Globe Editorial: Unborn Children Better Dead Than Unwanted

July 29th, 2006 5:29 PM
The unborn children of teenage mothers who don't want them are better off dead. I don't see any other way to intepret the Boston Globe's editorial of this morning Pregnant and Frightened. The editorial was prompted by a recently-passed Senate bill prohibiting the transport of minors across state lines for purposes of an abortion in violation of parental consent or notification laws. In the…

O'Reilly Newspaper Theory, Strike Two: Globe Also Calls for Immediate

July 25th, 2006 9:42 AM

O'Reilly: Liberal Jews Are All Big-City Newspapers Have Left

July 24th, 2006 3:40 PM

For Boston Globe, 'American Dream' = More Big Government

July 24th, 2006 9:22 AM

Globe's Kuttner: Bush 'Lying Heir to the Lunatic Fringe

July 22nd, 2006 7:47 AM
Even for a Boston Globe columnist, Robert Kuttner's effort this morning has to go down in the annals of Bush-hatred at its most rabid. Consider these excerpts, annotated with my comments:'The latest violence in the Middle East demonstrates the bankruptcy of the Bush administration's grand design for the region.' Stay with me - Bob's just clearing his throat.'The quagmire has demonstrated the…

Jackson of the Globe: Don't Taunt Terrorists With Tall Towers

July 19th, 2006 6:41 AM

Boston Globe Cartoon: Only Court Decision Prevents W From Ordering Tor

July 14th, 2006 11:28 AM
Somebody please tell me what is funny or - more importantly - true about this cartoon. Is this really the view of Dan Wasserman and by extension the paper that employs him - the Boston Globe? Do Wasserman and the Globe really believe that, in his heart, President George W. Bush is a torture-master of medieval proportions? Do they truly think that only international agreements and court…

Shaughnessey of the Boston Globe: Orlando 'Ultimate Yahoo Town

July 10th, 2006 4:56 PM
What is it with Boston Globe sportswriter Dan Shaughnessey and Florida cities? Trouble booking a tee time? Lines too long at his favorite Disney World ride? Bad OJ in his screwdriver, perhaps?For the second time this year, Shaughnessey took the occasion of a TV appearance to gratuitously label a Florida city a 'yahoo town'. As I wrote about here, back in January, appearing on ESPN's 'Rome…

Boston Globe Says 'Domestic Partners' Will Lose Health Insurance Witho

July 9th, 2006 7:47 AM

July 4th In Media Bias History

July 4th, 2006 6:59 AM

9-11 Grave Desecrator: Boston Globe's Dig at Coulter

June 11th, 2006 5:25 AM
Talk about the Big Dig . . . You might say the Boston Globe has taken the condemnation of Ann Coulter to new depths. Its editorial cartoon of 9/11, by staffer Dan Wasserman, suggess that Coulter's criticism of the 'Jersey Girls'- the 9/11 widows turned harsh Bush administration critics - amounts to desecration of the graves of the 9/11 victims themselves. Wasserman also swipes at what he…

House GOP Proposes Public Broadcasting Budget Cuts....Again

June 9th, 2006 6:11 AM

Attention Boston Globe Readers

April 24th, 2006 1:53 PM
Dear Boston Globe Readers: You may not have known it from our coverage, but Easter was last weekend. - The Ombud

The Moral Relativism of the Boston Globe: Killing of Innocent and Guil

April 18th, 2006 7:57 AM