Rand Schools Media: 'Ask the DNC: Is It OK to Kill A 7-Pound Baby?'

April 8th, 2015 6:21 PM
Newly-declared 2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul took a shot at the media during a Wednesday campaign appearance in Milford, New Hampshire. An unidentified reporter asked the Kentucky senator about a recent interview he did with the Associated Press that centered on the controversial issue of abortion. Paul replied, "Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it OK to kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus?"

AP Covers Up Japan's Likely Slippage Into Another Economic Contraction

April 8th, 2015 10:39 AM

In an early Wednesday morning report containing an undercurrent of amazement and frustration that Japan's journey into Keynesianism and quantitative easing on steroids somehow hasn't worked, the Associated Press's Elaine Kurtenback wrote that a steep "April 1, 2014 sales tax hike ... triggered a brief recession and growth since has been flat." The Land of the Rising Sun with the long-…

Not News: We've Really Had Two Bad Months of Payroll Job Additions

April 7th, 2015 8:25 PM
The business press and the financial analysts and economists they consult continue to mostly blindly rely on the seasonally adjusted figures the government and other economic report generators hand them on a silver platter. If these de facto stenographers had dug just a little deeper a month ago, they might have avoided the serious embarassment of predicting a level of seasonally adjusted March…

New Republic Writer: Rolling Stone Failure Due to 'Rightwing Tactics'

April 7th, 2015 2:49 PM
New Republic staff writer Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig has clearly run out of defenses for the conduct of those involved in the disgraceful, scandalous journalistic malpractice which gave rise to the now-retracted and thoroughly discredited "A Rape on Campus: The Struggle for Justice at UVA" at Rolling Stone. So here's her last refuge: Conservatism deserves some of the blame, because Sabrina Rubin…

AP Finally Admits: Economy 'Has Been Flagging For Months'

April 4th, 2015 10:27 AM
Chickens came home to roost yesterday at the Associated Press. The AP, the economy's most consistent cheerleader when a Democrat is in office, has not only been ignoring and downplaying the significance of disappointing and negative reports for several months, pinning its claim that all is well on the streak of seasonally adjusted 200,000-plus job gains seen during the past 12 months. It has…

Why Bill Maher and Jason Biggs Avoided Trevor Noah’s Vetting

April 4th, 2015 9:29 AM
 It looks like new Daily Show host Trevor Noah will survive his Twitter vetting. The South African comic took some heat immediately after getting the gig earlier this week. Social media users scoured his past tweets, finding a number of jokes targeting women and Jews. Comedy Central rushed to stand by its new hire, and it appears the Stewart-to-Noah baton pass will take place later in the year as…

AP Cribs Paper's Report on Memories Pizza — Except GoFundMe Effort

April 2nd, 2015 6:49 PM
A short unbylined Associated Press report at its national site on the situation at Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana this afternoon made sure to mention that the pizzeria "won't cater gay weddings" (in the headline). It also misstated the owner's statement to a South Bend TV station, claiming, using its own words, that she "said the state's new religious objections law backs their right to…

Not News: Black Church Group Cuts Ties With PCUSA Over Marriage

March 31st, 2015 11:24 PM
On March 18, Associated Press Religion Writer Rachel Zoll covered the decision by the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) "recognizing gay marriage as Christian in the church constitution after decades of debate over same-sex relationships." A search at the AP's national site indicates that the wire service hasn't done a story on the U.S. congregation since then. This means that it has ignored a…

AP Story on Obama Golf Trip Ignores Journos Hung Out at Shed (Updated)

March 30th, 2015 8:00 PM
UPDATE, March 31: This morning in an email, the AP's Lederman pointed me to a Saturday afternoon "Big Story" item time-stamped the day before the report to which this blog post below links. For whatever reason, that earlier "Big Story" item has more detail than what appears, despite the Sunday time stamp, to be Lederman's original report posted at the AP's national site. In that "Big Story" item…

Why Hardly-Watched MSNBC, CNN Aren't Suffering Financially

March 30th, 2015 5:06 PM
Maybe the left needs to rethink their oft-present and deep-seated hatred of all things associated with Comcast, other cable companies, and the satellite TV providers. It turns out that those "evil" entities have done quite a bit to cushion left-leaning CNN and MSNBC from what would otherwise be a harsh financial reality. The Associated Press's David Bauder, in an item which somehow was deemed to…

Consumer Spending Disappoints; Bloomberg, AP Both Blame Weather

March 30th, 2015 10:27 AM
The government's report on consumer spending released this morning was another disappointment. Seasonally adjusted spending increased by just 0.1 percent, falling short of modest expectations of a 0.2 percent jump, following 0.2 percent declines in both December and January. The opening paragraphs of coverage at Bloomberg News and the Associated Press contrasted sharply. Longtime readers can…

More PC From AP's Stylebook: Global Warming' Is Now 'Climate Change'

March 28th, 2015 11:37 AM
This is what happens when you have a 17-year "pause" in supposedly human-caused "global warming" and need to maintain appearances. The Associated Press's Stylebook has now given journalists who pay attention to its guidelines permission to use the term "climate change" when they would previously have felt it necessary to call it "global warming." The agenda-driving clue is seen in the wire…

AP Fantasy: U.S. Economic Growth Has Been 'Really Durable'

March 27th, 2015 11:27 PM
The latest wet kiss from the business press thrown the Obama administration's way came from Martin Crutsinger at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, late this afternoon. Crutsinger, continuing to richly earn the "Worst Economics Writer" tag he received from National Review's Kevin Williamson two years ago, absurdly characterized the mediocre, pathetic economic peformance of the…

AP, Fortune, Others Ignore Communism in Taco Bell Attack on McDonald's

March 26th, 2015 3:44 PM

Many in the liberal news media again demonstrated their inability (or unwillingness) to identify communism when they see it. Fast food restaurant Taco Bell “pulled out all the stops” with its new ad released March 24, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Although the ad did not mention McDonald’s by name, The Daily Mail also said the video portrayed “McDonald’s as a communist dictatorship…