Part of a Real AP Headline: 'Emissions Need To Drop Below Zero'

December 26th, 2015 10:56 AM
The detachment from reality of those who actually believe that the recent international climate agreement in Paris is anything but a dangerous and potentially expensive charade has become especially irritating. The goals identified in Paris are obviously unachievable, and have no direct tie-in to reducing "global warming." Convincing evidence of the link between carbon dioxide generation and…

AP Ignores Minn. Terror Suspect's Involvement With Airport De-Icing

December 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
In a year-end interview with National Public Radio, President Barack Obama largely blamed "a saturation of news" coming from a media which "is pursuing ratings" for growing concerns in America over the ability of ISIS and other terrorists to conduct attacks on U.S. soil, and indicated that "it's up to the media to make a determination about how they want to cover things." It's reasonable to…

IBD Decries Media Blackout of FitzGibbon Sex Harassment Scandal

December 23rd, 2015 8:59 PM
On Monday, I posted on the virtually complete lack of establishment press interest in the story of Trevor FitzGibbon, the former owner of far-left PR firm FitzGibbon Media. Fitzgibbon folded on Thursday after allegations of serial sexual harassment and sexual assault were reported in the Huffington Post. From there, the establishment press did virtually nothing with the story. It will surprise…

WRONG: As Xmas Shopping Disappoints, AP Claims 'Cheap Is the New Chic'

December 23rd, 2015 7:02 PM
The desperation is palpable at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, over how the Christmas shopping season is going. Having appearently learned something contrary to the "consumers will catch up with their spending" we've been hearing from the National Retail Federation and others so far, AP Business Writer Joyce M. Rosenberg shifted gears and decided that consumers are spending…

AP Tries to Impress With Expected (i.e., Puny) 'Pickups' in GDP Growth

December 22nd, 2015 6:45 PM
Today's release from the government on economic growth estimated that the nation's Gross Domestic Product grew at an annual rate of 2.0 percent in the third quarter, a slight downward revision from November's estimate of 2.1 percent. This continues the economy's dismal, worst-since-World War II growth performance since the recession officially ended over six years ago. But never fear. According…

Press Exaggerates Nov. Existing-Home Sales Plunge by Ignoring Raw Data

December 22nd, 2015 12:57 PM
The business press worships at the altar of seasonally adjusted data. Most journalists covering the economy don't even bother looking at raw, not seasonally adjusted data, which in layman's terms is best understood as "what actually happened." As I have shown for nearly a decade, this is often a big mistake. On the rare occasions when reporters take the initiative to look at the raw data, they…

U of L: Prof. Position is Only For Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans

December 21st, 2015 10:55 PM
Did you hear about the university which advertised for "a tenure-track Assistant Professor position that will be filled by a White American or Asian American"? Of course you didn't, because it didn't happen. But it's not difficult to imagine the outrage which would justifiably ensue if such an ad were ever placed. Well, last week it became widely known that the University of Louisville placed an…

Press Almost AWOL As Far-Left PR Firm Closes Over Harassment Charges

December 21st, 2015 12:52 AM
A leftist flack who has been waging his own personal war on women for at least a decade has been exposed. As a result, his far-left public relations firm, a leader in the field, has closed. FitzGibbon Media shut down on Thursday. That's because Trevor FitzGibbon, the firm's founder and owner, who also was "a communications director for (now-President Barack) Obama’s 2008 campaign," has been…

AP's D'Innocenzio Makes Disappointing Online Sales Growth Seem Strong

December 20th, 2015 10:57 AM
What little remains of the economy's momentum appears to be riding on Christmas season consumer spending being perceived as strong. Unfortunately, it hasn't been. Following up on her early Friday excuse-making for why things haven't gone too well at the malls so far — it's because the weather has just been too darned nice — Anne D'Innocenzio at the Associated Press worked over the available…

AP's D'Innocenzio: Now It's Warm Weather Hurting Christmas Sales

December 18th, 2015 11:25 PM
They have an excuse for everything, don't they? This morning, Anne D'Innocenzio at the Associated Press actually told readers that this year's relatively warm Christmas season weather is what's hurting Christmas shopping season sales. It couldn't possibly be the "slowdown reality" USA Today cited in headlining Friday's second straight steep stock market drop, could it, Anne? Most other Americans…

AP Howler: Economy 'Healthy' Because of 'Solid Consumer Spending'

December 17th, 2015 4:56 PM
For an understanding of just how weak the business press's understanding of economic fundamentals is, look no further than Paul Wiseman's brief "coverage" at the Associated Press Wednesday of the Federal Reserve's awful Industrial Production. The Fed reported yesterday that industrial production fell by 0.6 percent in November on top of a revised -0.4 percent (down from -0.2 percent) in October…

AP: San Bernardino Terrorist Massacre Was a 'Mass Shooting'

December 17th, 2015 10:04 AM
Pity the poor folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. The Obama administration, usually hyper-reluctant to characterize a domestic terrorist attack on U.S. soil as, well, a domestic terrorist attack, has actually had to admit in the face of overwhelming evidence that the San Bernardino massacre on December 2, during which 14 were killed and two dozen injured, was indeed a…

Absurd Reuters: Today's Homebuilding News 'Signals Economic Strength'

December 16th, 2015 11:51 PM
Reuters and reporter Lucia Mutikani went way overboard today in reacting to today's residential construction news from the Census Bureau. Mutikani's headline contended that today's "housing data signals economic strength," while a section title claimed that there are "strong housing fundamentals." That can only possibly be true if one believes the world began in 2007.

Chicago Teachers Authorize Another Strike; Press Rarely Notes Demands

December 15th, 2015 10:44 PM
The Chicago Public Schools system, from which came Arne Duncan, perhaps the nation's most execrable Education Secretary, is in serious financial trouble. So is the State of Illinois. Having already borrowed against next year's property tax collections, CPS somehow expects the state to bail out its underfunded pensions to the tune of $500 million. Though it has subsequently been narrowed, MRC-TV,…