Derrick Z: OK To Be Patriotic. Now

November 22nd, 2008 8:05 AM
For years, little would upset liberals more than the suggestion they were less patriotic than other Americans.  The crowd spewing "Bush-Hitler-Genghis-Khan-baby-killers-AmeriKKKa-Ho-Ho-Ho-Chi-Minh"? Great patriots, all.  Bill Ayers trampling a flag?  Dissent is patriotic, dude.But now that Barack Obama has been elected, comes an admission, unintended as it may be. Yeah, maybe we weren't so much…

Boston Globe: Talk Radio Now 'Irrelevant

November 16th, 2008 11:56 AM
Looks like a couple of fellows pushing a book were able to convince the Boston Globe to let them contribute some soothsaying about the future of talk radio. Scratch that, they are talking about today, here and now -- and it's all bad. In the Boston Globe, Steve Elman and Alan Tolz have proclaimed "the rising irrelevance of talk radio," so Rush... fuggedaboutit. Hannity... go back to house…

Barnicle Wants More 'Jokes' Like Obama's Nancy Reagan Line

November 10th, 2008 6:55 AM
Mike Barnicle, come on up here and accept this morning's Lanny Davis Award for shameless defense of the indefensible.  You've earned it.  Not merely did the Morning Joe panelist excuse Barack Obama's nasty jab at Nancy Reagan, he actually claimed that we need more of those kind of "jokes" from our presidents.Joe Scarborough began the discussion by asserting that whereas mayors, governors and…

Did You See This? Neither Did America

October 7th, 2008 2:12 PM
Did you happen to catch the candidate who handled her heckler with grace, poise, and dignity? It’s created quite a buzz in the media… The Boston Globe spoke of her ‘snappy comeback.’ The Consortium for Independent Journalism reveled in ‘her deft reaction.’ MSNBC reported from the scene that there was ‘roaring cheers and applause from the stunned crowd.’ USA Today remarked about her ‘…

Boston Globe Leads With a Lie -- Debunked Palin Rape Kit Story Raised

October 1st, 2008 1:27 AM
I would urge someone close to members of the editorial board of the Boston Globe to let them know that the world is not flat, the moon is not made of green cheese, and Elvis is, indeed, dead. I say this because obviously the Boston Globe is way behind the times in discovering facts that debunk rumors and it's clear they have no capacity to do any research. I mean, they must not be paying…

Boston Globe Likes Mass. Plan, but Reports Patients Waiting 100 Days t

September 22nd, 2008 6:17 PM
Tried reading the Boston Globe two days in a row? One day its editorial page says Obama's health care plan is superior to McCain's; after all, it's sort of like the Massachusetts plan, and look at the state's high rate of insurance coverage now! Next day: Mass. residents waiting 100 days for primary care. Unfortunately, coverage mandates don't solve the underlying problems in the health sector,…

'McCain Can't (i.e., Doesn't) E-Mail' Claim Not Only a Lie; It's Irrel

September 13th, 2008 10:52 AM
John Stephenson at NewsBusters early this morning asked, “Will (the) Media Report Obama’s Mocking of McCain’s Disability?” The answer is "I doubt it," at least beyond their blogs. Print edition or televised examples will be rare to non-existent. Two other pertinent items will also probably be ignored: Bill Clinton's acknowledged lack of tech skills and virtual non-use of e-mail.More important,…

MSNBC's Newest Leftist Face: 'Affable and Erudite

September 8th, 2008 10:25 PM

Update: Still No Movement on Ayers-Obama Annenberg Papers

August 21st, 2008 2:27 PM
In my post on Tuesday, I wrote about Stanley Kurtz's efforts to access the Annenberg Challenge files housed at the University of Illinois-Chicago. These files documented an educational initiative started by Bill Ayers and chaired by Barack Obama.At that point, only AP writer Pete Yost had written anything about the story. Additionally, U of I rep Bill Burton issued a press release. Since that…

Boston Globe Imagines 'What If?' Dukakis Won 20 Years Ago

August 9th, 2008 6:58 PM
Over a drawing of Michael Dukakis waving in front of Air Force One, the cover story for last Sunday's Boston Globe Magazine posed the question very few have ever wanted answered, but if such people exist they most likely live within the Globe's home delivery area: “What If? Twenty years later, imagining there was a President Dukakis.” While certainly hagiographic, staff magazine writer Charles P…

Name That Party: Dem MA State Senator Charged in Sexual Assaults

August 3rd, 2008 9:34 AM
The Associated Press has done it again, even beyond what Ken Shepherd of NewsBusters noted in a related post on June 4. In that post, Ken cited an AP report that did not identify the political party of Democratic Massachusetts State Senator and alleged serial sexual assaulter James Marzilli until the eleventh and final paragraph. AP Writer Denise Lavoie went one step further in her 300-word July…

GOP House Revolt Over Oil Drilling Gets Ignored or Buried

August 2nd, 2008 12:12 PM
On Friday, NewsBusters wondered how much attention media would pay to the Republican revolt that occurred after Speaker Pelosi adjourned the House for a five week vacation without allowing a vote on offshore oil drilling.It turns out that if you rely on the evening news programs of the three broadcast networks, you didn't hear about this extraordinary event at all (photo courtesy AP). And, if you…

Gastronomic Baloney: Food Choices Can Make You 'Conservative

July 23rd, 2008 6:37 AM
There has been a trend in recent years for liberals to try to rebrand themselves as conservatives. The purpose is to con people into thinking that they somehow uphold traditional values. One of the more laughable of these rebranding attempts has been put forward by one John Schwenkler, a doctoral candidate in philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. The very title of Schwenkler's…

Obama Campaign Revives the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy at 'Fight the Sm

July 9th, 2008 12:26 AM
Although the term isn't used, it's clear that the Obama campaign sees itself and their candidate as victims of a vast conspiracy of right-wingers. Going all the way back to the 1988 presidential election, Obama's "Fight the Smears" chart (featuring the campaign's new sort-of "presidential seal," replacing the one that was "dropped," at the top left) purports to tell us "Who's Behind These Lies."…