HuffPo Demands Rich Pay 'Fair Share' in Death Tax

March 9th, 2010 2:38 PM
Imagine the audacity of wanting to dispose of your own money as you see fit? The idea is hateful to Bill Scher of the Huffington Post, who demanded in "Super Wealthy Deathly Afraid Estate Tax Would Reduce Deficit" on March 9 that the wealthy "pay their fair share." Scher railed against the Bush tax cuts, and asserted that a 35-45 percent inheritance penalty (the estate tax or death tax) isn't…

Bloomberg News Calls Jack Murtha 'Supporter of Troops', Doesn't Mentio

February 9th, 2010 6:41 PM
Bloomberg News managed to pen a full obituary of the late Congressman Jack Murtha today, calling him a "Supporter of Troops" in the headline, without once mentioning his incendiary--and unfounded--claims that a group of Marines had murdered 24 Iraqis in cold blood (h/t Washington Examiner's Mark Hemingway).Murtha, himself a former Marine, said in 2005 after two dozen Iraqis were killed in the…

Venezuela Slipping Into Socialist/Statist Darkness, Figuratively and L

January 10th, 2010 6:33 PM
Four recent stories out of Venezuela each give readers brief glimpses at how Hugo Chavez's brand of authoritarian socialism is critically wounding what could be a resource-rich, financially prosperous country: January 9, Associated Press -- "Venezuela weakens currency for 1st time in 5 years." January 10, Bloomberg -- "Chavez Says He’ll Seize Businesses That Raise Prices." December 22, AFP…

Tax Increase Campaign Item 3: Wars Cost Money And Rich Must Pay, MI Se

November 21st, 2009 10:37 AM
At this point, there should be little doubt that there is a concerted attempt underway to use the war in Afghanistan as a justification for punitively taxing high earners. Last weekend (noted at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), the New York Times discovered that wars cost money. It cited Wisconsin Democratic Congressman David Obey's concern that funding the Afghanistan effort at the level requested…

Ted Turner Decries 'Solid Waste' of Newspapers, Wants More Reruns of

October 18th, 2009 1:02 PM

Bloomberg Spins Negative ObamaCare Poll Into Bad News for GOP

October 8th, 2009 3:43 PM
Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft, who has been on quite a roll as of late, had the Media Bias Catch of the Day, Polling Division, this morning. Rush mentioned Hoft's post on his show this afternoon. Jim compared the results of a Quinnipiac poll on ObamaCare to how Bloomberg reported the results. He first noted what Quinnipiac found: Jim then asked, "So, how does the state-run media report this news…

Bloomberg: Obama Hurting Democrat in Virginia Governor's Race

September 2nd, 2009 11:10 AM
Barack Obama has been President for less than eight months, yet his policies are already having a negative impact on Democrats seeking office this year.So said Bloomberg Wednesday in a piece entitled, "Corzine, Deeds Electoral Weakness Reflects Obama’s Lower Rating." With a number of high-profile off-year elections scheduled for November, it will be fascinating to see how Obama-loving media spin…

A Government-Run Betting Monopoly Goes Broke

September 2nd, 2009 10:04 AM
New York State's Off-Track Betting Corp. (OTB) is filing for bankruptcy "as a municipality" under Chapter 9 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code "after four years of losses totaling $38 million." You read that right: A government-run gambling monopoly has gone broke, after losing money for years. How was this seemingly impossible feat accomplished? There are clues in stories at Reuters and Bloomberg…

Former Majority Leader, now Bloomberg Contributor Daschle Says Health

August 11th, 2009 5:04 PM
Not everyone on the left is in denial of the town hall protests and propagating the notion that any opposition to ObamaCare is manufactured "Astroturf" from the right. Former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, now a Bloomberg TV contributor, said that the issue of public sentiment isn't settled. Some prognosticators have concluded that everyone wants President Barack Obama's brand of…

Bloomberg's Unchallenging Obama Interview: No Mention of Cratering Col

June 20th, 2009 10:45 AM
Maybe reporters Brian Faler or Nicholas Johnston at Bloomberg asked Barack Obama some really challenging questions when they had a chance to interview the President at the White House. Maybe they even did some basic fact-checking. If so, there's precious little evidence of either in their June 16 report.They allowed the president to blame most of the current year's deficit on George W. Bush. They…

New GM Chair: 'I Don't Know Anything About Cars'; He's Just the Latest

June 10th, 2009 5:00 PM
You can't make this stuff up. The titled quote comes from a Bloomberg story today about new GM Chairman Ed Whitacre. You also can't make up most of the media's calm acceptance of yet another person heavily involved with running General Motors, aka Government Motors, who knows next to nothing about cars except as a consumer who drives them. At least it's refreshing that this guy has…

Here We Go Again: This Time Gov't. Is Trying to Shaft Unsecured GM Bon

May 22nd, 2009 2:17 PM
Earlier today at my blog, I noted in a post updating the sad situations at bankrupt Chrysler and headling-for-bankruptcy General Motors, that GM is, according to a Wednesday Reuters report, offering secured bondholders a much better deal than the 29 cents on the dollar Chrysler's secured creditors have been offered. Chrysler's "non-TARP secured lenders," after what they allege with much…

Social Security Surpluses Are Near Their End; Bloomberg's Hassett Note

March 31st, 2009 12:22 AM
Yesterday, in the process of passing on news that bloggers such as Ed Morrissey at Hot Air and outfits like the Heritage Foundation were onto earlier, Bloomberg's Kevin Hassett delivered a stinging indictment of the establishment media for being asleep at the switch (the sole exception appears to be a video report at PBS). But while he does a good job identifying the problem and indicting…

Liberal Economist Krugman Explains Populist Backlash Will Cause Geithn

March 25th, 2009 10:41 AM
Talk about unintended consequences. All this populist anger ginned up by congressional Democrats, the media and the Obama administration is going to hinder the Treasury Department's strategy to rescue the banking system. Paul Krugman, the liberal New York Times columnist and winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics explained to Bloomberg News on March 24 that this is just what is happening…