
'God Bless America:' 'Scandal' Mocks Gun Rights

January 29th, 2018 7:00 AM
ABC’s Scandal has wasted little time in pushing a liberal agenda for its last season, but this latest episode admittedly is a change of pace. Instead of pushing diverse liberal heroes or peddling government handouts, the episode jumps straight into conservative-bashing. Gun owners beware, Scandal does not care for you.

ABC Panel Fawns Over Joe Kennedy Delivering Dem Response to SOTU

January 28th, 2018 12:51 PM
After beginning the morning by dismissing President Trump’s first official State of the Union address as an event that would be quickly forgotten, the stacked liberal panel on ABC’s This Week was overjoyed that the Democrats had selected Congressman Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) to give the party’s response. They were excited about his good looks and his “moral voice,” because if the Kennedys are…

ABC/NBC Set the Stage for Media to Quickly Forget State of the Union

January 28th, 2018 10:03 AM
With President Trump set to address the nation during the State of the Union on Tuesday, the White House billed the theme of speech as “building a safe, strong, and proud America.” But during some of the network morning shows on Sunday, journalists appeared eager to get past the address and forget about it, maybe even as soon as “Wednesday afternoon,” as one guessed.

NBC Comedy Compares Faith to Believing in 'Bigfoot,' 'Mermaids'

January 25th, 2018 11:03 PM
The NBC comedy Superstore spent their January 25 episode exploring the difference between things that are real, things that are imaginary, and things that were once real and are now extinct. The episode title "Angels and Mermaids" might give you a clue as to how they treat faith in those discussions. 

ABC Dismisses Seriousness of FBI Texts, Knocks Those Who Are Concerned

January 25th, 2018 9:35 PM
On Thursday, it was announced that the missing FBI text messages were recovered and heading to Congress for review. With this development, the liberal media finally had an interest in the story, but they instead pushed a narrative that there was nothing to worry about, there wasn’t a scandal to be had, and anyone arguing as such were being political. And during the evening network newscasts, ABC’…

Trump-Like Alien Pledges Wall Around 'Rapist' Earthlings on 'X-Files'

January 25th, 2018 1:48 AM
Fox’s The X-Files has been working overtime on their anti-Trump agenda this season, but they’ve truly outdone themselves with this latest episode. In a fictional world full of conspiracy theories - even parallel universes - where people seem to reject objective truth, one thing never changes: Donald Trump must be mocked at all costs.

ABC Finally Covers Missing FBI Texts, Paints It as Wild GOP Conspiracy

January 24th, 2018 9:36 PM
After completely ignoring for the better part of three days the shocking revelations that the FBI had somehow managed to lose five months worth of text messages, ABC finally found the story during Wednesday’s World News Tonight. And with their late arrival came a heavy spin campaign to make it seem as though it was nothing more than baseless accusations from a panicked Republican Party.

Nets Ignore NFL Quashing ‘Please Stand' Super Bowl Ad by Vets Group

January 23rd, 2018 11:51 PM
With the protest-filled 2017 NFL season set to come to an end in a couple of weeks, the league found itself engulfed in controversy Tuesday when they banned an ad from a veterans group asking people to “please stand” for the national anthem. It was a truly sad story, but the none of the major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) felt the need to report it to their viewers during their evening…

ABC Still Not Covering Missing Texts, Nets Silent on 'Secret Society'

January 23rd, 2018 9:32 PM

The revelations concerning missing FBI text messages continued to snowball on Tuesday as news trickled out that, via the remaining 50,000 texts, the FBI was home to a so-called “secret society” that began meeting after President Trump was elected. And despite how the revelations have been reported by other major news outlets, the three major network news outlets have been reluctant to cover…


Nets Censor Revelation FBI Lost Texts from Two Shady Anti-Trump Agents

January 22nd, 2018 11:41 PM
There were disturbing revelations out of the FBI over the weekend when it was learned that the bureau had somehow lost roughly five months of text messages between an anti-Trump investigator and a lawyer he was romantically involved with. Since then there have been calls from Republican members of Congress for another special counsel to investigate the FBI’s shady handling of the Clinton e-mail…

CBS/NBC Downplay GOP Victory in Shutdown, ABC Guilts Democrats

January 22nd, 2018 9:21 PM
Congressional Republicans and President Trump declared victory on Monday over the Democrats in the government shutdown, as the Resistance could hold out no longer and voted on the continuing resolution to fund the government. In exchange, they received a promise to negotiate and vote on DACA in the next few weeks. The three major network news outlets were notably disappointed and frustrated that…

New Medical Drama on Immigration: 'We're Shutting Our Doors'

January 22nd, 2018 12:37 AM
Medical drama The Resident premiered on January 21 with its pilot episode, in which we get to know the doctors at the fictional Chastain Park Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. Chief of Surgery Dr. Randolph Bell (Bruce Greenwood) is highly-respected but, it turns out, it kind of a a jerk, and has an interesting take on the state of American immigration. 

Sen. Cotton Slams Media for Buying Schumer’s ‘Ridiculous’ Border Offer

January 21st, 2018 2:16 PM
On day one of the 2018 government shutdown, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) came out and claimed that he offered President Trump funding for his border wall in exchange for protection for so-called Dreamers via the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and he turned it down. Since then, the liberal media have been running around claiming that Trump was the reason an agreement couldn’t be…

Shutdown Day 2: ABC Trashes Trump/GOP, Blamed by a ‘Wide Wide Margin’

January 21st, 2018 10:53 AM
ABC kicked off Sunday’s Good Morning America with five minutes dedicated to the government shutdown. And despite the fact that Democrats were bragging that they had the votes to do it, the liberal network trashed Republicans and touted how President Trump would take all the blame.