Reporting on New York's Fracking Ban Ignores Awful Upstate Economy

December 20th, 2014 7:49 AM
The establishment press is virtually giddy over New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's cowardly, self-serving decision to ban fracking in New York. It's cowardly because Cuomo is publicly pretending that he's only deferring to his environmental and health commissioners, when everyone with an ounce of sense knows that he's getting the recommendations he wanted. It's self-serving because it enhances his…

AP's Story on Federal Judge's Immigration Opinion Woefully Incomplete

December 16th, 2014 11:55 PM
Earlier tonight, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters observed that the Tuesday evening network news shows failed to report on an opinion issued today by a federal judge in Western Pennsylvania in connection with President Obama's illegal immigration-related executive actions last month. Several blogs and center-right outlets noted Judge Arthur Schwab's 38-page "Memorandum Opinion" this afternoon. Not…

AP Thinks We're Thrilled to Be 'Finally Getting Over' on Gas Stations

December 14th, 2014 10:31 AM
Here's a small window into a journalist's mindset. In a report on how lower gas prices are affecting the companies operating retail gas stations, Associated Press reporter John Fahey revealed his apparent believes that there are millions of us walking around, perhaps including him, obsessed with getting back at gas station owners for charging us so much at fill-up time for years:

Barely News: Rep. Lummis's 'Most Moving Moment' at Gruber Hearing

December 13th, 2014 11:00 AM defines "glib" as "readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so." Jonathan Gruber's apology at his Tuesday congressional hearing included that word. The word, especially the "superficial" element of its definition, applies to how the establishment press covered the hearing. With only rare exceptions, it excluded any mention of what has accurately been…

Celeb-Worshipping WaPo Vets UVA's 'Jackie,' Lets Dunham Off the Hook

December 11th, 2014 1:09 PM
Two recent items in the Washington Post support my contention that the establishment press is currently doing more than anyone besides Lena Dunham and "Jackie," both of whom have been irrefutably exposed as rape story fabulists, to cause victims of sexual assault to be reluctant to come forward (Note: That's not to say that the two women haven't been victims of sexual assault, "only" that the…

Pity Party at AP: Obama Still Handicapped by Bush 43's 'Legacy'

December 10th, 2014 6:42 PM
Nearly six years into Barack Obama's presidency, it's still George W. Bush's fault. Early Wednesday morning, Julie Pace at the Associated Press proved yet again why it is more than appropriate to characterize the wire service where she works as the Administration's Press. The headline at Pace's story tells us that poor President Barack Obama still has to confront the "Bush legacy," and is still…

After Volokh Critique, Time Pulls Writer's Swipes at Breitbart's Nolte

December 10th, 2014 11:58 AM

Yesterday at 4:11 p.m. ET, Eugene Volokh at the Washington Post's Volokh Conspiracy blog sharply criticized's Eliza Berman for not being "quite fair" — i.e., being quite unfair, given the author's penchant for understatement — to's John Nolte, the reporter who investigated the veracity of Lena Dunham's detailed claims about and descriptions of her alleged Oberlin College…

Lena Dunham Breaks Her Silence; AP Disgracefully Runs Interference

December 10th, 2014 12:31 AM
It's more than fair to wonder why the Associated Press waited until 9:41 p.m. ET Tuesday evening to recognize the existence of Lena Dunham's most recent problems with the truth. The AP's first recognition of the days-old story came roughly two hours after Dunham's first detailed response to convincing allegations that the account in her most recent book of being raped in college by someone named…

Thin Gruel: AP Hypes How 'Job Market Hits a Turning Point'

December 8th, 2014 2:41 PM
Friday's Employment Situation Summary contained one strong element: In November, the economy added 321,000 seasonally adjusted payroll jobs. That's not insignificant, but that news, especially in the report's full context, certainly didn't justify the level of elation seen in much of the press. Predictably, the Associated Press found a specious reason to characterize the government's report as…

AP More Worried About 'Impact' of U.Va. Rape Story Fail Than the Truth

December 7th, 2014 12:12 AM
The headline at Saturday's Assocated Press story at Yahoo News dealing with the implosion of Rolling Stone's November 19 story about an alleged — and, for all appearances, completely fictional — fraternity gang rape at the University of Virginia focuses, as so many other establishment press stories have, on the supposedly "chilling effect" ... (it) could have on sexual-assault victims reporting…

Sorry, AP: Non-Timely Gun Background Checks Don't 'Beat the System'

December 6th, 2014 10:39 AM
In the runup to the Black Friday shopping weekend, the Associated Press's Matt Stroud hysterically claimed that "more gun sales are effectively beating the system" of background checks. Tim Graham at NewsBusters caught how Stroud described the situation as "a 'perfect storm,' like the disastrous ship-sinking movie." Stroud's report gave readers the clear impression that there are no potential…

Obama Bundler, Dem 'Kingmaker' Bean Arraigned; Media Silence Continues

December 4th, 2014 12:26 AM
Continuing a nearly six-month pattern, the nation's establishment press ignored today's arraignment of pioneering homosexual activist, major Obama campaign bundler and Democrat "kingmaker" Terry Bean in Lane County, Oregon "on two charges of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and sexual abuse in the third degree, a misdemeanor." A Google News search on Bean's full name during the past 24 hours done…

NYPost's McCaughey Breaks News About ObamaCare Regs Press Ignored

December 3rd, 2014 1:36 PM
New York Post columnist, legitimate constitutional scholar and health policy expert Betsy McCaughey broke news about the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, in her Tuesday evening column. The Post should send the Associated Press, the New York Times and other establishment press outlets which have yet to report what she found the bill for her work. In the midst of the Obama administration's pre-…

Ferguson 'Hands Up' Makes House Floor; Politico Fails to Flag As Bogus

December 2nd, 2014 1:41 PM
Certain members of Congress abused their positions Monday to imply that "Hands up, don't shoot" was something Michael Brown actually said before he was killed by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri in August. On Friday, the Associated Press irresponsibly gave voice to those who say that the slogan is now a "metaphor" for police brutality targeted against blacks, even though the…