Bozell & Graham Column: Virginia's False 'Centrist' Advertising

May 26th, 2015 11:09 PM
The latest scorecard from the American Conservative Union is out, and the voters of Virginia might want to file a complaint about truth in advertising with the press corps. Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner have routinely been portrayed in news reports as “moderates” and “centrists.” But after two years in the Senate, Tim Kaine has a perfect zero on the conservative scale. Mark Warner has a…

AP Offended That CEOs Are Paid As Well As Elite Entertainers

May 26th, 2015 4:06 PM
Seldom does one see such an obvious betrayal of reporters' biased mindsets as the one found in the opening paragraph of an Associated Press report earlier today on CEO pay at major U.S. publicly-held companies. According to the AP's Steve Rothwell and Ryan Nakashima, that entertainers, whose incomes are derived from leveraging special physical and artistic talents, deserve all the money they can…

AP: ‘Ugly Fallout’ for GOP if Court Rules Against ObamaCare

May 26th, 2015 3:04 PM
In an effort to preemptively denounce a Supreme Court ruling against ObamaCare, on Monday, the Associated Press warned of “ugly potential fallout” if health insurance subsidies in the law were struck down. The article began by fretting: “A Supreme Court ruling due in a few weeks could wipe out health insurance for millions of people covered by President Barack Obama's health care law.”

At AP, GOP's Mayoral Win in Nation's 13th-Largest City a Local Story

May 21st, 2015 9:45 AM
The idea that the nation's largest cities are impenetrable Democratic Party strongholds took a serious hit Tuesday night. In Jacksonville, the nation's 13th-largest city, a Republican took back the mayor's office, unseating the incumbent Democrat who won four years ago. Predictably, the Associated Press, when it sensed that Democrat Alvin Brown might hold on in his reelection attempt, treated…

As Press Ignores Soldiers Who Won at Ramadi, Debbie Lee Speaks Out

May 20th, 2015 11:57 PM
Web and news searches at Google, as well as a search at the Associated Press's national site, indicate that there is very little interest in the establishment press in getting the reactions of current and former U.S. soldiers who defeated enemy forces in Ramadi during last decade's Iraq War to the loss of that city to Islamic State forces. Sadly, that's not surprising. As usual, Fox News is…

World and U.S. Press Botch Pope's 'Angel of Peace' Statement to Abbas

May 18th, 2015 10:49 AM
The competition is fierce, but perhaps the most consistent area of outright and arguably deliberate U.S. and worldwide press distortion is found in their coverage of the Catholic Church and its pontiff. Last week, the major international wires and several U.S. outlets once again demonstrated that readers, listeners and viewers can never trust that they will get an accurate story relating to…

James Taylor: Obama Is Greatest President 'Of All Time'

May 16th, 2015 11:08 AM
The Associated Press knows when something should be on its “Big Story” another celebrity who still thinks Obama is the greatest. AP’s Mesfin Fekadu began: “Barack Obama supporter James Taylor doesn't just think the U.S. president is great — he believes Obama is the greatest of all-time.” "I am just thankful for every day that he's in office. I am so proud that he represents my…

AP Celebrates April Budget Surplus, Ignores Its Cause: Tax Increases

May 16th, 2015 9:52 AM
On Tuesday, Associated Press reporter Martin Crutsinger celebrated the federal government's large April budget surplus, caused by "a flood of tax payments (which) pushed government receipts to an all-time high." He didn't mention that the tax payments were higher largely because of tax increases passed in 2013. It certainly didn't occur because of an improving economy — because it's not…

At AP, It's 'Heads We Report, Tails We Ignore' For Economic Data

May 15th, 2015 10:43 PM
On May 1, the Associated Press's Paul Wiseman was pleased to tell the wire service's readers and subscribing outlets that "The University of Michigan's sentiment index rose to 95.9 from 93 in March," reaching "its second-highest level since 2007." Among other things, the survey's chief economist said that the result reflected "improving prospects for jobs and incomes." What a difference two…

AP Tweet: Geller ‘Has No Regrets’ About Event 'That Ended in 2 Deaths'

May 8th, 2015 1:40 AM
In a tweet from the Associated Press (AP) on Thursday evening, the AP charged that American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) President Pamela Geller had “no regrets” about holding a Prophet Mohammad “cartoon contest” in Texas Sunday “that ended in 2 deaths” in the form of two Islamic extremists shot by security as they tried to carry out a terrorist attack.

Dorian Johnson Is Arrested; AP's Coverage Is Only at the New York Post

May 7th, 2015 10:15 AM
In a "completely unexpected" (no, not really) development, Dorian Johnson, the person who was with Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri when Brown was killed by police officer Darren Wilson, has been arrested. I know, I know, it's a real shock to learn that the guy who completely fabricated the "hands up, don't shoot" lie and, along with Brown, "stole a box of cigars" from a store before their…

Press Ignores Admin's Invocation of Privilege in Immigration Lawsuit

May 6th, 2015 11:08 PM

Remember the cries of "Bush Lied" during the previous administration — even though he didn't? Or the obsession over the 16 words relating to Saddam Hussein's attempt to obtain nuclear materials from Niger, which George W. Bush's opponents tried to pretend were false but were really true? Good times. In federal court in February, the Obama administration seriously "misrepresented" the degree of…

AP's '3 Amigos' of Econ Reporting Differ in Recognizing Harsh Reality

May 6th, 2015 3:50 PM
Tuesday evening, I wrote that there appears to be a need for an intervention among the economics writers at the Associated Press. At the time, I was referring to how the wire service's Christopher Rugaber, in his dispatch on a trade group's upbeat business sentiment survey appearing about an hour after Martin Crutsinger's writeup on the horrible March trade imbalance, failed to report Crutsinger…

AP's Crutsinger Acknowledges Likely Q1/15 Contraction; Rugaber Ignores

May 5th, 2015 8:55 PM
It appears that someone might need to schedule an intervention with the Associated Press's economics writers. In his dispatch published a half-hour after the government's March release on international trade at 8:30 this morning, the wire service's Martin Crutsinger quoted a normally upbeat economist who was singing the blues about the result's effect on previously reported first-quarter…