
CBS/NBC Tout Their Companies Possibly Joining Georgia Abortion Boycott

May 30th, 2019 9:21 PM
In recent years, Georgia has become something of a second home for Hollywood as the state has opened itself up to filmmakers. But ever since the state took a stand to defend the lives of the unborn, the liberal elites on the other side of the country have demanded Georgia bend to their will or face a boycott. The CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News not only hyped the boycott Thursday, but they…

ABC Questions When a Baby’s Heartbeat Is Detected, What Some ‘Believe’

May 29th, 2019 8:43 PM
There was another victory for the pro-life movement on Wednesday when the Louisiana legislature passed their own heartbeat law, which banned abortions after the unborn child’s heartbeat was first detected. But during ABC’s World News Tonight not long after, correspondent Steve Osunsami seemed to question if that was really a heartbeat being heard.

Nets Decry Missouri Possibly Losing Its Last Abortion Clinic, Hide Why

May 28th, 2019 9:35 PM
As the last Planned Parenthood clinic in Missouri battled the state to renew its license, the liberal broadcast networks rushed to the defense of the organization during their main Tuesday evening newscasts. While they decried the momentum of pro-life legislation, then neglected to answer the “why” portion of why the license was in jeopardy.

Impeachment Obsessed: Todd Fails to Grill Tlaib on Her Anti-Semitism

May 26th, 2019 3:04 PM
The liberal media loves to lecture their viewers about how we need to stand up to hatred and bigotry and anyone who doesn’t was a coward. Obviously, that only applied to President Trump and Congressional Republicans because, during an over six-minute long interview on Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC political director Chuck Todd failed to question Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on her recent anti-…

Faux Republican Dowd Uses Memorial Day to Bash President Trump

May 26th, 2019 12:14 PM
Memorial Day is a sacred day for all Americans were we honor and remember the soldiers who died defending us and our freedom. But for ABC’s faux Republican Matthew Dowd, the day was just another political cudgel to use against the target of his ire: President Trump.

ABC Declares Trump Took the 'Side' of 'Murderous Dictator' Over Biden

May 26th, 2019 10:19 AM
In a Saturday tweet from Japan, President Trump took a rhetorical swing at former Vice President Joe Biden when he suggested North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un called his 2020 rival “a low IQ individual”. The anti-Trump alarmists over at ABC did the only reasonable thing, to them, and decided that the President had taken the “side” of a “murderous dictator” over one of their presidential…

FLASHBACK: The Media Feared for the Welfare of ‘The American Taliban’

May 23rd, 2019 11:40 PM
John Walker Lindh, “The American Taliban” was released from prison three years early for “good behavior” Thursday, despite evidence that he still clung to his jihadist ways. When news of his imminent release broke earlier in the week, the liberal media rightly condemned it. But a peek into the Media Research Center’s vast archives showed that the media was overly concerned for his well-being at…

CBS Passes Along Threat of Violence Against U.S. from Iraqi Politician

May 23rd, 2019 8:47 PM

On Monday, CBS correspondent Roxana Saberi used Iraqi President Barham Salih to shame the United States for the military response to threats posed by Iran against U.S. forces and interests in the region. Then, on Thursday’s CBS Evening News, she appeared to up the ante by passing along a threat of violence against the U.S. made by an Iraqi politician who was part of an Iranian-backed “militia…


CBS Boosts Dem Claim DHS and CBP Purposely Killing Migrant Kids

May 22nd, 2019 8:54 PM

The recent deaths of migrant children in the custody of the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies were tragic and regrettable. But a Democratic lawmaker, with an apparent boost from the CBS Evening News, claimed without evidence that the deaths were part of an intentional plot by the Trump administration which was being carried out by the Border Patrol and other agencies…


Nets Celebrate ‘Abortion Rights’ Protests Against Pro-Life Laws

May 21st, 2019 9:18 PM
The liberal media flocked to elevate the some 400-plus pro-abortion protests held Tuesday as they continued to rail against the wave of pro-life legislation designed to protect unborn life. ABC, CBS, NBC, and Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision took time out of their evening newscasts to praise the protesters plus the 2020 Democrats who attended. CBS was the lone network to cover…

CBS Used Iraqi President to Shame U.S. Response to Iranian Threats

May 20th, 2019 11:27 PM

Despite the fact a rocket landed in the Baghdad green zone close to the U.S. Embassy over the weekend, the CBS Evening News was more interested in wagging its finger at the U.S.’s response to intelligence reports suggesting possible Iranian backed attacks were coming. To back up their position, CBS relied on Iraqi President Barham Salih.


ABC, NBC Upset Louisiana Democrats Helping to Enact Pro-Life Law

May 20th, 2019 8:54 PM
There were apparently still a few Democrats that refused to promote the barbaric act of abortion. During their Monday evening newscasts, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News seemed irritated that Democrats in the state of Louisiana were set to enact their own heartbeat law, effectively keeping up momentum for the pro-life legislation sweeping the country.

CBS Mini-Series Promotes Religious Intolerance in Name of Gay Approval

May 20th, 2019 12:00 AM
CBS’s social justice mini-series The Red Line finally came to an end on May 19. It’s just another series that has promoted obvious progressive talking points like cops shooting black people and the “peaceful” Black Lives Matter movement. The final two episodes likewise end not with a bang but with a whimper as they preach intolerance in the name of gay acceptance.

'The Fourth Estate Saved the Day' in 'Supergirl' Season Finale

May 19th, 2019 10:23 PM
It was silly for any of us to suspect that CW’s Supergirl might have been easy on the politics in its season finale. After a year of liberalism including transgender issues, illegal immigration, and even conspiracy theories, we cap off everything honoring the real heroes of the show: journalists.