
ABC: ‘Objectively, Hillary Is Much More Qualified’ Than Bill in '92

July 26th, 2016 2:19 AM
ABC’s Nightline on Monday night pretended to investigate Hillary Clinton’s long-history of scandal, but David Wright concluded that, “objectively,” she’s even more qualified than her husband, Bill. Though the segment mentioned incidents such as Mrs. Clinton erroneously recounting being under sniper fire in Bosnia in 1996, Wright allowed just 18 seconds on Benghazi and the politician’s unsecured e…

Tavis Smiley Serially Excuses 'Disaffected Black Men' Like Gavin Long

July 22nd, 2016 11:01 PM
Early this week, in an MSNBC interview, Tavis Smiley said that there's far too much attention being paid to "cop killers" and not enough to "killer cops." Then, in a Tuesday USA Today column, he cast his sympathetic lot with Gavin Long, who killed three Baton Rouge police offices on Sunday before a police sharpshooter killed him. Smiley told readers that we should "Listen to the Baton Rouge…

Colbert Prank Crashes RNC Stage, Introduces 'Hunger for Power Games'

July 20th, 2016 2:46 PM
CBS News has fancied itself as a serious, hard-news operation since the days of Walter Cronkite. For all of its heavily documented bias, and though it's now handicapped compared to its Big Three and Fox competition by not having a cable affiliate, it has generally covered and treated the major party conventions as important national events. So one would think that someone at what used to be…

Tom Brokaw Bemoans 'Fear' and 'Hostility' the Press Helped Create

July 18th, 2016 10:03 AM

On Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, former Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw seemed bewildered and frustrated that race relations in the U.S. haven't improved as much as he hoped they would by now. Brokaw didn't consider his own network's significant and largely dishonest contribution to this situation during the past nearly 11 years.


PBS: Perhaps Nice Terrorist Was 'Disgruntled,' 'Upset With His Life'

July 16th, 2016 11:41 PM
We are so fortunate to have expert psychoanalyst Judy Woodruff on call at PBS. (That's sarcasm, folks.) Friday evening, Woodruff, apparently because whatever evidence there is of ISIS involvement in Thursday's terrorist massacre in Nice, France is in her view insufficiently direct, speculated that "It could have been the act of one person disgruntled, upset with his life."

MSNBC Tweet Calls Nice, France Terrorist Attack a 'Deadly Truck Crash'

July 15th, 2016 11:42 AM
News of the evening terrorist truck attack in Nice, France first appeared at the Drudge report at 5:06 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time Thursday afternoon. By 5:28, Drudge was linking to an item noting that conducting a terrorist attack with a truck is something "that jihadist propaganda has suggested for several years." Friday at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time, hours after it was known that what had occurred…

Knife-Wielding 'BrainDead' Liberal: Keep Your Hands Off My NPR

July 12th, 2016 3:05 AM
"Wake Up Grassroots," last night’s episode of CBS’s political comedy, BrainDead, once again demonstrated that the writers aren’t afraid to mock activists from both sides of the aisle. Terrified that a compromise deal might eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and cut off his IV drip of government media, a knife-wielding liberal constituent cornered Democratic Senate staffer Laurel Healy…

ABC Cuts Raddatz Tagging Hillary ‘Crooked’ While Reading Trump Tweet

July 6th, 2016 12:08 AM
Maybe, as the meme says, Donald Trump really is "living rent-free in the heads of the media and liberals everywhere." On Sunday's This Week show on ABC, show host Martha Raddatz read the presumptive GOP nominee's tweet wondering how the FBI could possibly not "recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton." Raddatz, while reading the full tweet, said, "against crooked Hillary Clinton." "…

Roberts: Team Clinton Clueless on Fixing Hillary's Low Trustworthiness

July 3rd, 2016 5:48 PM
On Sunday's morning's This Week show on ABC, hos Martha Raddatz asked normally unflappable Hillary Clinton supporter Cokie Roberts about the "deep mistrust" voters have towards presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton. Concerning her campaign, Roberts responded that "I don’t think they have a clue how to fix it." That's understandable. How do you "fix" a media-enabled problem at least…

Cillizza: Hillary Has 'Large-Scale Problems,' Trump 'Can Win'

June 30th, 2016 1:17 PM
Apparently following up on his Washington Post column earlier this week, the paper's Chris Cillizza appeared on Thursday's Morning Joe show and observed that Hillary Clinton has "large-scale problems on honesty and trustworthines," that "she is the status quo" and "represents the past." Because of that, and despite the conventional wisdom in much of the establishment press that Mrs. Clinton can't…

Press Still Won't Admit Pranked Brexit Do-Over Petition Is Bogus

June 28th, 2016 4:27 PM
It is now two days since it became obvious that the claim that "millions of Britons" have signed a House of Commons petition advocating a do-over Brexit vote is bogus. The petition's buildup to millions of "signatures" was predominantly caused by bot-generating pranksters, and the entire effort proves absolutely nothing about UK citizens' alleged "regrets" over voting to leave the European Union…

AG Lynch Admits: 'I Do Not Know' Where Omar Mateen's Wife Is

June 22nd, 2016 11:46 PM
Here's a new item for the sarcasm-laden "Our country is in the very best of hands" stack of embarrassments Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds has been accumulating during the past several years. The headline at media aggregator is: "AG LYNCH ADMITS THE FBI HAS LOST TRACK OF OMAR MATEEN’S WIFE." If this admission had occurred during any non-leftist presidential administration, the…

The Media as One Cheerlead Another Government Power Grab

June 20th, 2016 11:44 AM
The American media cabal is…ridiculous.  They are the Borg of politics - many entities, but of but one Leftist mind. Led around by their noses by whatever hack government-growing politician is before them at that moment. Just as they calmly repeated the "ventriloquized" Obama line on the Iran deal, so they're doing with the latest ruling on "Net neutrality."

Lynch's Release of Partial Mateen Transcripts Will Censor ISIS Pledge

June 19th, 2016 10:45 PM
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced on NBC's Meet the Press and the other Sunday morning TV talk shows that on Monday, the Department of Justice will release "partial" transcripts of phone conversations between law enforcement and Omar Mateen on June 12 during his terrorist massacre in Orlando, Florida. Asked why the transcripts would only be partial, Lynch told MTP host Chuck Todd…