Al Hunt and Mark Shields Repeat Disputed Story of Gingrich Divorcing C

January 23rd, 2012 3:04 AM
Last Friday saw two high-profile liberal pundits - one on Bloomberg News's Political Capital and the other on PBS's Inside Washington - repeating the story that Newt Gingrich divorced his first wife while she was being treated for cancer, without either of them noting that one of Gingrich's daughters - Jackie Gingrich Cushman -  last May specifically disputed the account that her mother, who is…

Charles Krauthammer Schools Margaret Carlson on Payroll Tax Holidays

December 24th, 2011 8:01 AM
Like so many of her liberal media colleagues, Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson believes cutting payroll taxes for a short period of time stimulates the economy. Fortunately for viewers of PBS's Inside Washington, when she tried to make this absurd conclusion Friday, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was there to give her and others on the panel a much-needed education (video follows with…

Obama Crony-Run LightSquared's Network Now Shown to Disrupt Plane Safe

December 14th, 2011 11:17 PM
Late Friday afternoon, Todd Shields at Bloomberg News broke a story about some guy, who happens to be an Obama and Democratic Party donor (but not disclosed), against whom the Securities and Exchange Commission is formally considering an enforcement action (also not disclosed, though it was noted at the New York Times's Dealbook Blog five hours before Shields's report), whose "wireless service…

GM Non-Story: Dealer Inventory Build-up Continues

December 4th, 2011 10:08 AM
Not that it took keen insight to catch it, but yours truly was one of a very few people who pointed out that General/Government Motors unduly dressed up its financial statements in advance of its late-2010 initial public offering by foisting an unreasonable level of vehicle inventory on dealers. The effect of this was to enable the company, which in accordance with general industry practice…

AP Critique of GOP Candidates' Economic Proposals Cites 'Mainstream' T

November 3rd, 2011 11:55 PM
It's truly delicious when the outfit which calls itself the Essential Global News Network essentially admits that a certain economic theory which begins with a "K" has become such an undesirable word -- almost an epithet -- that it avoids its mention. That was the case with a pathetic critique of GOP candidates' economic plans written up by the wire service's Charles Babington on Sunday. When…

WaPo Item on Fed's Economic Downgrade Leaves Out Tepid Projected Growt

November 3rd, 2011 10:13 PM
At the Washington Post's "with Bloomberg" Business section, the self-described locale "Where Washington and Business Intersect," a Wednesday item by Neil Irwin ("Fed downgrades growth forecasts, sees high unemployment for years ahead") told us that "The Federal Reserve sharply downgraded its projections for the U.S. economy," but never cited any projected growth numbers. Seriously. Having…

Wires Virtually Ignore Corzine's Dem Party ID, Rarely Associate Him Wi

November 2nd, 2011 12:19 AM
Consider this post the print and online follow-up to the report early Tuesday evening by Matthew Balan at NewsBusters on the failure of the Big Three TV networks to note the Democratic Party/Obama fundraising affiliation of former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine, whose now-bankrupt MF Global financial firm has apparently admitted to diverting client money in a futile attempt to battle its…

Jonathan Alter's Blinders: 'White House Free of Scandal'; Obama Asset

October 29th, 2011 11:10 PM
Jonathan Alter, who spent 28 years at Newsweek, has been a columnist at Bloomberg News since early this year. Just this year, the reliably and insufferably liberal Alter, among many other things, called the Republican House's passage of Paul Ryan's budget plan in April an attempt "to throw Granny in the snow," and coldly calculated that in the wake of her shooting, Arizona Congresswoman…

MIA: AP Coverage of Dour Consumer Sentiment Report

October 15th, 2011 10:23 AM
Yesterday, Joe Weisenthal at Business Insider reacted to the mixed economic news of the day by observing: "Lots of folks are scratching their head about today's dismal UMich/Reuters consumer sentiment number coming in so ugly, just as retail sales for September came in so strong." It seems that the folks at the Associated Press were not among the head-scratchers. From all appearances, the…

Tumulty Channeled 'Occupy Wall Street,' Rose Cited Reagan to Push Tax

October 12th, 2011 12:11 PM
PBS's Charlie Rose opened last night’s Bloomberg/Washington Post GOP presidential economic policy debate by noting the round table format was like a “kind of kitchen table where families for generations have come together to talk and solve their problems.” But through much of the debate it sounded more like Thanksgiving dinner with your liberal aunt and uncle as panelist Karen Tumulty of the…

GOP Entrusts Debate to PBS Host Who Fawned Over Al Gore, Hillary

October 11th, 2011 7:56 AM
Tonight's GOP presidential debate (hosted by The Washington Post and Bloomberg TV) is moderated by longtime PBS late-night host Charlie Rose. His show has been touted as a "national salon," but it's a very cozy place for liberal media elites. Conservatives are not regulars. The most frequent guests include his journalist buddy Al Hunt (with 79 appearances), who now works at Bloomberg, and New…

Bloomberg Columnist: Obama Was 'Conciliator,' OWS May Provide 'Inocula

October 10th, 2011 11:55 PM
Yesterday, in a different post about long-term unemployment, I wrote: "Of all the reality-denying aspects of Obama administration press coverage, the usually implicit but occasionally explicit assertion that he and his people are just helpless bystanders in an economic calamiity is easily among the most annoying." Bloomberg's Mike Dorning triggered the annoyance meter today with an "analysis…

Mark Shields on Christie's Weight: When You Sit in the Bathtub and Wat

October 1st, 2011 12:20 PM
The juvenile bashing of Chris Christie's weight hit a disgraceful low on PBS's "Inside Washington" Friday when a panel absent the guiding sanity of syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer chuckled and guffawed over the size of the New Jersey governor. What posterity will certainly view as one of the more embarrassing episodes on this political talk show stalwart came when PBS's Mark Shields…

As 'Jobs Hard to Get Number' Hits 28-Year High, AP Claims Consumers' R

September 27th, 2011 1:19 PM
The Conference Board's September Consumer Confidence Survey came out this morning. Overall, it rose very slightly from a miserable 45.2 to a still-miserable 45.4. Consumers' assessment of near-term prospects slid from 34.3 to in August to 32.5, while their longer-term outlook improved from 52.4 to 54.0. At the Associated Press (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes…