
ABC Invites Pelosi to Spread Her Doomsday Fears of Trump’s Leadership

April 19th, 2020 1:38 PM
The final question ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos directed to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in his softball This Week interview was intended to tee her up to fear-monger about President Trump’s leadership during the coronavirus crisis, and repeat the debunked claim the President called the virus a “hoax.” In stark contrast, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace had grilled her on how she had…

ABC, NBC Chide Unemployed Protesters as ‘AstroTurf,’ Not The Majority

April 19th, 2020 11:02 AM
As media elitists, their jobs were safe and they could easily work from home. But during their Sunday morning newscasts, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today, chided and cast aside the unemployed Americans taking to the streets as state stay-at-home orders left them in financial ruin. ABC even suggested their angry protests could be “AstroTurf” movements designed to embarrass…

'The Blacklist' Criminalizes Gun Manufacturers

April 17th, 2020 10:37 PM
The only thing less fun than being stuck in shutdown is being stuck in shutdown with shows like The Blacklist. The latest episode of the NBC drama not only lectures us about gun issues but does so through the mouths of criminals. What else can we expect after the show’s last grisly attempt at addressing political issues?

CBS Insists Trump, GOP More Interested Saving Economy Than Lives

April 16th, 2020 9:25 PM
Devoid of any responsibility for the wellbeing and livelihoods of the American populous, CBS Evening News spent two consecutive nights chiding President Trump’s urging for parts of the country to eventually reopen, and get the millions of unemployed and hurting Americans back to work. According to them, the Republican Party was more interested in saving the economy than saving lives.

Sick: NBC Pits Michigan Unemployed Against New York ER Nurse

April 15th, 2020 9:03 PM

Americans across the country were hurting and desperate to support their families as the coronavirus crisis had caused many states to shut down their economies to stop the spread. With protests breaking out in state capitals, NBC Nightly News made it clear the media elite didn’t care. Anchor Lester Holt even started the show by claiming the “drumbeat to reopen the economy is landing with a…


'Cover-Up': Media Dust Off Trump Impeachment Playbook for Virus Crisis

April 15th, 2020 12:51 AM
The liberal media were proving themselves to be a one-trick pony. In recent days, dating back to late last month, members of the liberal media blew the dust off their impeachment playbook as they attacked President Trump for alleged inaction against the coronavirus. With phrases such as “constitutional crisis,” “cover-up,” and the ridiculous “the walls are closing in” shtick creeping back into…

A Break from Corona: Nets Cheer Obama (Finally) Endorsing Biden

April 14th, 2020 9:30 PM
Their excitement could not be hidden. During Tuesday’s evening newscasts, the broadcast networks were able to take a break from the coronavirus crisis and celebrate the edicts of their long lost heartthrob: former President Barack Obama. With no one else able to contend for the Democratic nomination, Obama finally threw his support behind his former vice president, Joe Biden. ABC, CBS, and NBC…

ABC Manipulates Video of Fauci Backing Trump, Insists He Killed People

April 13th, 2020 9:33 PM
During Monday’s coronavirus press conference, Dr. Anthony Fauci rebuked the media for pouncing on an out of context quote pulled from an interview he gave to CNN the previous day. The liberal media had been using the quote to suggest President Trump was responsible for the deaths of over 20,000 Americans due to alleged inaction. ABC’s World News Tonight manipulated the video of Fauci’s defend of…

Blackout: Nets Continue Ignoring Biden’s Sexual Assault Allegation

April 13th, 2020 11:42 AM
It’s been nearly three weeks since a former staffer for Joe Biden, Tara Reade, came out and told the media she had been sexually assaulted by the former vice president and 2020 Democrat frontrunner. Yet the big three television news networks could care less. There has been a total blackout of the serious allegation on ABC, NBC or CBS since Reade told her story publicly, March 25.

Happy Easter: ABC Resurrects Fake News Trump Warned in November

April 12th, 2020 11:21 AM

After getting rebuked by the National Center for Medical Intelligence on Wednesday for pumping out fake news that President Trump knew about the Wuhan Virus back in November, ABC was desperate to find a way to suggest Trump had blood on his hands. Over the weekend, a dubious New York Times report gave ABC the cover they needed to resurrect their bogus story.


CW Drama: Priest Succumbs to Temptation, Kisses Parishioner

April 10th, 2020 11:35 PM
It takes something pretty wild to make a viewer think the CW dramatic soap opera Dynasty has gone beyond the pale, given the standard storylines written for the show. This week though, it succeeded.

‘Incredible’; ABC Spot, CNN Host Marvel at China’s Mass Surveillance

April 10th, 2020 12:21 AM

There was a disturbing trend that popped up on ABC’s World News Tonight and CNN’s coronavirus town hall (the latter hosted by Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Thursday). Both ABC and Cooper marveled in amazement at the mobilization communist China’s mass surveillance state to track their citizens and monitor for their coronavirus. Cooper seemed to go slack-jawed after hearing about a…


'CBS Evening News' Blasts China's Wet Markets, Shows Butchered Dogs

April 9th, 2020 8:51 PM

Finally, a broadcast network made China the target of their scorn when it came to the deadly coronavirus outbreak. Shockingly, CBS Evening News, via correspondent Ramy Inocencio, shared with viewers a scathing takedown of the origin of the outbreak: China and their infamous and disgusting wet markets. Beyond explaining why such markets were a spawning ground for disease, the segment relied…


NBC Finds Critics of New York Preparedness, CNN Tees Up Cuomo to Bash

April 8th, 2020 11:53 PM
As the death toll of the Wuhan Virus continued to climb in New York and set new grime records, many had started to criticize the state and local governments for dragging their feet in the beginning. Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News was the only evening broadcast program to direct criticism at something other than the Trump administration. A few hours later, CNN host Chris Cuomo used Prime Time to…