
ABC Whines Trump Using Latest London Attack to Push Travel Ban

September 17th, 2017 10:25 AM

In the wake of the latest terrorist attack on the London tube system on Friday, President Trump again spoke out in support of his administration’s temporary travel ban. And during ABC’s Good Morning America on Sunday, the cast was up in arms over the idea of Trump using the attack to back up his argument. “So, do you anticipate Trump trying to use the situation in Britain right now as…


'Midnight, Texas' Brutally Slaughters Priest In Opening Scene

September 12th, 2017 12:46 AM
NBC's Midnight, Texas is back on the list for yet another religious slam. This time a human priest faces possibly the most violent and gruesome death of the series so far. And right next to his church. 

After Trashing Trump on DACA, ABC/CBS Ignore His ‘No Action’ Vow

September 7th, 2017 10:05 PM
For the last couple of days, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have spent much of their coverage of President Trump’s recent Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) decision slamming him for being heartless and cruel. But after a Thursday tweet, where the President reassured so-called “Dreamers” that he would direct “no action” against them in six months, both ABC and CBS…

Shameless: ABC Exploits Harvey Aftermath to Push for DACA

September 3rd, 2017 11:34 AM
The Sunday after President Trump met with and aided the victims of storm-ravaged Texas, ABC’s Martha Raddatz exploited the natural disaster to lobby for him to keep the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA). “The experience of Harvey has been a profound moment in a tumultuous year,” she righteously opined during This Week. “Showing the best of America, but also threatening to…

New NBC Comedy: White People 'Genetically Predisposed' to Be Racist

August 16th, 2017 11:40 PM
If you can pull from the wall-to-wall coverage of President Trump’s press coverage for the third day in a row, you will find that NBC recently premiered its latest sitcom Marlon on August 26. Marlon focuses Marlon Williams (Marlon Wayans) keeping up a cordial relationship with his ex-wife Ashley (Essence Atkins) as they raise their kids together. In contrast with the racially-charged and often…

NBC Show 'Midnight, Texas' Makes Angels Gay

August 15th, 2017 12:01 AM
NBC’s Midnight, Texas focuses on the denizens of a small town named Midnight which includes vampires, witches, spirits, and other supernatural creatures. Overall, the show, while never passing into the realm of interesting, tows the line between the fantasy and political. Unfortunately, now they’ve brought in symbols from Christianity, which means it’s time to be called out.

CBS Inadvertently Admits Gun Restrictions Haven't Worked in Chicago

August 7th, 2017 4:54 PM
On Friday's This Morning show, CBS News reporter Adriana Diaz reported on her seven days on the streets of Chicago's South Side, one of the most dangerous and crime-ridden areas in the U.S. While her report gamely tried to focus on how guns were to blame for the violence, astute observers who know how difficult it is for law-abiding citizens to get guns in the Windy City will notice that, despite…

ABC Eagerly Touts Chuck Schumer’s Lefty Economic Plans

July 24th, 2017 10:45 AM
In an appearance Sunday morning on ABC's This Week, New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer teased his party's economic plan which will be unveiled Monday. One hopes, probably in vain, that it incorporates an understanding of basic economics. Schumer betrayed the fact that he has little to no such understanding when he declared that "gas prices are sticky," and that when the "price for oil goes…

'The Carmichael Show' Mocks Women's March

July 19th, 2017 10:18 PM
NBC’s The Carmichael Show is a show that, while leaning liberal, still manages to crack jokes at the crazier left-wing antics (which seem to be happening more often recently). If you need any more proof, just know that this episode managed to work in the Women’s March with only minimum eye-rollage and a few laughs along the way.

Fake Ratings: How Networks Dishonestly Inflate Evening News Numbers

July 7th, 2017 8:57 AM
Now we know that advertisers and the public are being supplied fake ratings by the same broadcasters who so often deliver fake news. A Thursday morning Wall Street Journal dispatch by Joe Flint reports that the broadcast networks routinely inflate their reported evening news audiences. They hide low-performing evening audiences by — get this — "forgetting how to spell."

Over-Spiced: Nets Obsessed With Melissa McCarthy's SNL Shtick

June 22nd, 2017 8:05 AM
Pity ABC, NBC and CBS News. If the fall TV season comes and Sean Spicer is no longer White House Press Secretary, they’ll have to talk about something besides Saturday Night Live. Like maybe … news. Spicer is rumored to be leaving the press shop for another job in the administration. And if he’s not the daily face and voice of the Trump administration, it’s going to be hard for actress Melissa…

Pelley: D.C. Attack on Congressmen Was 'to Some Degree Self-Inflicted'

June 18th, 2017 8:44 PM
Thursday evening, CBS's Scott Pelley, who officially ended his tenure as the network's Evening News anchor the following evening, told viewers that "It's time to ask whether the attack on the United States Congress Wednesday was foreseeable, predictable and, to some degree, self-inflicted." It's clear from Pelley's subsequent commentary that his answers to all three elements are "Yes." It's…

Press Doubts America Is 'Ready' For Interracial 'Bachelorette' Love

May 24th, 2017 7:06 PM
At NBC and Newsweek, it's still the late-1960s. The movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, with its then-edgy portrayal of an engaged interracial couple visiting the white fiancee's parents, has recently debuted. Apparently the ink hasn't yet dried on the Supreme Court's Loving vs. Virginia decision, which nullified all remaining interracial marriage bans. What else can possibly explain the…

TBS Comedy Paints Oil Tycoons as 'Monsters,' 'Murderers'

May 23rd, 2017 12:30 AM
TBS’s Angie Tribeca often takes a turn for the ridiculous when it comes to their plots, but the most recent episode seemed more willing to go for brutal when it came to oil tycoons. Namely, while murderers can be awful, the real monsters are oil moguls.