
Halperin: By Not Endorsing Hillary, De Blasio Plays 'Dangerous Game'

April 22nd, 2015 5:55 PM
Serious question: what did Mark Halperin mean when he said that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio "may be playing a more dangerous game than he realizes" by refusing so far to endorse Hillary? On today's With All Due Respect, Halperin prefaced his ominous observation by saying that there is "furor in Hillary Clinton's camp" over the matter.  De Blasio's omission certainly is striking, considering that he…

Hillary's NH Chair Goofs, Can't Identify Her Stands on Hot Issues

April 21st, 2015 6:18 PM
This was pretty funny. William Shaheen, Hillary's New Hampshire co-chair and husband of Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, appearing on today's With All Due Respect, boasted that he knows where Hillary stands on 10 different issues.  But when hosts Mark Halperin and John Heilemann put Shaheen to the test, asking him where Hillary stands on the Keystone Pipeline and the Trans Pacific trade deal, Shaheen had to…

Hillary's Original Bio: 'Fought (For) Children' — For Over 80 Years!

April 15th, 2015 12:19 AM
Hillary Clinton's campaign rollout has been the gaffe machine that keeps on giving. One gaffe in particular was so obvious that it masked an even more ludicrous one. On Sunday, several people, including yours truly, the Twitter curators at Twitchy, David Knowles at Bloomberg, but almost no one else in the establishment press, noticed that Mrs. Clinton's campaign announcement press release told…

Bloomberg, AP Sharply Differ in Evaluating Ominous March Retail Sales

April 14th, 2015 10:51 PM
Today, the Census Bureau reported that retail sales in March increased by a seasonally adjusted 0.9 percent. While that was the first such positive figure in four months, it was less than the 1.1 percent increase analysts expected, and did little to calm fears that the economy contracted during the first quarter of 2015. An unbylined report at Bloomberg News and a dispatch from Josh Boak at the…

Bloomberg Falls for Fake Report that Nancy Reagan Endorsed Hillary '16

April 13th, 2015 10:54 AM
Bloomberg Politics published a report claiming Nancy Reagan had endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. They fell for a fake news site called An editor’s note was added: “This story has been retracted. We fell for a hoax. Apologies.” Hadas Gold at Politico noted Bloomberg Politics Executive Editor Mike Nizza said in a tweet "very very stupid mistake, and one we take very…

Henneberger: GOP Candidates Can't Match Hillary on Foreign Policy

April 9th, 2015 9:04 PM
Are we talking Frequent Flyer Miles, Hillary's record of "success" in such places as Benghazi, Syria and Yemen, or just what? On today's With All Due Respect, Bloomberg's Melinda Henneberger claimed that when it comes to foreign policy, none of the Republican presidential hopefuls "can possibly come up to the level of the former Secretary of State."  Host John Heilemann had teed up the question…

Halperin-Heilemann: Rand's Wife Kelley Good, But No Michelle Obama

April 7th, 2015 8:44 PM
Let's be clear: on today's With All Due Respect, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann were very complimentary about Kelley Paul's performance today in introducing her husband Rand at his presidential announcement speech.  They described her as a big asset and anticipate seeing a lot more of her on the campaign trail. That said, the duo said something that boggled my mind, claiming that as good as…

Bloomberg Columnist: Tina Fey, Jon Stewart More Universal Than Pope

April 6th, 2015 6:16 PM
I hadn't before seen Will Leitch, the Deadspin creator who now writes on politics for Bloomberg, in action.  But on today's With All Due Respect, I found him funny and affable. Even so, he made one left-leaning assertion so absurd it was too much even for show host John Heilemann.  Running parallel with the NCAA tourney, Bloomberg has been running a bracket of 64 non-presidential candidates.  In…

Discredited Gary Sick Cited by MSM as Expert on Iran Nuke 'Deal'

April 3rd, 2015 2:14 PM
Would you want to cite someone who has been thoroughly discredited in the very field he is supposed to be an expert in? Well, that is exactly what several news organizations did yesterday including Charlie Rose on PBS, the New York Times, and Bloomberg when they cited Gary Sick as an expert on Iran in stories about the nuke "deal" which was actually more of an agreement on the framework to…

Consumer Spending Disappoints; Bloomberg, AP Both Blame Weather

March 30th, 2015 10:27 AM
The government's report on consumer spending released this morning was another disappointment. Seasonally adjusted spending increased by just 0.1 percent, falling short of modest expectations of a 0.2 percent jump, following 0.2 percent declines in both December and January. The opening paragraphs of coverage at Bloomberg News and the Associated Press contrasted sharply. Longtime readers can…

Halperin: Dems Happy With Hillary Like Cubans With Their 'Choices'

March 26th, 2015 7:50 PM
Mark Halperin just compared the way Hillary has been foisted on Dem voters to the empty "choices" that Cubans have when it comes to their leaders. On this evening's With All Due Respect, when Dem strategist Steve McMahon claimed that Dems are happy with "the" choice they have in the person of Hillary,  Halperin retorted "like the way Cuban voters are happy with their choices."

Halperin: Hillary 'Running Against Herself' And 'Kind of Losing'

March 23rd, 2015 3:19 PM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin saw problems for Hillary Clinton running unopposed for the 2016 Democratic nomination: "...the Republicans are running in a field of thirteen or fourteen, she's running against herself and right now she's kind of losing."  

Bloomberg News Hypes Scott Walker's 'Gun Control' Moment in 1995

March 22nd, 2015 2:09 PM
Bloomberg’s Jonathan Allen sounds a little desperate to make a controversy for Scott Walker with Second Amendment voters. His headline was “Scott Walker Once Backpedaled After Supporting Wisconsin Gun-Control Bill: His flirtation with the issue could create an opportunity for competitors.” Briefly, Walker backed a bill that “could have jailed gun dealers who sold weapons without trigger locks—…

Heilemann 'Saddened' That Bibi Team Sees Win as Blow to Obama

March 17th, 2015 7:39 PM
Imagine the secret scene inside the White House if Bibi Netanyahu had lost tonight: President Obama popping the bubbly as Samantha Power and John Kerry danced an Irish jig? There's no denying that the Obama admin ardently davened [prayed] for Bibi's defeat.  Top Obama campaign aides had been dispatched to Israel for that very purpose. Indeed, there are even allegations that the Obama admin had…