HuffPost Whines Bloomberg News Violated Its Policy By Doing Journalism

December 30th, 2019 9:25 AM
Bloomberg News drew fire earlier this year for making it company policy to not investigate its owner (liberal billionaire 2020 presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg) or his Democratic rivals going into the election. The company said they would continue to investigate President Donald Trump, however.

MRC denuncia a Bloomberg News ante la FEC

December 10th, 2019 9:44 AM
RESTON, VA -- El lunes, el Centro de Investigación de Medios (MRC) radicó una denuncia contra Bloomberg LP, empresa matriz de Bloomberg News, Michael Bloomberg, y Mike Bloomberg 2020, Inc. ante la Comisión de Elecciones Federales (FEC). 

CBS Skips Bloomberg Telling Own Reporters to ‘Live with’ 2020 Policy

December 6th, 2019 7:17 PM
Through Friday’s CBS Evening News, CBS News has refused to show on its morning or evening newscast 2020 Democratic Michael Bloomberg telling CBS This Morning co-host and Democratic friend Gayle King that Bloomberg News journalists need “to live with it” that they can’t investigate him or his primary opponents but can continue digging into President Trump.

Trump Campaign Bans Bloomberg News Reporters for Biased 2020 Policy

December 2nd, 2019 1:26 PM
Early Monday afternoon, the Trump campaign announced in a statement they would not be credentialing anyone from “Bloomberg News for rallies or other campaign events” due to the news outlet’s policy of banning their journalists from investigating founder Michael Bloomberg and his 2020 Democratic opponents but insisting they continue digging into President Donald Trump.

Same Energy: CNN, FNC Rip Bloomberg News Covering for Boss in 2020

December 1st, 2019 4:08 PM
Following former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg throwing his hat into the 2020 Democratic presidential race, Bloomberg News was rightly dragged when they announced they would be hands-off with their founder and his Democratic rivals, while continuing to grill President Trump. The move was almost universally panned, with the media beat Sunday shows on both CNN and Fox News criticizing the…

The Corruption of Bloomberg News

November 30th, 2019 4:00 PM
So The Wall Street Journal noted the problem this way:  "Bloomberg No News. His reporters won’t investigate Democrats—but Trump is fair game." The editorial said, in part, this, bold print for emphasis supplied: “Mike Bloomberg joined the Democratic race for President on Sunday, creating a conundrum for his journalists at Bloomberg LP. Do they quit covering 2020? Do they stand on the principle of…

WaPo Columnist Fails to Disclose Potential Conflict of Interest

November 27th, 2019 10:32 AM
Is a new story from liberal outlet The Washington Post another instance of the pot calling the kettle black? Liberal Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan decried liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 2020 candidacy in a Nov. 25 article headlined “Mike Bloomberg just stabbed the journalistic heart of his news organization.”

Nets Hype Bloomberg in Race, Ignore Manipulation of News Company

November 25th, 2019 8:38 PM
For all the liberal smears against Fox News claiming they’re “state-run media,” it has become clear that's exactly what Bloomberg News would become if former Mayor Michael Bloomberg wins in 2020. While ABC, CBS, and NBC spent Sunday evening and Monday hyping the billionaire’s new presidential campaign, they ignored how Bloomberg News had been ordered to not investigate their owner or his…

Bloomberg News Won’t Investigate Owner, Will Investigate Trump

November 25th, 2019 2:46 PM
Liberal billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg decided to toss his hat into the already-crowded Democratic Party presidential primary race all at the expense of the credibility of a major news outlet he owns. To deal with the apparent conflict of interest, “Bloomberg News” announced it would not be investigating their owner or his Democratic Party rivals, but “will report on…

Bloomberg Reviewer Obsessed with Lack of Diversity in 'Ford v Ferrari'

November 23rd, 2019 6:07 AM
Perhaps Bloomberg writer Hannah Elliott might want to consider shedding her social justice warrior armor while reviewing films such as the popular Ford v Ferrari  because her obsession about "diversity" absurdly clouds her review. Elliott's antagonism to what she sees as an unforgiveable depiction of the white male oriented world of car racing in the 1960s begins with the title, "Ford v Ferrari…

Bloomberg News Admits: ‘Stock Market Seems to Like’ Trump Best

November 18th, 2019 3:20 PM
Every once in a while, the liberal media is compelled to make a concession, even if it doesn’t serve their recession narrative. Liberal outlet Bloomberg News tweeted Nov. 17 that “The stock market seems to like Donald Trump more than any president since the 1950s,” and proceeded to place the president in fourth place behind former presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Dwight…

Is Bloomberg News Preventing Its Reporters from Covering Their Owner?

November 15th, 2019 12:47 PM
Bloomberg News has relatively ignored reporting on their owner. Could that be because of a self-imposed gag rule on Bloomberg reporters? The New York Times reported a Nov. 14 story detailing liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s history of negative statements about women. The Times said that “the comments revealed a cruder side of Mr. Bloomberg, now 77 and a potential presidential candidate.”

22 News Outlets Slam Facebook for Political Ads

October 30th, 2019 1:35 PM
The media are opposed to anything that remotely resembles a neutral approach. So when Facebook decided to leave political ads from politicians untouched, the liberal news media  declared war. Head of Facebook News Campbell Brown wrote in an Oct. 30 Facebook post that she was “astonished at the reaction by other journalists to Facebook's decision not to police speech from political candidates.”

Bloomberg on Recession Fear: 'U.S. Indicators Are Trouncing Forecasts'

September 24th, 2019 10:36 AM
Remember all the (hopeful) recession talk recently by many in the mainstream media who found it hard to hide their desire for bad economic times to harm President Donald Trump's 2020 re-election? Some, such as Bill Maher didn't even try to hide their hope for a recession. In fact Maher was publicly hoping for such a recession to stop Trump. Well, sad news for them but very happy news for most…