
Political Bias of Lead Stone Juror EXPOSED, Nets Respond With Blackout

February 13th, 2020 9:43 PM
Tameka Hart, the forewoman in the federal trial against Roger Stone, was exposed on Wednesday by Daily Caller investigative reporter Chuck Ross for once being a Democratic candidate for Congress, on top of being a staunch anti-Trump opponent. While the story continued to spread online, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) tried to hide the revelation from their viewers.

The Media Couldn’t Be Less Interested in Van Attack Against Trumpers

February 13th, 2020 12:02 AM

It has been four days since a deranged leftist tried to kill six Trump supporters at a voter registration event in Duval Country, Florida on Saturday with a van. In that time frame, the story had only generated a measly one minute and four seconds of airtime between three brief mentions on liberal news outlets, NBC and CNN. That’s despite the fact that the attacker had admitted to authorities…


Nets Insist Trump Tweets 'Testing the Independence' of the DOJ

February 12th, 2020 9:14 PM

Without any evidence, the broadcast networks continued Wednesday to push the narrative that President Trump supposedly interfered with the sentencing of his longtime friend Roger Stone. And according to their accusations, a pair of Trump tweets were the smoking gun that proved he was “testing the independence of the Justice Department,” as CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell proclaimed.…


‘The System’s Broke’ Proclaims New ABC Law Drama 'for Life'

February 11th, 2020 11:40 PM
Despite how unbelievable it is, ABC’s new drama For Life is, in fact, based on a real story of a man becoming a lawyer while serving a prison sentence. Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction. The show seems to be going down the more predictable route of calling the justice system broken. Some things never change.

Hippie Sitcom Dad Freaks Out About 'Trickle-Down Economics'

February 11th, 2020 10:38 PM
Hippie parents Alicia (Tika Sumpter) and Paul Johnson (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) learn to get outside of their comfort zones in the February 11 Valentine's Day episode of ABC's Mixish. In the show, which takes place in the 1980s, Alicia has to grow comfortable with young Rainbow (Arica Himmel) going on a date with Bryce.

Special Live ABC Sitcom Shills for Dems 'Trying to Help' Us

February 11th, 2020 10:18 PM

Most people watch TV to get away from the real world and politics. Liberal shows like The Conners won’t let you forget about real-world politics for even a second. The special live episode of the ABC sitcom proved it by wasting half the episode plugging the New Hampshire primaries.


ABC Desperately Tries to Downplay Trump Victories, Record Approval

February 10th, 2020 8:58 PM
After finally acknowledging the week-old Gallup poll which found President Trump’s approval rating was at a record high of 49 percent, ABC’s chief White House correspondent and White Correspondents Association President Jon Karl desperately scrambled during World News Tonight to downplay its significance and dismiss the President’s victories.

‘Not Up to Us': New MSNBC Anchor Begs Colleagues Not to Whip Dem Votes

February 9th, 2020 2:38 PM
During Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC, newly hired MSNBC anchor Joshua Johnson (formerly with NPR) had a candid moment when he admitted the media took part in helping the DNC whip votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and implored his colleagues not to lobby for certain candidates in the 2020 Democratic primary.

ABC, CBS Uninterested in Van Attack Against Trump Supporters

February 9th, 2020 10:14 AM
Though the apparent attempt to rundown multiple Trump supporters registering voters in Florida happened Saturday afternoon, and drew outrage from both of the state’s senators and President Trump himself, the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignored the vicious attack. Come Sunday morning, only NBC’s Sunday Today thought it was worth some airtime, but only 25-seconds worth.

Nets Aghast Trump ‘Striking Back’ Against Impeachment Witnesses

February 7th, 2020 9:28 PM
After being acquitted of the impeachment charges against him earlier in the week, President Trump apparently wanted to remove those who gleefully took part in the Democratic Party’s attempt to remove a duly elected president from office. Despite the fact they served at the pleasure of the President, all three of the broadcast networks were aghast that Trump would fire National Security Council…

FLASHBACK: 4 Years, 4 Worst Political Moments at the Oscars

February 7th, 2020 8:47 AM
Along with the red carpet, Best Picture, and the Oscar itself, the annual Academy Awards has become synonymous with left-wing political speeches and grandstanding. Since 2016, MRC Culture's On TV blog has covered the Oscars in all its liberal glory, from the anti-Trump opening monologue jokes to the activist acceptance speeches.

NBC Lauds Romney: ‘President of the Republican Resistance’ to Trump

February 5th, 2020 9:36 PM
Following his vote to convict President Trump on the impeachment charge of abuse of power, which ultimately failed, NBC Nightly News made their feelings clear and gave Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) a hero’s welcome. In back-to-back segments, they praised him for “voting his conscience over his party” and dubbed him “the president of the Republican resistance to Donald Trump.”

ABC, NBC Omit New Poll Showing Trump Approval Spike to Record High

February 4th, 2020 9:19 PM
Ahead of President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, Gallup, a polling service often cited by the media, released their latest findings that showed the President’s approval rating hitting a new record high of 49 percent (highest ever from Gallup), despite the impeachment trial. It was an inconvenient truth that ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News refused to report during…

Nets Hype Schiff's 'Warning' to GOP, Ignore His Conspiracy Theories

February 3rd, 2020 9:28 PM
Monday was the final day of the Senate’s impeachment trial before Wednesday’s likely acquittal of President Trump. As such, the Democratic impeachment managers were pulling out all the stops, putting out every argument they had no matter how crazy. One claim by Congressman Adam Schiff (CA) suggested if they didn’t remove Trump from office, he might sell Alaska back to Russia. Despite his unhinged…