
ABC’s Raddatz: How Do Dems ‘Counter’ Voters Who Like Trump's Policies?

July 29th, 2018 12:16 PM

We’re more than halfway through the summer and with the midterm elections drawing closer, the liberal media have been desperate to continue the Democratic Party’s “blue wave” narrative despite a booming economy and improving poll numbers. And during Sunday’s This Week on ABC, host Martha Raddatz wondered how the Democrats planned to “counter” the voters who approved of the conservative things…


ABC, NBC Ignore Trump Fighting for American Pastor Captive in Turkey

July 27th, 2018 12:12 AM
On Thursday, President Trump tweeted out a threat og levying “large sanctions” against Turkey for their arrest of American pastor Andrew Brunson on trumped up charges of espionage related to the failed 2016 military coup. Both ABC and NBC omitted the President’s efforts from their evening broadcasts and CBS seemed shocked that he would threaten a NATO ally in that sort of way.

Nets Uninterested in Twitter ‘Shadow Banning’ Conservatives [UPDATED]

July 26th, 2018 9:18 PM
The liberal media love to pretend that their news cycles are dictated entirely by President Trump’s Twitter feed. It’s their number one excuse when average Americans complain they’re not covering other and arguably more important topics. But oh how quickly their fascination with his account fades when he mentions something they rather keep hidden. For Thursday’s evening broadcasts on ABC, CBS,…

Nets Refuse to Declare Trump Victorious as E.U. Buckles on Trade

July 25th, 2018 9:09 PM
At a Wednesday press conference in the White House Rose Garden, President Trump and E.U. Chief Executive Jean-Claude Juncker announced that the two trade partners were moving forward on a plan to end their trade war. Juncker’s presence at the White House illustrated that it was the E.U. that caved under pressure, but the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were having none of it and…

ABC, NBC Skip CBS Scoop that Toronto Attacker Visited ISIS Websites

July 24th, 2018 8:49 PM
Tuesday afternoon, broke a big scoop concerning the Sunday night mass shooting up in Toronto, Canada that left two people dead and 13 wounded. According to the piece on their website, the attacker frequented ISIS propaganda websites and may have lived in the Middle East for some time.

ABC, NBC Silent After Hundreds of Protesters Killed in Nicaragua

July 24th, 2018 12:20 AM
For months now, the Central American country of Nicaragua has been in turmoil as anti-government protesters have been rising up and calling for President Daniel Ortega and his vice presidential wife to step down. The protests, sparked by slashes to social security, have been besieged by pro-government paramilitary forces and the national police resulting in the deaths of hundreds. As of Monday,…

ABC, NBC Decry Trump Revoking Security Clearances from Obama Spooks

July 23rd, 2018 9:43 PM
Liberal ABC and NBC were in a full-blown meltdown Monday night after the White House announced the President was looking to revoke the security clearances of six former intelligence officials, whom they contend abused the privilege of retaining it after their tenure. They even tried to pretend most of the officials named weren't Obama appointees.

Tinfoil Hats: ABC Becomes a Home for Trump/Russia Conspiracies

July 22nd, 2018 11:27 AM
Following President Trump’s meeting with Russia President Vladimir Putin last Monday, ABC was the first broadcast network to boost hysterical cries of “treason” from loony leftists. During Sunday’s This Week, the network appeared to be getting their employees fitted for their tinfoil hats as they kicked up the lunacy with incessant suggestions that the President was under the direct control of…

Nets Turn a Blind Eye to San Francisco Allowing Illegals to Vote

July 19th, 2018 9:36 PM
On Thursday, San Francisco began a campaign to register illegal immigrants so they could vote in school board elections. Instead of reporting on that controversial liberal policy, ABC and NBC chose to focus on frivolous topics like the Brady house. ABC also fawned over Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen playing together at Madison Square Garden, while NBC touted Baltimore banning sugary drinks from…

Nets Skip Democrats Wimping Out on Their Chance to Oppose ICE

July 18th, 2018 9:31 PM
House Republicans gave Democrats a chance to walk-the-walk on Wednesday when they put on the floor a nonbinding resolution in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency many liberals had been declaring should be abolished. The opposition to ICE failed spectacularly as only 34 were willing to vote “no.” It was an embarrassing turn of events that went completely unreported on…

ABC Pushes Claim Trump Committed 'Treasonous' Act, Speculate Blackmail

July 16th, 2018 9:40 PM
During Monday’s edition of World News Tonight, ABC demonstrated what they really thought of President Trump when they pushed political accusations that he committed an act of treason during his press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. And that’s not hyperbole. The on-screen headline ABC ran with stated it definitively: “Critics: Trump’s Press Conference ‘Treasonous’”.

Karl to Bolton: Isn’t Trump Helping Putin Oppress, Murder Journalists?

July 15th, 2018 12:18 PM
In a truly ridiculous line of questions during ABC’s This Week on Sunday, fill-in host and White House correspondent Jon Karl badgered National Security Adviser John Bolton about President Trump’s combative relationship with the press and whether it helped Russian President Vladimir Putin crackdown on reporters there.

NBC Praises ‘Spectacular’ Anti-Trump Protests at His Scotland Resort

July 15th, 2018 10:48 AM
If there’s one thing the anti-Trump resistance members in the liberal media love more than themselves, it’s praising other like-minded people protesting the President. And if it’s people from another country, that’s even better. NBC demonstrated that love during Sunday Today when White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell praises a dangerous aerial stunt at Trump’s Scotland resort as “spectacular…

CBS Worries Trump Ditching Kennedy Paint Job on New Air Force One

July 12th, 2018 11:49 PM

On Thursday, reports began surfacing that President Trump was supposedly looking at making some big changes to the new Air Force Ones due to be delivered sometime after the next presidential election. In addition to having a more comfortable bed, Trump was looking to update the paint scheme which dated to over five decades to President John F. Kennedy. Since the paint job was tied to the…