
‘True Self-Care’: How Hollywood Normalized Abortion on TV in 2020

January 29th, 2021 7:00 AM

Friday, January 29, would have been the 48th March for Life in DC. Due to COVID-19 concerns, however, the decision was made to make it virtual. We know at least one thing won’t change: the media will again try not to acknowledge the March’s existence. Even when President Donald Trump spoke at least year’s March for Life, the event only received 28 seconds worth of network coverage. 


ABC, CBS Ignore New York Caught Covering Up Cuomo’s Body Count

January 28th, 2021 8:59 PM

In a bombshell report out Thursday, The New York Times exposed how New York State’s Health Department was undercounting nursing home deaths by up to 50 percent. It was a staggering revelation considering Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo was the one who ordered elderly COVID patients be returned to their long term care facilities. But later that evening, both ABC’s World News…


Nets Dismiss Jobs Destroyed By Biden’s Ban on New Oil & Gas Drilling

January 27th, 2021 9:05 PM

With the stroke of a pen Wednesday, President Biden wiped out what will be a plethora of jobs in the oil and natural gas industry when he signed an executive order banning new drilling on federal lands. The ban was spun as just a “pause” and a “freeze” by the broadcast networks as they tried to downplay and dismiss concerns of lost jobs, suggesting they could just get new ones at a time when…


'Protect Our Earth!' Supernatural CW Series Stages Die-In Protest

January 26th, 2021 11:41 PM

Even though the show's originally from Canada, the latest supernatural drama on CW, Trickster, stays completely on brand with the woke network as its latest episode features a die-in protest against fossil fuels.


CBS Bashes Florida’s DeSantis for Planning Ahead With Vaccine Doses

January 26th, 2021 10:59 PM

Earlier this month, CBS Evening News bashed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) because he was moving doses of the coronavirus vaccine from inefficient hospitals to more efficient ones. You know being responsible with what he was given. Well, CBS was back at it again on Tuesday as they chided him for planning ahead and holding on to doses to make sure elderly residence could get their…


NBC Warns Reopening States Kills, Gawks at Restaurants Shutting Down

January 26th, 2021 8:35 PM

If we’ve learned anything about the news media during the pandemic, it’s that they care more about gawking at people on TV instead of genuine, unvarnished compassion for those suffering (especially business owners). And that notion was quite evident on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News when, out of one side of their mouth, the network decried states for deciding to reopen. And with the other…


Biden’s Network Lapdogs Go Gaga for His German Shepherds at WH

January 25th, 2021 8:39 PM

They were his attack dogs during the campaign, but now that he's President of the United States, the liberal media were Joe Biden’s lapdogs. And instead of being on guard like they were during the Trump administration, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) came when called and rolled over Monday evening as they gushed about Biden’s two German Shepherds finally moving into the White House…


White Racist Cop Is at It Again on 'The Rookie'

January 25th, 2021 1:29 AM

The stakes are higher in January 24’s episode of The Rookie, “Sabotage,” now that Officer Jackson West (Titus Makin Jr.) is working together with Sergeant Wade Grey (Richard T. Jones), and fellow officers Lucy Chen (Melissa O'Neil) and Tim Bradford (Erica Winter) to take down Officer Doug Stanton (Brandon Routh), presented to viewers as a racist white cop personified. 


ABC: U.S. Like Post-War Germany, Antifa and BLM Violence Is Moral

January 24th, 2021 1:56 PM

Aside from ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos’s fiery exchange with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Sunday’s This Week was awash with ridiculous and repugnant pronouncements from their mostly liberal cast. Between suggesting America was getting over something akin to Nazism and proclaiming the extremist violence from the left was morally justified, ABC was out to normalize dangerous…


ABC, NBC Already Itching for Biden to Ditch Unity and ‘Ram’ Agenda

January 24th, 2021 10:30 AM

The only unity the liberal media were interested in was their way or the highway. The unity between ABC and NBC was obvious Sunday morning, as each broadcast network showed that they were already getting fed up with the days-old Biden administration for continuing to preach unity and healing despite Republican pushback on policy. While NBC’s opposition was the strongest, ABC didn’t get the…


'Law & Order' Revives Kavanaugh Myth with Anti-MeToo Rapist Judge

January 21st, 2021 11:55 PM

Good to know that some things haven’t changed under a new president. NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is still here to smear #MeToo critics and misremember the Kavanaugh accusations all in the name of messed-up social justice. It’s just as bad as it sounds.


CBS, CNN Praise Biden Launching ‘Assault’ to ‘Unravel’ Trump’s Legacy

January 21st, 2021 12:47 AM

When President Trump took office four years ago and took a pen and a phone to President Obama’s signature policy accomplishments, the liberal media looked on in horror as they decried Trump for dismantling his legacy. But now, they looked on with glee as President Biden set out to “unravel the last four years,” as the CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell put it, with a stack of 17…


Day 1: NBC Lies About Psaki’s 'Great Reputation,' Omit Edited Video

January 20th, 2021 8:49 PM

The Biden administration was only a few hours old on Wednesday and NBC Nightly News was already trying to gaslight their viewers. As the liberal media were eagerly awaiting the first White House press briefing, chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell spun a false tale about Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s “great reputation” at the State Department. Of course, what they weren’t…


NBC Doubles Down on Downplaying Violence of U.S.-Bound Caravan

January 19th, 2021 8:54 PM

On Monday, the broadcast networks ignored how a caravan of Honduran migrants fought with Guatemala police as they stormed their way into the country illegally. NBC Nightly News actually noted the existence of the caravan but intentionally failed to mention the violent broader crossing. Well, NBC doubled down on their downplaying on Tuesday as they again simply noted the caravan before…