
CBS Omits Dem Mayor Raided By FBI/IRS, ABC Hides Party Affiliation

April 25th, 2019 11:46 PM
NewsBusters has kept track of the liberal media’s lack of or minimal coverage of many of the scandals plaguing Democratic politicians, but ABC and NBC shockingly reported on the mayor of Baltimore getting raided by the FBI and the IRS on Thursday. Meanwhile, CBS Evening News omitted the story entirely from its broadcast.

CBS, NBC Ignore Judge Charged for Helping Illegal Immigrant Evade ICE

April 25th, 2019 10:33 PM
Massachusetts Judge Shelly Joseph was federally charged with obstruction of justice on Thursday for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade capture by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer. It’s not the person liberals hoped would get charged with obstruction, so that might partially explain why CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News avoided covering the topic that evening.

Nets Cheer on Biden Calling Trump a ‘Threat to This Nation’

April 25th, 2019 9:42 PM
With a video trying to tie President Trump to white supremacists, former Vice President Joe Biden threw his hat into the 2020 ring Thursday. That video won him the praise of the liberal media as both CBS and NBC kicked off their evening news broadcasts with his announcement. Each of the Big Three networks boasted about the video while downplaying his inappropriate touching scandals.

SEAL Team Exposes VA: ‘A Health Cre That Runs Like Post Office'

April 25th, 2019 1:26 AM
CBS’s SEAL Team has been mostly quiet this season regarding social issues. In its place, recent episodes have taken a deeper perspective into the lives of soldiers during and after deadly missions. This week's episode offers the latest example with a critical look at Veterans Affairs.

CBS Fears ‘Conservative Justices’ Allowing Citizenship Census Question

April 24th, 2019 10:50 PM
For hundreds of years, some form of question about citizenship has been included in the United States census form. But now that Donald Trump was president it’s suddenly a problem of epic proportions, that’s according to the liberal media. During Tuesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor stoked fear of the question and the “conservative justices” on the Supreme Court that would allow it to be…

CBS Hails Hillary Weighing in on Mueller Report, Encouraging Dems

April 24th, 2019 8:53 PM
In an op-ed published by The Washington Post on Wednesday, two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came out of hiding to spout off about the Special Counsel report and to encourage Democrats to continue going after President Trump with endless investigations. In a report about Trump’s “battle with oversight”, CBS Evening News promoted Clinton’s words while painting Trump as in the…

CW Drama’s Attack on Gun Laws Backfires

April 24th, 2019 12:55 AM
CW’s alien series Roswell, New Mexico has finally come to an end. With its Trump jabs, obvious politicization of illegal immigrants, and general awfulness, the show is a low point even for a channel with woke witches and Supergirl. The finale decided to immortalize the mess with a ham-handed condemnation of gun laws.

ABC, CBS Excited By Biden Finally Announcing His 2020 Campaign

April 23rd, 2019 9:22 PM
Thursday is reportedly when we should expect former Vice President Joe Biden to formally announce his 2020 campaign for president. After fawning for Biden’s many hints for over a month, ABC and CBS were excited during their Tuesday evening broadcasts. Not so much for NBC, who brought up some of Biden’s lowest moments for liberals.

For a Week, ABC, NBC Ignore Yuma’s Migration-Caused State of Emergency

April 22nd, 2019 9:04 PM
Last Tuesday, April 16, the mayor of Yuma, Arizona declared a state of emergency as a result of the massive increase in illegal immigrants straining their resources. In the week since the declaration, Monday’s (April, 22) CBS Evening News was the only morning or evening broadcast network news program to mention it at all.

White Nationalists, Russian Conspiracies Plague ‘Madam Secretary’

April 22nd, 2019 12:33 AM
There’s just never a decent break when it comes to Madam Secretary. Not content to ruin the day before Christmas Eve by pandering on illegal immigration, CBS’s political series aired its season 5 finale with white nationalist terrorism, Russia conspiracies, and climate change on Easter Sunday. Looks like liberals will never learn from November 2016.

Chuck Todd Grills Nadler: Why Haven’t Dems Started Trump’s Impeachment

April 21st, 2019 1:02 PM
It might be safe to say that NBC political director Chuck Todd was invested in or, at least, very eager to have Democrats start actively chasing down President Trump via impeachment. After seemly trying to goad Congressional Democrats into starting an impeachment case earlier on Sunday, Todd grilled Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) during Meet the Press on why he and party leadership had not done…

Todd: Dems 'Okaying' Foreign Meddling If They Don't Impeach Trump

April 21st, 2019 10:23 AM
NBC political director Chuck Todd lamented the “real dilemma” Congressional Democrats had on their hands following the Special Counsel finding no collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia. During NBC’s Sunday Today, Todd opined about how the Democrats had to decide whether or not they wanted to chase their dreams of impeachment, and come to terms with the “unintended consequences” for each…

Terrorists on 'Blacklist' Declare Wealth 'Act of Immorality'

April 19th, 2019 11:35 PM
Any show that bemoans how facts don’t matter or believes in amnesty for illegal immigrants clearly isn’t conservative, however, the latest episode of NBC’s The Blacklist at least takes a creative spin by painting anti-capitalist rebels as not only the bad guys but domestic terrorists. Now if only the media could do that as easily in real life.

Todd: Trump's 'Keystone Cops' Were Too Incompetent to Collude

April 18th, 2019 11:16 PM
In the wake of Thursday's release of the Mueller Report, the liberal media were desperate to latch onto anything. Despite the fact, there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and no open and shut case on obstruction of justice, NBC News political director Chuck Todd appeared on Nightly News and declared that both actually happened.