Bloomberg Biz Week's Barrett Criticizes NRA For Non-Existent Gloating

April 2nd, 2014 9:15 PM
When an unmistakable embarrassment to liberalism occurs, a standard establishment press fallback tactic is to accuse conservatives of some form of incivility — and if there really isn't one, to make up a story about it anyway. That's exactly what Bloomberg Businsessweek's Paul M. Barrett did on Tuesday in covering the NRA's reaction to the arrest of California State Senator and ardent gun…

Feb. Employment Report's Raw Numbers Were Miserable; As Usual, Press I

March 11th, 2014 9:52 PM
On Friday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy created 175,000 seasonally adjusted jobs in February, with 162,000 of the additions occurring in the private sector. That result exceeded expectations of roughly 150,000, and caused the business press to sing odes of high praise to an economy that was amazingly overcoming this year's difficult winter weather.…

Bloomberg Businessweek Acknowledges Comcast's Liberal Ties

March 11th, 2014 1:28 PM
“Congress Never Has to Wait for the Cable Guy,” so says Bloomberg Businessweek. Todd Shields, Stephanie Green and Laura Litvan wrote about Comcast’s cozy relationship with DC, especially to the White House. It was published online March 6. They reported that Comcast executive vice president David Cohen “raised at least $500,000 for Obama's 2012 reelection,” and hosted a fund raiser for him…

As Economic Data Weakens, AP's 'All Is Well' Reports Play the 'Weather

February 27th, 2014 2:45 PM
The news in two government reports on the economy today was not good. One showed that initial unemployment claims last week rose to a seasonally adjusted 348,000; raw (not seasonally adjusted) claims were virtually identical to last year's comparable week. To avoid the dreaded U-word ("unexpectedly"), a pair of Bloomberg News reporters described the result as "exceeding all forecasts." In the…

Press Outlets All Over Report on Milk Price Increases While Ignoring L

February 19th, 2014 10:37 PM
According to a USA Today item carried at ABC News, "Sixty percent of adults can't drink milk." In July 2012, the New York Times ran an item entitled, "Got Milk? You Don't Need It." But the last time I checked, everyone uses electricity to some extent. I'm bringing up these points because, as a friend showed me earlier today, the establishment press has run stories galore in the past several…

Barely News: EPA 'Carbon Capture' Rules to Increase Wholesale Electici

February 18th, 2014 9:45 AM
You might think that journalists would consider the prospect of sharply rising electricity costs in a nation blanketed by an extraordinarily cold, snowy winter and buffeted by its accompanying high utility bills hugely newsworthy. You would be wrong. Searches on the last name of Julio Friedmann, the deputy assistant secretary of the Energy Department who testified at a congressional hearing… Shows Koch Campaign Money Dwarfed by Dozens of Other G

February 17th, 2014 3:28 PM
NOTE: Go to the end of this post to see my reaction to an email NB received from  The web site has done a great deal of useful work. Especially helpful are its lists of high-dollar political campaign donor organizations. The web site's 1989-2014 and 2012-specific lists, to name just two, demonstrate that the hyperventilating on the left and in the…

As Press Pretends Seasonally Adjusted Figures Are What Happened, Econo

February 8th, 2014 4:11 PM
One of the more annoying aspects of business press reporting is its participants' singular focus on seasonally adjusted data to the exclusion of the underlying figures. Many reports on the economy at least tag the figures reported as seasonally adjusted; but there seems to be a trend away from doing even that. For example, the Associated Press has routinely labeled weekly initial jobless…

The Business Press's Theme After the Markets Plunge Again: The Weather

February 3rd, 2014 11:53 PM
After opening the day at about the same level as Friday's close, the three major U.S. stock indices fell by over 2 percent Monday (DJIA, -2.08%; S&P 500, -2.28%; NASDAQ, -2.61%). About half of the rout took place in the first 30 minutes after the 10:00 a.m. release of two reports, one on manufacturing activity and the other on construction spending. The former, from the Institute for…

Business Press Notes Increased Consumption in Govt. Report, Ignores Se

January 31st, 2014 3:12 PM
The Associated Press, Bloomberg and Reuters all focused on the supposedly positive news of increased consumption reported in today's "Personal Income and Outlays" release from the government's Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the process, two of the three ignored a particulary dreadful statistic about disposable income, while the third (Bloomberg) misinterpreted its meaning. The dire statistic…

Bloomberg's Stilwell Really Wants to Blame the Disastrous Dec. Durable

January 28th, 2014 11:12 AM
There was another appearance of the dreaded U-word ("unexpectedly") this morning at Bloomberg News. The Commerce Department's advance report on December durable goods orders and shipments showed a seasonally adjusted 4.3 percent decrease in orders from November, while November was revised down from a positive 3.4 percent to 2.6 percent. Economists' median prediction for December was for a 1.8…

AP's Rugaber: 'Jobs Report Puzzles Economists'; Fails to Cite Obamacar

January 12th, 2014 10:08 PM
Following up on Friday's awful jobs report from the government (only 74,000 seasonally adjusted jobs added, with the unemployment rate dropping to 6.7 percent only because adults continued to leave the workforce), the Asssociated Press's Christopher Rugaber tried to search for excuses. To its credit, the headline at Rugaber's report didn't blatantly dissemble like the one at Bloomberg, which…

AP Uses 'Don't Read This' Headline, Lede-Burying Content as Al Qaeda R

January 3rd, 2014 9:16 PM
Discouraging headlines are appearing about the deterioration of the situation in Iraq, the war U.S. troops won in 2008. Bloomberg News notes, "Al-Qaeda Fighters Take Fallujah as Iraqi Army Attacks." The Washington Post reports that an "Al-Qaeda force captures Fallujah amid rise in violence in Iraq." At the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, the headline writers are apparently…

Bloomberg Businessweek: Somehow, UPS-Fedex Christmas Snafus Make the U

December 30th, 2013 9:47 PM
Bloomberg Businessweek and others are trying to capitalize on the difficulties United Parcel Service and to a lesser extent Fedex had in delivering packages in time for Christmas to claim that the U.S. Postal Service is coming out of it smelling like a rose ("An Unlikely Star of the Holiday-Shipping Season: The U.S. Postal Service"). Not so fast, people. Let's be extremely generous and take…