
ABC Sitcom Reveres Riots, Black Panther Party As 'Symbols Of Struggle'

December 6th, 2017 12:40 AM
We all know riots are bad, right? We also know that movements for racial nationalism of any kind don’t yield good results, right? Apparently ABC’s The Mayor did not get the memo since it recently gave credence to both the Black Panther movement and, of all things, riots.

Nets Ignore Sentencing of Former Dem Rep Who Ran Sham Charity

December 6th, 2017 12:12 AM
On Monday, former Florida Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown was sentenced to five years in prison for using her fake charity, that was supposed to help poor students, to funnel money into her personal bank accounts. Despite how disgusting her crime was, the three broadcast networks failed to cover it since the sentencing.

ABC Celebrates Flake’s Dem Donation, Downplays Conyers Resignation

December 5th, 2017 9:30 PM
On Tuesday, Democratic Congressman John Conyers (Mich.) announced his retirement following a flood of sexual harassment charges. Also in the world of sexual harassers: Fed up with Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake sold out his supposedly conservative principles and donated $100 to Moore’s liberal opponent. During ABC’s World News Tonight, the network…

CBS, NBC Ignore Role of Anti-Trump FBI Agent in Clinton E-Mail Probe

December 5th, 2017 12:22 AM
Over the weekend, it was discovered that Special Counsel Robert Mueller kicked a veteran FBI agent, named Peter Strzok, off his team for sending text messages that were disparaging of President Trump. But on Monday, new information broke that Strzok was responsible for toning down former FBI Director Comey’s language when he was announcing he would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton in…

Report: ABC News President Bars Brian Ross from Reporting on Trump

December 4th, 2017 10:28 PM

In a CNN scoop out Monday, Oliver Darcy and Brian Stelter reported that ABC News President James Goldston angrily tore into his staff on Monday during an editorial conference call, “and announced that [Brian] Ross, the network's chief investigative reporter, will no longer cover stories related to President Trump.” 


CBS Skips SCOTUS Allowing Implementation of Temporary Travel Ban

December 4th, 2017 9:08 PM
President Trump scored a big victory on Monday as the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the administration to enforce the third iteration of the travel ban until they could hear the case sometime in early 2018. The ban singled out counties with highly questionable or completely absent vetting processes for those looking to travel abroad. But the development was omitted from the first CBS Evening News…

Former Bush AG Shoots Down Media’s ‘Speculation’ About Flynn Deal

December 3rd, 2017 11:58 AM
The Sunday morning shows were dominated by wild fantasies from the liberal media regarding what was to come next in the Russia investigation after Michael Flynn’s plea deal on Friday. But during an appearance on ABC’s This Week, former Attorney General for George W. Bush, Michael Mukasey, wrote off the press’s hopes as just “speculation” and “heavy breathing.”

CBS, NBC Skip $100,000 to Dem Congressman’s Harassment Victims

November 30th, 2017 11:42 PM
While the pressure mounted on Democratic harassers Representative John Conyers and Senator Al Franken to resign, more details broke on Thursday of the Congressional slush fund used to pay off such victims. ABC World News Tonight was the only network evening broadcast from the big three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) to report that the male victims of former New York Democratic Congressman Eric Massa were…

NBC Complains Senate GOP Not Seeking Input from Dems in Tax Plans

November 30th, 2017 9:52 PM
With the Senate GOP on the verge of passing their version of tax reform on Thursday, NBC Nightly News continued their week-long series where they claimed to break down the tax bills. But in reality, they only sought to stoke fears of those who weren’t familiar with it and bemoaned how Democrats had no input.

Liberal ABC Show Surprises With Patriotic Defense of the U.S.

November 30th, 2017 12:46 AM
For this past fall season, ABC’s Designated Survivor hasn’t been too shy about its liberal bias. From gun control arguments to racism to Republican slamming, there is no question where the show stands politically. However, when it comes to the United States overseas, President Kirkman might just lean a little to the right.  

HLN Panel Calls for NBC to Be Investigated for Possibly Enabling Lauer

November 29th, 2017 9:47 PM
During Wednesday’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered, Cupp and her panel were visibly disgusted as they started the show by talking about the sexual misconduct allegations against former NBC's Today co-host Matt Lauer. After Cupp reviewed the disturbing allegations detailed in the Variety exclusive, the panel vigorously ripped into NBC for claiming they didn’t know about Lauer’s victims until Monday.…

Watch the Moment 'Major Crimes' Anti-Catholic Attacks Jump the Shark

November 29th, 2017 12:14 AM
If you wanted to hear some terrible hot takes on immigration, religion, and race, look no further! TNT's drama Major Crimes has you covered, and you only have to watch one scene to get it all.

ABC/NBC Cover for Conyers, No Mention of New Claim or Resignation Talk

November 28th, 2017 9:08 PM
Tuesday was a terrible day for Michigan Democratic Representative John Conyers as yet another former staffer came forward to accuse the longtime Congressman of sexual harassment and he was reportedly in talks with the Congressional Black Caucus to possibly resign. But according to the liberal Big Three Networks, none of that was really newsworthy.

'Supergirl' Ties Trump to Nazis With 'Make America Aryan Again' Slogan

November 28th, 2017 1:25 AM
This week, the CW is featuring its annual crossover between its four DC Comics shows Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. November 27 featured the first two parts of the crossover and, since one of those is Supergirl (the other is Arrow), that means at least one random liberal line. This time, the superhero series took another subtle hit at President Donald Trump by associating…