Boston Globe Runs Editorial, 3 Op-Eds Urging Warren Run for President

March 22nd, 2015 4:46 PM
Look no further for a textbook example of why the Boston Globe is seen by critics as kneejerk liberal. In today's paper, most of the cover and two full inside pages within the "Ideas & Opinion" section (eight pages in all) are devoted to a single cause -- urging Elizabeth Warren, a Bay State senator and the Democrats' most ardent class warrior, to run for president.

Bozell & Graham Column: Aiming the Starter's Gun at the GOP

February 17th, 2015 11:42 PM
The safest bet you can possibly make at the beginning of a presidential election cycle is that the “objective” national media will savage the Republican contenders with “investigative” journalism. Not just one Republican contender, but all the Republican contenders. It’s a bit amazing to look back at 2012 and remember that every Republican candidate was punched in the kisser by “journalism” if…

Worse Than Seattle’s Super Bowl Call? The Media’s Calls on Government

February 2nd, 2015 9:37 AM
The Seattle Seahawks yesterday - in a moment of profound foolishness - forsook Beast Mode for Least Mode.  And it cost them the Super Bowl.   But they can take ever so slight solace - the Media has been in Least Mode for decades.  This has been on prominent display throughout the Barack Obama Administration - and certainly when it comes to the Administration’s many, MANY unilateral power grabs…

Kurtz: Boston Globe's Boehner Blunder Reflects 'Ugly Media Mindset'

January 18th, 2015 12:23 AM
Howard Kurtz, the Fox News analyst and the host of its "Media Buzz" program, made a few pertinent observations in a column about Victor Paul Alvarez's astonishingly crass attempt at humor at earlier this week. That said, Kurtz should have criticized the web site and its parent, the Boston Globe, for its completely unsatisfactory explanation for the one "correction" it made to Alvarez's… Fires Scribe Who Dredged for Laughs in Plan to Kill Boehner

January 16th, 2015 1:24 PM and associate editor Victor Paul Alvarez have parted ways, according to fierce crosstown rival Boston Herald, after Alvarez wrote a glib and snarky account of an alleged plan by an Ohio bartender to poison House Speaker John Boehner. Here's how it was reported in the Herald --'s Alvarez Yuks It Up Over Foiled Plan to Poison Boehner

January 14th, 2015 2:12 PM
Victor Paul Alvarez's LinkedIn profile says that he's an "Associate Editor - at The Boston Globe," with previous stints at East Bay Newspapers and the Baltimore Sun. He was a copy boy at the Sun in 1994 while he was also a student at Towson University, which would likely make him a bit over 40 years old now. It is beyond comprehension that someone with Alvarez's decades of experience…

Boston Globe on Perils of 'Pro-Choice': Prenatal Tests Can Be Wrong

December 16th, 2014 10:13 PM
When the topic of abortion is covered in the media, it generally tends to play into the liberal theme of “a woman’s right to choose” or circumstances where abortions may be deemed “necessary” – which makes this recent Boston Globe story on prenatal screening inaccuracy leading to unnecessary abortions all the more interesting.    One of the main arguments for abortion, pro-choicers say, is to…

Headline Roundup: Obama to 'Shield' Aliens With 'Deportation Relief'

November 20th, 2014 1:52 PM
Some of the nation's most influential newspapers sympathetically broke out the euphemisms for Obama as he prepares for unilateral executive action to "shield" some illegal immigrants from the rule of law, which they call "deportation relief." He's "cheered by reform advocates."

AP's Tobacco-Ban Town Hearing Story Acts As If 'Rowdy' Crowd Ended It

November 13th, 2014 4:10 PM
Amy Crawford of the Associated Press, who wrote the wire service's original Sunday story about a proposed first-in-the-nation ban on the sale of all tobacco products in the town of Westminster, Massachusetts, covered the town's Wednesday night public hearing. While it's nice that Crawford followed up on her original story, her opening paragraph, based on the facts as I understand them and…

Massachusetts Town Wants to Ban Tobacco; But What About Pot?

November 11th, 2014 10:26 AM
A Sunday Associated Press item carried at its national news site informs readers that the town of Westminster in north central Massachusetts is seriously considering a ban on tobacco products. The Boston Globe covered the story in a lengthy report on October 28, and the Washington Post carried a brief item at its GovBeat blog that same day. None of those three items addressed an obvious question…

Bozell & Graham Column: Hillary Clinton Flunks Economics

October 28th, 2014 10:54 PM
Liberals have this terrible and annoying habit of congratulating themselves for their intellectual heft merely because they hold liberal views. Once this arrogant notion reigns, it’s tough for liberals to acknowledge when one of their own says something so remarkably unfactual and stupid that it makes you wonder just how ignorant the liberal really is. At an event for Massachusetts gubernatorial…

Boston Globe Reporter: ‘Bush Had No Coalition’ For Iraq War

September 16th, 2014 12:15 AM
In a conversation on Twitter with Fox News Channel (FNC) contributor Richard Grenell, Boston Globe reporter Bryan Bender continued the media’s double standard of slamming then-President George W. Bush’s international coalition for the Iraq War and President Obama’s current coalition for fighting the Islamic terrorist group ISIS.  Writing in a tweet addressed to Grenell, Bender stated that “Bush…

Not National News: Mass. Obamacare Exchange Requires Everyone to Re-en

August 18th, 2014 5:59 PM
Recent news about Obamacare hasn't exactly been good, but the press has been pretty effective in keeping it quiet. To name just a few items, Enrollment is shrinking, because perhaps as many as 20 percent of enrollees aren't keeping up with their premiums. Rising costs have moved insurers to beg for bailouts, which appear to be forthcoming.  Then there's this: Just last week in Massachusetts,…

'Abortion Comedy' Director Hates Fox News: 'Those People’s Heads Tal

June 16th, 2014 6:18 AM
Gillian Robespierre, the feminist director of the abortion comedy Obvious Child, is not a fan of Fox News, as she revealed in an interview with Matt Juul Wednesday in the Boston Globe. Asked about sexism and feminist hashtags on Twitter, she said "like, I’m watching a lot of CNBC and Fox News in these [expletive] hotel rooms and it’s just making my head spin. It just makes me really sad. It…