Networks Air 4-to-1 Favorable Coverage of Minimum Wage Hikes in 2015

January 7th, 2016 11:27 AM
When it comes to raising the minimum wage, networks minimize balance and maximize bias. After a year of protests clamoring for a $15 minimum wage, Christian Science Monitor reported that 14 states and several cities increased minimum wages or planned to in 2016. Several more cities and states are expected to consider a $15 minimum wage with ballot or legislative initiatives, according to USA…

CNN: Bill Clinton's War-on-Women History Is Only 'Alleged'

January 4th, 2016 10:40 AM
Since last night, Matt Drudge has teased his link to CNN's coverage of Hillary Clinton "heckler" Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien with the following headline: "Clinton heckled in NH by rape survivor." The headline at CNN's story by Dan Merica is quite different: "NH GOP lawmaker heckles Hillary Clinton over Bill Clinton's sex scandals." The headline difference is not unusual. What is unusual is that…

AP Ignores Minn. Terror Suspect's Involvement With Airport De-Icing

December 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
In a year-end interview with National Public Radio, President Barack Obama largely blamed "a saturation of news" coming from a media which "is pursuing ratings" for growing concerns in America over the ability of ISIS and other terrorists to conduct attacks on U.S. soil, and indicated that "it's up to the media to make a determination about how they want to cover things." It's reasonable to…

10 Outrageous Ways the Media Were Anti-Business Activists in 2015

December 21st, 2015 10:09 AM
Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned. Rather than reporting as neutral outsiders on matters of race, CNN hosts and guest actually put their hands up in the “Hands up, don’t shoot” pose that never happened while reporting on protests. They seize on mass shootings to repeat calls for stricter gun control. The sad…

Evening News Shows Ignore Radicalism, Crimes Surrounding UN COP21

December 16th, 2015 11:08 AM
In recent weeks, thousands of negotiators from 196 governments met in Paris “for a major conference on climate change” attempting to reach an agreement for every country to lower its greenhouse gas emissions: emissions climate alarmists say will cause catastrophic climate change. That conference, dubbed COP21, began on Nov. 30, and wrapped up with the announcement of a non-binding agreement on…

'SNL' Mocks Defunding Planned Parenthood, Pushes Need for Gun Control

December 7th, 2015 1:46 PM
On the December 5th airing of Saturday Night Live, fake-news anchor Michael Che called out the Republican Senate for scheduling action to defund Planned Parenthood, despite the recent shooting in San Bernardino. The reality of the Senate activity however is that the bill, known as the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act, was scheduled for Thursday, December 4, back on…

Behar On 'The View': The Bird Flu Is More Popular Than Ted Cruz

December 2nd, 2015 3:38 PM
The View on Wednesday took issue at a recent video from Ted Cruz, in which he talks about encouraging staff using Star Wars voices. After the clip played, The View began a barrage of comedic jabs at Cruz’s expense. Michelle Collins began with “Did you see what a co-worker said?” Joy Behar interrupted Collins’ thought, saying “The bird flu is more popular than Ted Cruz.” Collins laughed at the…

Conservatives Shun Colbert Because ‘Smart Comedy Has a Liberal Bias’

November 29th, 2015 2:20 PM
You’ve probably heard the phrase “too smart for the room.” Penn State professor Sophia McClennen thinks that Stephen Colbert is too smart for America, or at least a huge chunk of it, and that consequently he’s fallen to third place in late-night television’s ratings race. In a Monday Salon piece, McClennen argued that even though Colbert has “moved his satire into a more centrist mode” since…

President's Mudslinging Confuses Joe, Ignatius 'GOP Governors Worse'

November 18th, 2015 11:27 AM
Morning Joe on Wednesday discussed the recent remarks by President Obama on Republicans who are “afraid of orphans and widows.” When the discussion turned to David Ignatius for commentary, he gave a defense of Obama. Scarborough would press Ignatius with on using "the widows and orphans" to antagonize Republican governors. While Ignatius conceded there is always room to correct the words used, he…

Mika Brzezinski: There Is Vetting Despite No Records to Verify

November 17th, 2015 1:56 PM
Morning Joe featured on Tuesday, an interview with Congressman Peter King. Early into the segment, Mika Brzezinski began a war of words with Congressman King. After Brzezinski introduced the topic, King stated, “I'm extremely concerned because what the President is telling us is not true.” Brzezinski interrupted the Congressman, saying that “there is vetting,” and arguing that he was wrong. What…

ABC News Consultant Rips Into Rubio as Refugee Hypocrite on 'The View'

November 16th, 2015 4:38 PM
Monday’s The View featured a segment with Richard Clarke, an ABC News consultant and former Clinton and Bush national security staffer. Clarke iterated that “We are a country of refugees. The people we're allowing in are the victims of terrorism. We shouldn't punish victims of terrorism.” When Paula Faris brought up that Marco Rubio said “you can't do a background check on a lot of these refugees…

AP Avoids Reporting Obama's Callous 'We Have Contained ISIS' Statement

November 15th, 2015 11:44 AM
As of early this morning, Matt Drudge was carrying a link to a story headlining how President Obama is "under fire for saying ISIS 'contained' just hours before Paris attack." Well, Obama is under some fire, but Drudge's link is to coverage at the UK Daily Mail. That's unfortunately unsurprising, because there is little to no mention of Obama's naive, foolish and callous statement in the U.S.…

Press Defines 'Joke' As Anything That Insults, Threatens a Republican

November 11th, 2015 11:39 PM
Just as a reality check, I asked a friend today what his reaction would be if I said with a sincere-sounding voice that he makes me want to strangle him. He said, "Almost sounds like a threat." I said, "No, it was supposed to be a joke." He said, "No it's not." I also asked another person what her reaction would be if I earnestly called her "demented." She said, "You'd be insulting me." I asked…

ABC: Fiorina's 'PP Harvests Fetal Body Parts' Statement Only a 'Claim'

November 7th, 2015 10:42 AM
On Friday's The View, as CNS News's Mark Judge reported, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar went ballistic when GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina stated that Planned Parenthood is "harvesting baby parts through late term abortion." Part of Goldberg's response as she serially talked over Fiorina: "You know that’s not true. Carly, you know no one’s harvesting baby parts." Behar chimed in: "That…