," and only cited "China's sharp economic slowdown ... Tensions in the Middle East ... the plunge in…

Press Ignores Sanders Campaign's Embarrassing Attack on Wikipedia

January 17th, 2016 7:44 AM
The press's determination to protect liberal politicians against their own mistakes by minimizing their significance or failing to report them at all extends far to the left — as far left as Vermont Senator, self-described socialist and Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Excerpts from Ars Technica's report on Team Sanders' attempt to prevent Wikipedia from using the campaign…

AP Learns That the Obama Era Has Hurt the Poor, Won't Call Him Out

January 15th, 2016 7:16 AM
The Brookings Institution, the leftist think tank, is wailing and gnashing its teeth over its finding that in many metro areas, "income inequality," their favorite bogeyman, is being "driven by declining incomes" among their poorest residents. The problem isn't so much that the rich are getting richer as it is that the poor are getting poorer. As a result, "Inequality is higher today in most…

AP Mystified by World Markets' Dive, With 'Economies on the Mend'

January 13th, 2016 11:58 PM
It would appear that Yuri Kageyama at the Associated Press has fallen into the trap of believing the rubbish her employer and much of the rest of the world's press has been pushing about how the world's economies really aren't performing all that poorly, that this "new normal" world isn't all that bad, and what we are seeing is all we have a right to expect. You see, Kageyama doesn't understand…

'No-Go Zones' Are Back in the News — But Not at U.S. Media Outlets

January 11th, 2016 10:27 AM
Despite reports and statements containing the term coming out of Germany during the past week, searches at the Associated Press on "no-go zones," and even on "no-go," return nothing. The New York Times has no recent report identifying European no-go zones, but has at least demonstrated that it might be getting over its nearly allergic reaction to the term by observing that parts of Ramadi, Iraq…

Memo to AP: Job Growth Doesn't Automatically Equal Economic Growth

January 9th, 2016 11:27 AM
At the Associated Press, as seen at its "Top Business News" page Friday afternoon, Christopher Rugaber opened his song of praise for yesterday's jobs report ("US EMPLOYERS HIRE AT ROBUST PACE, DEFYING GLOBAL TRENDS") as follows: "American employers added a robust 292,000 jobs in December, suggesting that the U.S. economy is so far defying global weakness and growing solidly. ..." Rugaber's…