Press Defines 'Joke' As Anything That Insults, Threatens a Republican

November 11th, 2015 11:39 PM
Just as a reality check, I asked a friend today what his reaction would be if I said with a sincere-sounding voice that he makes me want to strangle him. He said, "Almost sounds like a threat." I said, "No, it was supposed to be a joke." He said, "No it's not." I also asked another person what her reaction would be if I earnestly called her "demented." She said, "You'd be insulting me." I asked…

Without Proof, Press Accepts Mizzou Feces-Swastika Incident As Fact

November 10th, 2015 11:48 PM
Name the missing word in the following sentence from tonight's Associated Press report on the current situation at the University of Missouri: "On Friday, the now-former chancellor issued an open letter decrying racism after a swastika smeared in feces was found in a campus dormitory." The obviously missing word is "allegedly," as in, "was allegedly found." That word is also missing in sentences…

AP Treats Increase in Already-Bloated Inventories As Positive

November 10th, 2015 7:54 PM
Today's "I'm just making stuff up on the fly" award nominee is Martin Crutsinger at the Associated Press. The AP reporter, named by National Review's Kevin Williamson as America's "Worst Economics Writer" in 2013, lived down to his designation in a Tuesday report on the Census Bureau's September Monthly Trade Inventories and Sales release. He described a sales increase which didn't come close to…

AP Complain Federal Court Invalidates Obama Move to 'Protect' Illegals

November 9th, 2015 9:33 PM
Earlier this evening, a federal appeals court affirmed a district judge's prerogative to block President Obama's executive order deferring action on the deportation of some illegal immigrants. When initially tweeting the breaking news, the Associated Press's Twitter account tweeted the following: "BREAKING: Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from…

ABC: Fiorina's 'PP Harvests Fetal Body Parts' Statement Only a 'Claim'

November 7th, 2015 10:42 AM
On Friday's The View, as CNS News's Mark Judge reported, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar went ballistic when GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina stated that Planned Parenthood is "harvesting baby parts through late term abortion." Part of Goldberg's response as she serially talked over Fiorina: "You know that’s not true. Carly, you know no one’s harvesting baby parts." Behar chimed in: "That…

AP Credited Ocare When Ariz. Co-op News Was Good, But Not As It Failed

November 5th, 2015 11:51 PM
Add Arizona's Meritus Health Partners to the growing list of Affordable Care Act co-op failures. The Daily Signal reports that this makes 11 of 23 such state Obamacare co-ops which will have closed their doors by the end of 2015 after three or fewer years in operation. The Associated Press, which, along with most of the rest of the establishment press, has been playing aggressive defense on…

AP Quickly Takes Story on Awful Factory Orders Off 'Top News' Page

November 3rd, 2015 5:37 PM
As is so often the case with such stories, one can tell how favorable or disappointing a government report on the economy was by whether a story about it is still present at the Associated Press's "Top Business News" page several hours after its release. Today's news from the Census Bureau on September's factory orders and shipments, released at 10 a.m., was extremely disappointing. Thus, it is…

Obama-Clinton Emails Make His Related Kroft Interview Statements False

October 31st, 2015 11:58 PM
A Friday evening story at the New York Times covered the Obama administration's decision to "try to block the release of a handful of emails between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton." In it, reporters Michael D. Shear and Michael S. Schmidt demonstrated that President Obama undoubtedly did not tell the truth in his interview with CBS News's Steve Kroft in a 60…

Not News: Mediocre Economy Has Cost Americans Thousands Each

October 31st, 2015 10:47 PM
On Thursday, the government reported that the nation's economy turned in yet another quarter of poor economic performance, estimating that its gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the third quarter. The business press almost universally downplayed the news, and told readers that the fourth quarter will be better. No one talked about how much the tepid growth of the…

AP Story Fails to Tag NY Co-op's Crackup As an Obamacare Failure

October 31st, 2015 9:17 PM
Many of the state cooperative health insurers, or "co-ops," set up under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, have gotten into serious financial trouble quite quickly. Almost half have cracked up completely. Specifically, as noted at on Thursday morning, "[O]f the 24 Obamacare co-ops funded with federal tax dollars, one (Vermont’s) never got approval to sell…

AP Minimizes Seriousness of Recent Declines in Pending Home Sales

October 30th, 2015 11:22 PM
Here's what should be an easy question: With data which has already been seasonally adjusted, what's more important — a) the fact that an index is a) up by 3 percent in the past year or b) the fact that it has fallen 5 percent in the past four months? The correct answer is obviously b) — unless you're a writer for the Associated Press whose mission is to convince readers that the housing market…

AP Reporter: It's 'Media's Job' to Act As CNBC Panel Did in GOP Debate

October 29th, 2015 2:37 AM
Wednesday night, an Associated Press reporter told us that it's the press's job to ask "tough, impertinent" questions like the ones moderators at Wednesday night's CNBC-hosted Republican debate were asking. Ken Dilanian, who is apparently the AP's Intelligence Writer — seriously — really needs to consult a dictionary before he makes such a complete fool of himself. Here is what Dilanian tweeted…

AP's Crutsinger: 3rd Qtr. Was 'Subpar,' But Future 'Outlook Brightens'

October 28th, 2015 8:31 PM
Preparing the battlespace for tomorrow's report from the government on third-quarter Gross Domestic Product growth, the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger early this afternoon told readers that we're likely to see "a subpar pace by any standard." But we shouldn't worry, because the AP reporter contends that tomorrow's news will just be a temporary trough in this year's "dizzying roller coaster…

Without Evidence, AP Credits 'Solid Sales' For Home Price Index Uptick

October 28th, 2015 12:59 AM
To err is human, but some errors are more obvious than others. One pretty obvious error occurred Tuesday at the Associated Press. It involved veteran economics reporter Christopher Rugaber, who somehow assumed that the August increase in home prices recorded in a well-known index published on Tuesday primarily occurred because of "solid sales." The problem is that seasonally adjusted existing…