
Concha Rips Todd’s Failure as Political Director on BuzzFeed Story

January 22nd, 2019 5:19 PM
Over the weekend, NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd lashed out at those who would “tar all media” for their enthusiastic sprint to push impeachment following BuzzFeed’s false report. In a Monday appearance on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Hill's Joe Concha blasted Todd for failing in his duty as political director and allowing MSNBC to mention…

NBC Doubles Down on ‘Racist’ Smear for Teens, Ignores Death Threats

January 21st, 2019 8:46 PM
After refusing to retract a story labeling innocent Catholic high school kids harassed at the Lincoln Memorial “racist”, NBC Nightly News doubled down on the incendiary charge on Monday. In a report by correspondent Ron Allen, the network sided with instigator Nathan Phillips despite more video vindicating the teenagers. Telemundo also decided to smear the teens with no mention of the death…

Chuck Todd Irritated Dubious Buzzfeed Used to ‘Tar All Media’

January 20th, 2019 4:21 PM
In an outburst on Twitter on Saturday, NBC moderator Chuck Todd lashed out at “those trying to tar all media” with the dubious Buzzfeed story by suggesting they “aren’t interested in improving journalism but protecting themselves.” That irritation carried over to Sunday’s Meet the Press where he ended the show by decrying those people once again, despite “all media” pouncing on the now-debunked…

ABC Has No Women's March Query for Dems, GOP Hit on MAGA-Hat Teens

January 20th, 2019 4:10 PM
On ABC's This Week, host Martha Raddatz began the program with Democrat presidential aspirant Kirsten Gillibrand, but never asked her a single question about the Women's March controversies over anti-Semitism, even though she spoke on Saturday at a Women's March event in Des Moines. But Raddatz pressed Sen. Jim Lankford (R-Okla.) to denounce a viral video that alleged to show Catholic teenagers…

NBC Blasts Catholic Students as ‘Racist’, Fails to Retract Hot Take

January 20th, 2019 10:01 AM
On Saturday, people were outraged after video surfaced appearing to show Catholic students attending the March for Life harassing Native American Vietnam veteran Nathan Phillips at the Lincoln Memorial. NBC Nightly News plastered the screen with the boys’ faces that evening while calling them “racist”. But additional video exposed that Phillips was the one who approached them and banging a drum…

Nets Ignore Dem Congresswoman Accused of Firing a Rape Accuser

January 17th, 2019 11:17 PM

On Thursday, news broke that Texas Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was named in a lawsuit accusing her of firing a female staffer in retaliation for their plan to sue the Congressional Black Caucus for an alleged rape she was a victim of. While the news was slow to circulate, it broke in the afternoon and thus gave the broadcast networks plenty of time to get a report together. But…


CBS Minimizes the Rampant Anti-Semitism of Women’s March Organizers

January 17th, 2019 9:10 PM
Just a day after they tried to shame Second Lady Karen Pence for working at a Christian school, the CBS Evening News took time out of their Thursday broadcast to try and downplay the rampant and well-documented anti-Semitic and racist bent of the Women’s March organizers. CBS finally found the topic over a month after a Tablet magazine story had been circulating that detailed how deep the…

CBS Tries to Shame Karen Pence for Working at a Christian School

January 17th, 2019 1:25 AM
As part of her Art Therapy: Healing with a Heart initiative, Second Lady Karen Pence started working part-time with Northern Virginia’s Immanuel Christian School. Of course, this “generated controversy” because the school promoted Christian values such as traditional marriage. And during Wednesday’s edition of CBS Evening News, the network apparently tried to shame Mrs. Pence for sticking with…

ABC Hails Pelosi’s ‘Bold’ SOTU ‘Power Play’: Blocking Trump's Address

January 16th, 2019 9:23 PM
The latest pettiness in American politics was Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Wednesday suggestions to President Trump that since the government was shut down he should postpone his State of the Union address or find another venue. Being the Democratic Party cheerleaders that they were, ABC’s World News Tonight praised it as Pelosi’s “bold power play” against a Republican President.

CW's 'Roswell' Reboot Politicizes Space Aliens, Illegal Aliens

January 15th, 2019 11:54 PM
CW’s Roswell, New Mexico is the latest example of television constantly rebooting its past shows. Unfortunately, it’s also another example of television constantly shoving a leftist agenda down our throats. This newest series does its part by propping up more propaganda on behalf of illegal immigrants.

Madam Secretary: 'Corporate Greed' Will 'Lead to Collapse of U.S.'

January 14th, 2019 12:38 AM
It’s clear by now that CBS’s Madam Secretary has a pretty warped view of reality. It perceives white nationalists as a national threat, promotes fake news as a dangerous epidemic, and still believes the U.S. rips children away from their parents at the border. Now they have a new delusion with corporate greed somehow threatening foreign stability.

‘The Blacklist:’ ‘Facts Have Never Mattered Less Than Today’

January 11th, 2019 11:33 PM
The latest episode of NBC’s The Blacklist proves that nothing takes you more out of a story than referencing the current political environment. For a drama about the FBI’s dealings with a federal criminal, it really should be the last place to discuss the value of “facts” and “the truth” in today’s world.

Nets Ignore Rising Tide of Anti-Catholic Bigotry from Democrats

January 10th, 2019 11:19 PM
In a confirmation hearing late last year and a later questionnaire, District Court nominee Brian C. Buescher was assailed for his Catholic beliefs and membership in the Knights of Columbus by Democratic Senators Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Kamala Harris of California. The incident, which went unreported by the broadcast network news programs, was back in the news Thursday following a rebuke from…

Open Borders: NBC Attacks Effectiveness of ‘Any Type of Border Wall’

January 10th, 2019 9:10 PM
Congressional Democrats, like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY), used to be in total support for barriers along the border before President Trump came along. It’s an inconvenient truth the liberal media refused to adequately acknowledge as they blamed Trump for the prolonged government shutdown. On Thursday, NBC Nightly News was in such denial of that truth that they sent correspondent…