
NBC: Trump Stokes Fear While 64% of Supporters Are Hopeful

October 11th, 2020 4:48 PM

In a Sunday Meet the Press where host Chuck Todd repeatedly suggested Joe Biden was going to get Ronald Reagan-like sweep for his candidate Joe Biden, a couple of the statements that stood out the most came from chief White House correspondent Hallie Jackson. Between admitting President Trump’s supporters were hope while he as miserable and it being “technically accurate” that he’s…


After ABC Aids Biden on Court-Packing, Chief WH Reporter Bucks

October 11th, 2020 10:41 AM

As NewsBusters previously exposed, ABC News was in lock-step with the Biden campaign in trying to cover-up their candidate’s ridiculous, ObamaCare-Esque elect-me-to-find-out-my-position-on-court-packing declaration. And they were back at it again for Sunday’s Good Morning America as they omitted Biden’s Saturday proclamation that Americans “don’t deserve” to know his position on court…


What The? GMA Promotes Weird, ‘Three Parent Family’ Arrangements

October 9th, 2020 2:31 PM

Good Morning America seems to have a vested interest in destroying the traditional family unit. What craziness are they peddling this time? Oh just a possible new parenting trend called the “three parent family.”


Salacious Texts: Nets COVER-UP Dem’s Sex Scandal in NC Senate Race

October 8th, 2020 11:28 PM

Former Vice President Joe Biden wasn’t the only Democratic candidate the broadcast networks were actively protecting from scandals. In North Carolina, Democratic Senate candidate Cal Cunningham suffered a possible sinking blow to his campaign against incumbent Republican Thom Tillis after texts exposing his extramarital affair became public. The scandal broke last Friday, but in a week since…


ABC Covers for Biden on Court-Packing, Push Harris’s Abe Lincoln LIE

October 8th, 2020 8:33 PM

To his own dismay, former Vice President Joe Biden made headlines Thursday when he echoed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) ObamaCare pitch and told voters they needed to elect him to find out his position on packing the Supreme Court with liberals. The comments made ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl proclaim “This doesn’t make any sense” on Twitter. But later that evening, senior…


‘Spy Hunter’ Warns NBC: Russia, China, Iran Stoke West Coast Riots

October 7th, 2020 8:42 PM

In a likely unexpected and unwanted revelation (from the network’s perspective) Wednesday, U.S. National Counterintelligence & Security Center director William Evanina warned NBC Nightly News that foreign adversaries such as “Iran, China, and Russia” were some of the forces “enhancing and exacerbating protests on the West Coast” in recent months. But that information went…


COVER-UP ALERT: Nets Hide CIA Notes Exposing Hillary’s Collusion Plot

October 6th, 2020 8:41 PM

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe dropped another Russia collusion bombshell on Washington, D.C. Tuesday, by releasing the contemporaneous 2016 notes of then-CIA Director John Brennan. Those notes detailed how he briefed President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s plot to frame then-candidate Donald Trump with the Russia collusion hoax. But predictably, it fell with a thud on the…


Did They Want Him to Live? Nets Whine POTUS Got Top-Notch Medical Care

October 5th, 2020 10:34 PM

As President Trump made his way back to the White House Monday evening, the broadcast networks couldn’t hide how they wanted his weekend hospitalization at Walter Reed Medical Center to be his death bed. It was made obvious because all three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were openly complaining about Trump receiving “the very best care in the world” that was “not available to most…


ABC Whines Trump Getting ‘Best Medical Care Possible’ to Protect Life

October 4th, 2020 11:04 AM

In a Sunday morning newscast that could easily be described as grotesque, ABC’s Good Morning America stoked conspiracy theories about President Trump’s health following his hospitalization for COVID-19. On top of that, they hyped radicals who were touting the diagnosis and an anchor complained about the President having access to the “best medical care possible” to protect his life.…

CW Picks Up Hillary Clinton-Produced Anthology Series

October 2nd, 2020 7:00 AM

Hillary Clinton will just do anything to keep herself in the spotlight, apparently. After recently appearing on a “non-partisan” Freeform show, she’s already back in the media with a brand-new show on the horizon.


NBC Cries Racism for Mail Ballot Rejection, Admit Not Filled Out Right

October 1st, 2020 8:40 PM

In the same Thursday edition of NBC Nightly News where White House correspondent Geoff Bennett proclaimed that President Trump was “stoking his manufactured voting fraud crisis,” correspondent Morgan Radford cried racism as the force behind why a black man in North Carolina had his mail-in ballot rejected. But she would later admit that he didn’t have a witness signature and had the…

ABC Sets New 'Inclusive' Guidelines for Primetime TV

October 1st, 2020 6:25 PM

As if the Academy Awards wasn’t enough, ABC Entertainment recently announced a new set of “inclusion standards” regarding their primetime programs. It’s yet another installment of the left trying to ruin everything it touches.


‘Deliberately Corrupt’: Nets Hide Comey Getting Called Out in Hearing

September 30th, 2020 8:57 PM

During Wednesday’s Special Report, Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier predicted that the rest of the media would refuse to cover former FBI Director James Comey getting chewed out and admitting to major problems with his Russia investigation. “I guarantee you it's not getting a lot of coverage on other networks and that is the former FBI Director Jim Comey testifying on Capitol Hill…


Disney WHORES: ABC Hawks Lion King Prequel, Ignores 28,000 Layoffs

September 30th, 2020 3:25 PM

NewsBusters has long documented how ABC “News” has whored itself out to parent company Disney to promote its corporate products, everything from their streaming service Disney+ to films like Mulan. But this week, ABC showed what their priorities were when they gushed about Disney announcing a Lion King prequel was in the works, while at the same ignoring the announcement that…