Margaret Carlson: ‘We’ve Gone From Martin Luther King to Al Sharpt

August 24th, 2013 11:51 AM
Stop the presses! Stop the presses! A liberal media member actually said something negative about Al Sharpton. Appearing on PBS’s Inside Washington, Bloomberg News’s Margaret Carlson said Friday, “We’ve gone from Martin Luther King to the Reverend Al Sharpton, and as a leader, as he is trying to be this weekend, it’s very dispiriting” (video follows with commentary):

Fed Reserve Official Notes Negligible Economic Boost from QE2; Establi

August 19th, 2013 10:07 AM
A November 15, 2010 blog post by Michael S. Derby at the Wall Street Journal ("San Francisco Fed Official Says QE2 Is Working") told us that "The Federal Reserve‘s recently announced plan to buy $600 billion in Treasury securities to improve economic growth is having a positive effect on growth." The Fed official involved also predicted "the U.S. gross domestic product to come in at 2.5% this…

Holder's Book-Cooking of Mortgage Fraud Enforcement Stats Not News Out

August 12th, 2013 11:04 PM

On Friday, Eric Holder's Department of Justice gave the memory-hole treatment to wildly inflated statistics released last October about the number of cases and the amount of money involved in DOJ's mortgage fraud enforcement efforts. Bloomberg News reporters who had discovered that the original numbers were suspect had been getting stonewalled for months in their efforts to get answers to…

MSNBC's Scarborough: ObamaCare a 'Zombie,' 'Neither Alive Or Completel

August 9th, 2013 3:18 PM
Joe Scarborough offered one of the most interesting ObamaCare metaphors to date on Friday’s Morning Joe, claiming that President Obama’s signature health care reform is “like a zombie” that is “neither alive or completely dead.” The MSNBC host added that the law “just sort of slowly marches on,” amidst a barrage of criticism from both the right and the left. Scarborough’s panel kicked off…

MSNBC's Alter Sneers: GOP the 'Suicide Caucus

August 2nd, 2013 5:15 PM
MSNBC contributors Jonathan Alter and Joy Reid sound much like a good metronome: their commentary never changes, marching on at an endless, fixed pace. Alter and Reid have made a career at the Lean Forward network out of comparing Republicans to slave owners, terrorists, and drunks. Their latest assault on the GOP came on Friday’s Now, with Reid serving as guest host in place of Alex Wagner…

MSNBC Panel: Republicans are Like 'Terrorists,' 'Threatening to Bomb t

July 25th, 2013 5:28 PM
Former Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) drifted a bit too far off MSNBC’s pro-Obama message on Thursday’s Now with Alex Wagner, receiving a strong left-wing rebuke after suggesting that President Obama should be willing to compromise with Republicans on upcoming budgetary battles. MSNBC contributor Joy Reid likened Republicans to terrorists, claiming that the president’s situation is like “when…

Environmental ‘Progress’ Means Backtracking to Days of Sail

July 23rd, 2013 3:16 PM
After this, maybe the Pony Express will be the next thing to come back as part of a green initiative. Environmentalists and Bloomberg Businessweek are advocating that the shipping industry backtrack 100 years and reintroduce the clipper ship. Clipper ships dominated the shipping industry in the mid-1800s, until they were edged out by steam powered ships. Businessweek ironically labeled their…

MSNBC Panel Agrees: If ObamaCare Fails, Blame GOP and Young People

July 18th, 2013 4:48 PM
President Barack Obama touted benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in a speech at the White House Thursday, claiming his signature health care bill is “doing what it’s designed to do.” The president also acknowledged the “glitches” that have impacted the implementation of the law, including his announced one-year delay of a so-called “employer mandate” requiring businesses with more than…

Bernanke's 'If We Were to Tighten, the Economy Would Tank' Comment Ign

July 17th, 2013 11:27 PM
Today, as the wire service AFP reported in a story carried at, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in the question and answer exchange after his prepared testimony, told the House Financial Services Committee that "If we were to tighten (monetary) policy, the economy would tank." That assessment of the economy's fragility qualifies as news, especially given the Obama…

Bloomberg's Carlson: Republicans Think Immigrants are 'People in Hoodi

July 17th, 2013 4:23 PM
Bloomberg columnist Margaret Carlson tied immigration reform to the shooting of Trayvon Martin on Wednesday’s Morning Joe, claiming Republican voters oppose the Senate immigration bill because they believe “immigrants are, you know, people in hoodies.” While the inflammatory line would no doubt be well-received on a liberal network like MSNBC, it seems somewhat unbecoming of a professional…

Margaret Carlson: GOP Against 'Giving Dignity to Immigrants

July 1st, 2013 1:45 PM
Appearing on Friday's Political Capital show on Bloomberg News, Bloomberg View columnist Margaret Carlson -- formerly of CNN and Time magazine -- charged that Republicans are opposed to "giving dignity to immigrants" as she recounted reluctance by Republicans to entertain granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. Carlson:

Scarborough Blasts Media 'Lap Dogs' on Obama's 'Voter Suppression' Mem

June 28th, 2013 3:51 PM
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough scolded the media on Friday’s Morning Joe, claiming mainstream outlets acted as “lap dogs” to the Obama administration’s messaging on voter ID proposals during the 2012 election. Scarborough also pushed back against his liberal panel’s repeated attempts to connect voter ID laws to actual instances of racist voter suppression in the 1960s Jim Crow South. The…

A Culture of Spying at Bloomberg

June 14th, 2013 3:25 PM
While government spying on citizens has been a hot topic of conversation lately, it’s worth noting that such snooping can also happen in the private sector. The Bloomberg wire service, founded by anti-gun nut New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, has admitted that its reporters have been spying on customers of its business data service for years and using that information to generate news stories…

Hawking His Pro-Obama Book on NBC's 'Today,' Jonathan Alter Applauds P

May 31st, 2013 12:23 PM
Appearing on Friday's NBC Today to push his new 448-page love letter to President Obama about the 2012 election – laughably titled, The Center Holds – left-wing Bloomberg columnist Jonathan Alter gushed: "I think this is, you know, partly just to place this in the history of this country. It was an extraordinarily important election....And I think there's also a personal lesson from Barack…