
#MeToo Movement Hits D.C. in Latest Episode of 'Scandal'

March 15th, 2018 11:54 PM
It only took fourteen episodes of the final season, but ABC’s Scandal has finally covered the #MeToo movement. The latest episode has Olivia and the other Gladiators working to expose the sexual offenders within Congress, because if there is anyone qualified to expose hidden sex perverts, it’s a Hollywood show.

ABC Still Worried About McCabe Losing His Pension for Misleading IG

March 15th, 2018 9:41 PM
During Wednesday’s World News Tonight, ABC and anchor David Muir made it clear that they cared little about how former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe mislead Inspector General investigators. Rather, they were more concerned about him losing his pension. The same was true Thursday evening when their network competitors moved on from the story while ABC was still fixated on the possibility of a…

NBC Ignores Report McCabe Misled Investigators, ABC Frets for Pension

March 14th, 2018 11:18 PM
On Wednesday, word leaked out that the FBI’s Inspector General’s office was recommending former deputy director Andrew McCabe be fired for misleading their investigators who were looking into the handling of the Clinton e-mail investigation. The report hasn’t been made public yet but it comes as the Trump administration was experiencing numerous firings. While ABC, CBS, and NBC had previously…

Networks Celebrate Students Walking Out of Class for Gun Control

March 14th, 2018 9:11 PM
Wednesday was marked by the mass exodus of students from reportedly over 3,500 schools who cut class and took to the streets for gun control. The liberal media flocked to the nationwide spectacles to hear their talking points parroted back at them. ABC, CBS, and NBC all led with the protests to kick off their evening newscasts.

#Resist: New Shonda Rhimes Legal Drama Puts Racial Profiling on Trial

March 14th, 2018 12:43 AM
ABC’s For The People is the latest series by outspokenly liberal producer Shonda Rhimes, the same woman behind ABC Thursday night powerhouses Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder. Because apparently we didn't have enough diverse, attractive people spewing liberal speech in our faces in settings like hospitals, D.C. and law schools, we now have this show to insert Rhimes’s moral…

Nets Give 58 Seconds to House Committee’s ‘No Collusion’ Findings

March 12th, 2018 11:36 PM
On Monday, the House Intelligence Committee closed its inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, much to the chagrin of the liberal media. The committee confirmed that the Russians were indeed trying to cause chaos in the election, claimed they weren’t out to help candidate Donald Trump specifically and that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But…

‘Shame On You’: ABC, NBC Whine Trump ‘Caved Entirely’ to NRA

March 12th, 2018 8:56 PM
The liberal media were in sour moods Monday after the White House released its plan to address school safety and gun control. Journalists on the evening newscasts were upset that the plan didn’t have the sweeping and constitutionally-questionable actions they were desperately hoping for, which also had them singing President Trump’s praises just two weeks ago.

Meet the Press Panel Freaks: Incompetent Trump Handing NoKo a Victory

March 11th, 2018 2:21 PM
When it was first announced last Thursday that President Trump was to personally meet with North Korea Dictator Kim Jong-un for negotiations, the media’s response varied from optimistic to seething anger. But with some time, it appears as though their consensus is now to denounce the idea, as was blatantly obvious on Sunday’s Meet the Press. The entire panel up in arms and fretting that Trump was…

ABC, NBC Neglect Support for Tariffs from Some Senate Democrats

March 8th, 2018 8:58 PM
As unpopular and questionable as President Trump’s new tariffs on steel and aluminum were, they did have some appeal to a seemingly unlikely group: Senate Democrats (along with a few House members). With the President signing the necessary documents in front of the cameras on Thursday flanked by American steelworkers, Senators let the press know they supported the move. But if you were only…

'SVU' Rapist Motivated By Campus 'PC' Culture

March 8th, 2018 12:45 AM
The world of NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is unraveling fast. First, it feels justified in showing a conservative pundit brutally raped. Then, it argues the merits of euthanizing a baby. Now, it’s advocating the “convict first, ask questions later” system of trying college rape cases. Whatever path the show is going down, I don’t want to be a part of it.

CBS, NBC Ignore Failed School Bombing by ISIS-Inspired Student

March 7th, 2018 10:57 PM
In the wake of any school shooting, the liberal media trip over themselves in a mad dash to cram their gun control agenda down America’s throat. Damn be the facts as they glorify those who push gun control and ignore anything that doesn’t fit the agenda. While major liberal network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had hyperventilated about AR-15’s on their morning and evening shows, they either…

NBC Adopts Gov. Brown’s ‘War on California’ Narrative Against Sessions

March 7th, 2018 8:56 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in California on Wednesday as part of his effort to end their so-called “sanctuary city” and “sanctuary state” policies that forbid local law enforcement from working with federal agents on immigration matters. During NBC Nightly News hours later, the network showed who’s side they took in the debate when they framed the story using Democratic Governor Jerry…

Nets Go Gaga for Wild Nunberg Speculation About Trump Collusion

March 5th, 2018 9:23 PM
Monday was marked by the rolling train wreck that was former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg’s seemingly non-stop appearances on cable news shows taunting Special Counsel Robert Mueller for subpoenaing him. During his wild interviews (which lasted from mid-afternoon into the night), Nunberg made numerous suggestions that federal investigators may have a case against President Trump. And that was…

Meet the Press Panel Laments the Lack of Progress on Gun Control

March 4th, 2018 3:33 PM
Towards the end of Sunday’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd led the largely liberal panel on a sorrowful whine session to bemoan how no hastily-crafted-poorly-understood-and-ultimately-useless gun control measures had been enacted nationally yet.