Absolut Elitism: Globe Says Subprime Lending 'Like Handing Vodka ' to

September 10th, 2007 7:08 AM

NYT: America's Wealth 'Spoils' to be Redistributed

September 8th, 2007 7:51 AM
SPOILS1. a. Goods or property seized from a victim after a conflict, especially after a military victory. b. Incidental benefits reaped by a winner, especially political patronage enjoyed by a successful party or candidate.2. An object of plunder; prey.3. Refuse material removed from an excavation.4. Archaic The act of plundering; spoliation.Something about the weekend seems to bring out the…

CNN/Money's Laugher on Economic Policy Institute's 'Stagnant Wages' Re

September 4th, 2007 11:48 PM
Previous Post: Part 1 -- Evaluating EPI's "Stagnant Wage" Claims __________________________________________ The first sentence of CNN/Money's Labor Day report entitled "GDP Growth Not Reaching Paychecks" certainly had entertainment value (bold is mine): The economic expansion that began six years ago has failed to benefit most workers, according to a report from the nonpartisan Economic Policy…

This Is How Liberals Think

September 1st, 2007 6:18 AM
You're a liberal. You've identified a problem -- the massive loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States; a net loss of 4.6 million jobs over the last 20 years. You've even done a decent job of identifying the causes of the problem: "Companies lose market share to foreign low-cost producers . . . or move their operations overseas in search of lower wages . . . or apply production…

Google Puts Laughing Bush by Headline ‘Children May Lose Out On Insu

August 22nd, 2007 10:22 AM
Whether an accident or intentional, the placing of a picture of President George W. Bush laughing next to the headline "Children May Lose On Insurance" is rather deplorable, especially since the picture was not from the article in question. However, that's what occurred at Google News' Health section Wednesday morning when the featured article was the Boston Globe's piece by Alice Dembner…

Misleading NYT/Globe Articles Portray Income Growth as Income Decline

August 21st, 2007 6:42 AM
Dispatch from the Department of Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics, MSM Division . . . Today's New York Times contains an article about sleight of hand. Elsewhere in the paper, the Times engages in some statistical prestidigitation of its own.You're the New York Times and its minor-league subsidiary, the Boston Globe. You obtain government data showing that Americans' incomes have risen every…

Carroll's Cri de Coeur: Globe Columnist Anguished, and It's All Americ

August 6th, 2007 8:21 AM
I don't know James Carroll, but if I were a friend or family member I might truly be concerned. His Boston Globe column of this morning, American Disconnection, is a disjointed lament about the state of the world and his feeling of disconnectedness, invoking the anomie of his youth. What makes it interesting for present purposes is the way in which Carroll, the prototypical MSM liberal, looks…

Gloom & Doomers: Despite Good Numbers, Times & Globe Talk Down Economy

July 30th, 2007 9:57 AM
Last week's economic report couldn't have been much rosier. The economy grew at a faster-than-expected rate, faster than any time in over a year. But far from sparking runaway prices, inflation actually moderated. But that didn't stop the Axis of Gloom, AKA the New York Times and its Beantown subsidiary the Boston Globe from publishing op-ed items this morning finding the cloud on the silver…

Greenland Ice Find Debunks Al Gore’s Global Warming Theories

July 7th, 2007 10:19 AM
Just in time for worldwide concerts to draw attention to the planet’s imminent doom at the hands of anthropogenic global warming, a new find in Greenland suggests that much of the hysteria in Al Gore’s schlockumentary “An Inconvenient Truth” has absolutely no basis in scientific fact.Even though this study will likely get little to no attention from a media in full fawn mode over Gore and his…

Looking for Love at the Globe, Has McCain Signaled End to Prez Ambitio

June 21st, 2007 5:59 AM

Boston Globe Blames Israel for Gaza Civil War While Praising Yasser Ar

June 14th, 2007 1:30 PM
As the Civil War in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah rages on (please see fabulous coverage on this by our friend at Gateway Pundit), Glenn Reynolds marvelously commented Thursday: “[S]ince it's Hamas killing people, nobody will really care -- unless, ironically, they can find a way to blame the Israelis.”Well, as he pointed out in an update, the Boston Globe unbelievably published an editorial…

Happy Flag Day? For The Left, the Flag Stands for 'Jingoism, Vengeance

June 14th, 2007 1:06 PM

Jacoby of the Globe: Border Fence Like Berlin Wall

June 13th, 2007 6:32 AM

Globe Echoes McCain's Disdain: Voters Not 'Rational' on Immigration

May 19th, 2007 7:18 AM
See update at foot: life imitates NewsBusters. This is the first step. We can and must complete this legislation sooner rather than later. We all know that this issue can be caught up in extracurricular politics unless we move forward as quickly as possible. -- Sen. John McCain [R-AZ], May 17th.Now is probably the last window for action on comprehensive reform before presidential politics thwart…