
Todd: Wanting to Stop Shootings a ‘Problem on the Republican Side'

April 18th, 2021 10:24 AM

The liberal hackery was strong on NBC’s Sunday Today as political director Chuck Todd claimed that the debate on how to stop gun violence in America was not a discussion on the method, but a refusal by Republicans to want to stop the killing of innocent people at all. His ridiculous smear came a few days after multiple people were killed at an Indiana FedEx facility by a 19-year-old…

Major Studio Apparently Done With Films for ‘White Christian Trash'

April 16th, 2021 12:48 PM

With all this push for Hollywood “diversity” one often wonders if Hollywood has a vendetta against traditional standards of movie making. According to one insider, that’s exactly the case for at least one major studio.


'Law & Order: SVU': New Voter Integrity Laws 'Slow Down' Progress

April 15th, 2021 11:07 PM

Anyone who thought Law & Order: Special Victims Unit was finished with kowtowing to Black Lives Matter will be severely disappointed. The latest episode of the NBC drama reminds that there’s always time to scold the police, just like there’s always time to call new voting laws racist.


CBS Obfuscates Dems Scheme to Pack SCOTUS, ABC Downplays Controversy

April 15th, 2021 8:40 PM

In a pathetic Thursday morning announcement in front of the Supreme Court, a gathering of radical Democrats from the House and Senate announced a bill that would pack the court with four liberal justices in an attempt to undo the conservative majority on the highest bench. It was a sleazy plot that would undo over 150 years of precedent, but it apparently didn’t rise to the level of newsworthy…


CBS Praises Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal, Discounted Trump’s Peace Deal

April 13th, 2021 9:04 PM

There was some major whiplash on Tuesday's CBS Evening News when it was reported President Biden would announce American’s withdrawal from Afghanistan after more than 20 years. T The whiplash came from the network’s support for troop withdrawals being dependent on the party affiliation of the president behind it. They even discounted the peace deal President Trump struck to give…


Dangerous Word Games: Nets Drop 'Mostly Peaceful,' Riots Are Protests

April 12th, 2021 8:54 PM

The left’s Orwellian redefining of words took a dangerous step Monday as all three of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) started to refer to the riots of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota as “protests,” effectively dropping the “mostly peaceful” label they were mocked for using in the summer of 2020. All of this followed an apparently accidental shooting where a cop seemingly went to use…


TV Mom Not ‘Proud’ of Cop Daughter: 'Paid Bully for the City'

April 12th, 2021 1:45 PM

While the latest episode of The Rookie wasn't overly saturated with a race-baiting plot, that's not saying very much. The ABC show still continues to denigrate police officers, as it did with April 11's episode "Man of Honor" which dubs them paid bullies for the city.


‘Batwoman’: Private Prisons Create Criminals for Profit

April 11th, 2021 11:04 PM

CW’s Batwoman has gone from peddling Black Lives Matter lines to peddling Black Lives Matter conspiracy theories. If the past few episodes weren’t bad enough, attacking private prisons and gun owners takes it to a whole new level.


Republicans Step Up to SCHOOL Liberal Media on Infrastructure Lies

April 11th, 2021 4:09 PM

With the liberal media helping to shepherd President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure slush fund for Democratic pet projects, and their help with the Orwellian redefining of infrastructure, the left needed to be taken to task and called out for lying to the American people. Well, during Sunday’s This Week on ABC and CBS’s Face The Nation, former New Jersey Governor Chris…


ABC, NBC Back Biden’s Orwellian Rebranding of Social Programs

April 11th, 2021 10:32 AM

Last week Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-D) was mocked on social media for declaring that social programs like “paid leave,” “child care,” and “caregiving” were “infrastructure” because they were part of President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure slush fund. And, during Sunday’s morning newscasts, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today took up the Orwellian…


Critics Call ‘Gutfeld!’ ‘Nasty’. Do They Not Watch Samantha Bee?

April 9th, 2021 2:26 PM

If you’re Stephen Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel, you can spend hours of your late night show bashing Trump and you’re hilarious. But if you’re a conservative late night host making fun of Dems, they’ll call you “nasty and unappealing.”


CRAZY! Chris Cuomo: White People Take ‘Comfort’ in Racism

April 1st, 2021 6:17 PM

During the transition between Cuomo Prime Time and CNN Tonight on Wednesday night, host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo brazenly claimed that white people are devoid of empathy and lack the ability to “see humanity” in black people—specifically, in George Floyd. The identity-obsessed anchor…


Sore Loser Dem Trying to Steal Seat Calls It Quits, Nets Skip the Plot

March 31st, 2021 9:02 PM

For weeks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Democratic candidate Rita Hart had been plotting to steal Iowa's second congressional district from Republican Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who rightfully won the election back in 2020. But on Wednesday, Hart called it quits on her dubious efforts and NewsBusters couldn’t help but notice that the likes of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to…


Good Lap Dogs: CBS, NBC Ignored Biden’s Dog Attacking Another Person

March 30th, 2021 10:57 PM

In a Monday afternoon incident at the White House (which didn’t break until Tuesday), President Biden’s 3-year-old German shepherd Major attacked another person after a previous incident earlier in the month. The injuries were so bad they “required medical attention,” according to CNN, but neither CBS Evening News nor NBC Nightly News thought it was newsworthy. On the other…