
Nets Spike Comey Conceding FBI Deceived to Get Spy Warrants for Page

December 16th, 2019 11:17 PM
Fired FBI Director James Comey had his feet held to the fire on Fox News Sunday by anchor Chris Wallace, who grilled him on the FBI’s misconduct during the Russia probe. Despite Comey’s admission that the FBI mislead the FISA court in their applications to spy on a Trump campaign staffer, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) refused to cover Comey’s comments on their flagship…

CBS, NBC Ignore Sexual Harassment Suits Against Bloomberg’s Company

December 16th, 2019 8:54 PM
CBS News and NBC News were the respective former homes of serial sexual harassers Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer, before they were exposed publically. Those networks were now ignoring the three sexual harassment lawsuits leveled against Bloomberg L.P., the financial and media company founded by 2020 Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg. Credit where it’s due, ABC News had aired their investigative…

Nets Cheer Hallmark Flip on LGBTQ Ads, Tout SPLC, GLAAD Rhetoric

December 16th, 2019 1:22 PM
Hallmark’s reversal on pulling Zola’s “lesbian” wedding ad sent another shockwave through the media world after it had just been whipped up into a frenzy. CBS, ABC and NBC’s morning shows all featured news on the “controversial” redecision, though unsurprisingly they leaned almost exclusively on LGBTQ talking points from the SPLC and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD.)

ABC, NBC Desperately Discount Dem Becoming GOPer from Impeachment

December 15th, 2019 12:26 PM
The Democratic Party and media crusade to impeach President Trump didn’t appear to be going well Sunday, as New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew was set to vote against the Articles of Impeachment and become a Republican in the process. ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today spent some of their mornings trying to convince the public it was no big deal. Yet, part of the…

Priest-in-Training Confesses Sexual Exploits on CBS Religious Drama

December 12th, 2019 11:57 PM
The Christmas season is in full swing which means it’s time for shows to insult and denigrate Christianity as a gimmick. CBS’s Evil does its part by introducing the classic scenario of a priest having sex against his studies. Heaven forbid a priest can be a main character without turning to sex.

CBS Touts Dems Beating Back GOP, ABC Fears ‘Moderate’ Dems

December 12th, 2019 8:48 PM
There were two distinct angles of impeachment being covered by ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News on Thursday. While the later was boasting about how “Democrats have beaten back repeated Republican attempts” to oppose the Articles of Impeachment against President Trump, the former was worried about the “moderate Democrats” in swing districts who might vote against their party.

ABC Anchor Muir LIES, Claims IG Found 'No Spying' from FBI

December 11th, 2019 8:47 PM
Senate Republicans grilled Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Wednesday, on how his probe could determine there was no political bias at the FBI against then-candidate Trump, when he couldn’t uncover a reasonable explanation for their “gross abuse” of the system, as Attorney General William Barr put it. Well, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir continued to carry water…

First to Give Lethal Aid, CBS Claims Trump Hurt Ukraine’s Survival

December 11th, 2019 12:19 AM
With “U.S. military aid to Ukraine [being] at the heart of the impeachment battle here,” as CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell noted on Tuesday, they sent a reporter over to Ukraine to see how important that aid was. But while foreign correspondent Holly Williams was busy suggesting President Trump had harmed Ukraine’s ability to fight Russian-back separatists, she completely ignored the…

ABC, CBS Decry Barr, Trump Blasting FBI for Their Probe Misconduct

December 10th, 2019 10:53 PM

The Department of Justice Inspector General’s report clearly spelled out gross abuses by the FBI when applying to spy on members of the Trump campaign. Despite those facts, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News were clutching their pearls Tuesday while reporting on how President Trump and Attorney General William Barr were slamming the law enforcement organization for lying and…


Nets Laud Articles of Impeachment as ‘Milestone,’ ‘Nod to History’

December 10th, 2019 9:03 PM
Well, the day the liberal media had been hoping for finally arrived on Tuesday as House Democrats released their Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. They were welcomed with anticipation by the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). And despite the fact, the Articles didn’t include many of the charges Democrats said there would be, the media did their job and treated them like…

ABC Defends FBI’s Error-Filled Russia Probe of Trump’s 2016 Campaign

December 9th, 2019 9:42 PM

The Justice Department’s Inspector General report examining the origins of the Russia investigation was released on Monday. And in spite of “serious management failures” and “no satisfactory explanation” as to why certain actions were taken, the IG suggested there was no anti-Trump bias. Of course, certain members of the liberal media pounced such as ABC chief Justice correspondent Pierre…


‘Madam Secretary’ Pushes for Equal Pay, ERA in Series Finale

December 9th, 2019 12:58 AM
CBS’s Madam Secretary has finally come to an end. Much like the impeachment hearings, this show has been obnoxiously partisan and has lasted way too long. Predictably, its series finale is the same with one last terrible call for “equality.” The December 8 finale “Leaving the Station” sees President Elizabeth McCord (Téa Leoni) officially signing the Equal Pay and Family Leave Act. 

Sen. Cruz DESTROYS Chuck Todd in Battle Over Impeachment, Media Bias

December 8th, 2019 1:47 PM
Sparks flew and a temper flared during a heated argument between NBC political director Chuck Todd and Republican Senator Ted Cruz on Sunday’s Meet the Press. The former raged as the latter dismantled the combined narrative of congressional Democrats and the liberal media when it came to impeachment, media bias, and Ukraine. Here are the highlights.

ABC: Senate Trial Could Be a Time for 2020 Dems to Shine, Not Recuse

December 8th, 2019 10:37 AM

You can be sure, if Republicans were holding an impeachment trial of a Democratic president, during an election year, the liberal media would be demanding every GOP senator running against the president recuse themselves from the proceedings. But with five Democratic senators still in the 2020 race, the conflict of interest was almost never mentioned. ABC came close on Sunday, but chief anchor…