
ABC: No Proof of Trump Claim Dems ‘Want’ and ‘Like Caravans’

October 21st, 2018 10:44 AM
At a recent campaign rally in Elko, Nevada, President Trump told the crowd that Democrats were “openly inviting millions of illegal aliens to break our laws, violate our borders and overwhelm our nation. The Democrats want caravans. They like the caravans.” On Sunday, the liberal journalists of ABC’s Good Morning America were irritated that Trump would call them out and claimed there was no proof…

CBS Boosts Liberal Claims GOP Suppressing Minority Voters in Georgia

October 18th, 2018 9:32 PM
For all the liberal media’s efforts to claim the Republican Party was trying to scare its base to the polls, they were really working hard to paint the GOP as racist bogeymen. During Thursday’s CBS Evening News, the broadcast network parroted Democratic talking points, asserting the GOP was purging the voter rolls in Georgia of minorities.

Nets Ignore Upsurge in Attacks Against GOP Candidates and Lawmakers

October 18th, 2018 12:29 AM
With the midterms just three weeks away, the radical left have been lashing out more and more against GOP candidates and lawmakers as Election Day drew closer. In recent days, the left has taken to even physically assaulting people on the right. This rash of attacks and threats had gone largely unreported on the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). But during Wednesday’s edition of…

ABC Boasts About Beto Blasting Cruz as ‘Lyin’ Ted’ Like Trump Did

October 17th, 2018 9:16 PM
Three weeks until the midterm elections and it’s Beto or bust in the Texas Senate race for the liberal media. During Wednesday’s edition of ABC’sWorld News Tonight, sensationalist anchor David Muir and Congressional correspondent Mary Bruce gushed about Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke and how he called Republican Senator Ted Cruz by President Trump’s 2016 nickname for him: ‘lyin’ Ted’. The…

'Black Lightning' Mocks Photo With George W. Bush

October 17th, 2018 12:38 AM
Once again, CW’s Black Lightning is playing politics. First the series claimed the police are straight-up murdering black kids, and now they're going after George W. Bush. And here I thought Trump jokes were getting old!

Mom Refuses Dr's Advice to Abort on X-Men: 'Not Giving Up on Son’

October 16th, 2018 11:53 PM
Fox’s The Gifted has clearly opted for a left-leaning perspective this season, and it unfortunately seems like this trend won’t end anytime soon. That’s why this one scene in the latest episode of the X-Men series took me by surprise. In a brief moment, the show reminded us about the innate value of human life, even in the womb.

NBC Flaunts Tweets About Trump’s Privates, Rapper’s Stripping Melania

October 16th, 2018 9:46 PM
In a disturbing example of just how far down the gutter they had sunk, Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News featured back-to-back reports hyping opponents of President Trump deriding him and First Lady Melania Trump in a sexual manner. In sharp contrast, their broadcast network competitors CBS Evening News and ABC’s World News Tonight were classy enough to leave the low brow attacks out of their programs.

NBC’s Mitchell: Trump 'Embraces a Rogues Gallery of Dictators'

October 16th, 2018 1:00 AM
To kick off NBC Nightly News on Monday, the network huffed about how Trump was walking the fine line with America’s partner. After noting reports suggesting the Saudis were preparing to admit to killing Jamal Khashoggi, anchor Lester Holt chided the President. “Word of the acknowledgment comes just hours after Trump seemed to accept Saudi denials of any involvement while speculating Khashoggi may…

Networks Circle the Wagons for Warren’s Laughable Heritage Claims

October 15th, 2018 10:05 PM

What was supposed to be a rebuke of President Trump’s ridicule ended up drawing more laughs from most and scorn from others. In an overly dramatized campaign video out Monday, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) released the results of a DNA test that suggested she did have a Native American ancestor. The catch? It’s possible she was only 1/1,024th Native American. Despite that fact, the…


‘Madam Secretary:’ Confederate Flag Akin to 'Nazi Imagery'

October 15th, 2018 12:55 AM
CBS’s Madam Secretary already hit peak liberal fantasy with Hillary Clinton herself gracing the small screen last week. However, that won’t stop the show from pushing left-wing propaganda in other areas. Buckle up, everyone, we’re in for another crazy Russia conspiracy, this one involving the far-right in Poland and white nationalists in America.

Stephanopoulos: GOP Can’t Decry Liberal Mobs After ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant

October 14th, 2018 1:11 PM
In the wake of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, a raging liberal mob stormed the Supreme Court building. Some climbed on the statues while others clawed and banded on the massive bronze doors. At first, the liberal media tried to deny the mob existed despite airing footage of it. But judging by ABC’s This Week on Sunday, the liberal media had apparently moved on to…

ABC Dismisses Uptick in President Trump’s Approval Rating Before Nov.

October 14th, 2018 10:17 AM
In a brand new ABC News/Washington Post poll out Sunday, the news organizations found a sizable five-point “uptick” in President Trump’s approval rating over a poll published in August. The increase to 41 percent came after the contentious battle for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh that left the Republicans unified and energized like they hadn’t been since the Obama years. Despite that fact…

Nets Spend 6 Min Gawking at Kanye With Trump, 27 Sec on Why

October 11th, 2018 9:51 PM
Rapper Kanye West and Hall of Fame football star Jim Brown met with President Trump on Thursday to discuss criminal justice reform and to convince him that stop and frisk was a terrible policy. Kayne being Kayne, he stole the spotlight as he told the President, among other things, how much he appreciated him. Of course, during their evening programs, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and…

Nets Ignore Extreme Rhetoric From Dems Calling for GOP to Be Kicked

October 10th, 2018 9:17 PM
During Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the left grew more brazen and would openly proclaim their radical beliefs and tout such tactics. With calls for the abandonment of civility and the apparent encouragement of violence, one would think it deserved some form of critical airtime from the media. But since the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were in the tank for the Democrats, they…