
After Ignoring Deaths in Iran, ABC Claims U.S. Has No Moral Authority

December 31st, 2017 12:31 PM
After ABC began their Sunday morning programming by ignoring the Iranian regime’s brutal murder of two anti-government protesters overnight, the network’s make-believe Republican Matthew Dowd took to This Week and declared that the United States had no moral authority to call them out on their human rights abuses.

Iran Starts Killing Protesters, ABC Ignores While CBS and NBC Downplay

December 31st, 2017 10:41 AM
The anti-government protests targeting government and religious leaders sweeping across Iran took a bloody turn Sunday as overnight reports surfaces of two protestors being killed at the hands of the corrupt government. Disgustingly, the deaths didn’t trigger much air on the three major American networks. ABC’s Good Morning America had a blackout of the deaths and protests all together while NBC…

Nets Ignore Anti-Government Protests in Iran, CNN Downplays

December 30th, 2017 12:20 PM
Chants of “Death to Rouhani” and “We don’t want an Islamic republic” echoed through the streets of Iran on Saturday, marking the third day of fierce anti-government protests sweeping the country. President Trump weighed in, tweeting: “Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad.”…

Bogus Tax Cut Reporting Exposed: Vast Majority's Taxes Will Be Lower

December 27th, 2017 7:35 PM
Up until the moment it was signed into law, many press reports on the tax law portrayed it or strongly implied that it contained increases or virtually nothing for most taxpayers while granting big breaks to "wealthy" households (the term preferred over the genuinely accurate "high-income" label). So imagine how surprised some Americans must be to learn that the press is having a very difficult…

After Media Tax Bill Misinformation, NBC Whines About Public Confusion

December 26th, 2017 9:41 PM
Throughout the entire legislative process, the liberal media were deeply invested in spreading as much disinformation about the GOP tax reform bill as possible. And now that the bill that they worked so hard to sink was actually law, NBC Nightly News spent part of Tuesday’s broadcast complaining about how confused people were and how they were in a holiday season panic following tax conversations…

'Triggered!' Not 'Cool' to Mock PC Culture Now Trump's in Office

December 22nd, 2017 6:30 AM
As PC culture continues its march into the ridiculous, NBC sitcom Great News appears to be hurrying it along. Their December 21 episode "PC Culture" saw Carol and Chuck, two of the older members of staff, forced to attend sensitivity training because it is virtually impossible to keep up with what the rules are in order to maintain political correctness. Inititally, they fight back, and they make…

NBC: America Acting Like a ‘Bully’ By Sticking Up for Israel

December 21st, 2017 11:18 PM
In a Thursday vote that was more for show than for substance, the United Nations General Assembly in a vote of 128-9 (with 34 abstentions) condemned the United States for rightfully declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And during NBC Nightly News, the network flaunted the decision by the elitist body, touted their rebuke of the U.S., and described the U.S. as somehow acting like a “bully…

Media Says Praising Trump Is Touting ‘Dear Leader,’ Flashback to Obama

December 21st, 2017 8:59 PM
Following the Republican victory in passing sweeping tax cuts for all American taxpayers on Wednesday, they and President Trump held a gathering at the White House where they touted their win before the press. During the various victory speeches from Republican members of Congress, nearly all of them praised the President for his leadership.

NBC Frets GOP ‘Likely’ to ‘Punt’ on Funding Child Health Insurance

December 20th, 2017 11:14 PM
After congressional Republicans scored a major victory with their tax reform bill on Wednesday, despite the apocalyptic hyperbole of the Democrats and their media lackeys, NBC was looking ahead and began to lay the groundwork for their future screeds against Republicans: Their heartlessness in not funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

ABC Hides the Truth, Claims Most Tax Cuts Going to the Wealthy

December 20th, 2017 9:15 PM
During ABC’s World News Tonight on Wednesday, the network demonstrated just how well they could stick to the Democratic Party’s talking points. “The biggest tax cuts will go to the wealthy, corporate America,” boldly declared sensationalist anchor David Muir as he was coming on the air. While he was quick to continue the liberal echo chamber, he cast doubt on the Republicans’ promise of economic…

CBS Suggests Trump Admin. Is to Blame for Deadly Amtrak Derailment

December 19th, 2017 9:18 PM

With the investigation into the cause of the deadly Amtrak train derailment in Tacoma, Washington still ongoing, on Tuesday CBS Evening News placed the blame on the Trump administration claiming they were the ones putting off the implementation of the proper safety regulations. Their accusations came amid reports that both the train and the track were equipped with the required positive train…


Nets Omit Obama Admin ‘Sabotage’ of Anti-Terror Efforts for Iran Deal

December 18th, 2017 10:05 PM
In a demonstration of their unwavering devotion to the former president on Monday, all three of the major network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC), and the Spanish-language networks (Univision and Telemundo), had a blackout on the revelations uncovered by Politico: The Obama administration sabotaged efforts to damage the financial operations of the Hezbollah terrorist group all so he could have…

'Madam Secretary:' U.S. Like Taliban, Didn't Give Women 'Equal Voice'

December 18th, 2017 1:16 AM
Sometimes CBS’s Madam Secretary wants so badly to fix the problems in today’s world that it blows logic to solve them. The latest episode, however, may be one of the most backwards examples to date. In a single episode, the hour-long drama tries to convince us both that the United States’ beginnings were as bad as the Taliban and that the Taliban can be progressive.

ABC Goes All-In on Trying to Sink GOP’s ‘Nightmare’ Tax Reform

December 17th, 2017 2:16 PM
After making completely false claims about the GOP tax reform bill on ABC’s Good Morning America earlier on Sunday, Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos spent most of This Week leading the discussion tearing it down. After spending a couple minutes smearing the bill in his opening monologue, Stephanopoulos interviewed Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn where one of his first questions involved…