BuzzFeed Affirms Health Care "Right" Yet Attacks Public Health System

May 31st, 2017 2:53 PM
  The irony.  After taking Miss USA to task over her statement on health care as a “privilege,” rather than a “right,” BuzzFeed has detailed the horrific failings of a significant public health care system. On May 30, Karla Zabludovsky of BuzzFeed News wrote a piece exposing the Venezuela’s dysfunctional health care system.  The piece, entitled ‘These People Had A Chance At Life. Venezuela Is…

Buzzfeed Celebrates Teens: Abortion Is 'An Amazing Thing'

May 30th, 2017 9:40 AM
Should a teenager dressed in an outfit fashioned out of condoms be considered fashion? Buzzfeed thought so. In a recent article, Jina Moore told the story of two teenage girls who “stole the show” at their local high school’s fashion show in New York City. Karolina Montes and Zoe Balestri walked on the catwalk dressed in Planned Parenthood stickers and bright pink condoms, fashioned in the style…

Bogus WashPost Gotcha: Trump 'Bowed' To Receive Medal From Saudi King

May 21st, 2017 11:38 PM
At the Washington Post's "The Fix" blog, which purports to provide readers with meaningful "analysis," general assignment reporter Avi Selk has one of the more bogus "scoops" one will ever see — and yes, it's even dumber than the "scoop" about President Donald Trump's ice cream-heating habits "broke" earlier this month. Selk is all fired up because he thinks that Donald Trump, after…

Real News: BuzzFeed Tacitly Approves GOP Rep. Being Run Off the Road

May 15th, 2017 4:27 PM
This might be difficult to believe, but it happened. On Monday, BuzzFeed News published a story entitled “People Say The Republican Congressman Who Was Allegedly Run Off The Road Is Ignoring Them” included some implied approval with a Republican Congressman David Kustoff (Tenn.) allegedly being run off the road by an angry liberal constituent.

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith: Journalists Aren't 'Political Activists'

May 6th, 2017 10:42 AM
In a segment on media bias on his Wednesday evening Fox News show, there was an interesting juxtaposition between host Tucker Carlson's short opening flashback to a conversation with Reuters reporter and White House Correspondents Association President Jeff Mason at Reuters and the live conversation he had with Buzzfeed Editor Ben Smith. Smith incredibly insisted that "people don't get into the…

Stelter Denies ‘Crusading’ Against Trump, But Rallies Were 'Poison'

April 26th, 2017 5:43 PM
Appearing on BuzzFeed News editor-in-chief Ben Smith’s podcast released Wednesday, CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter covered a number of topics, including the touting of his gooey Washington Post profile, knocking Trump rallies as “poison,” denying that he’s been “freaked out” over this Trump era, and the admirable joy he has for becoming a father.

Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult

April 19th, 2017 6:31 PM
Thirstier than an ultra-marathoner lost in Death Valley in mid-July. Hyping the entertainment magazine's latest cover, Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller gushed this week, "How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?" Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of "cool." Leather jacket? Check. Overzealous airbrushing? Check. Humanizing grin? Check. Democratic…

No Diversity Here: Officially Recognized 'Fact-Checkers' All Lean Left

April 13th, 2017 6:05 PM
Posts over the next several days will show that certain left-leaning websites and existing left-leaning news organizations have figured out that they can employ the technique of "fact-checking," perhaps once nobly intended, as a handy device to advance a left-supporting, right-bashing agenda. 

Buzzfeed Attacks Ivanka Trump Over Her Judaism, Fashion, Public Image

March 6th, 2017 10:32 AM
Buzzfeed senior culture writer Anne Helen Petersen wrote on Thursday what could only be described as a hit piece on President Donald Trump’s oldest daughter Ivanka by throwing shade at her faith, family, and feminism. Peterson claimed that her piece, “Ivanka Trump And The Aesthetics Of Denial,” was to “analyze Ivanka's celebrity and how she's crafted that image on social media,” which was…

Media Companies Attack Trump's Executive Order on Immigration

January 31st, 2017 6:33 PM

On Monday, just three days after President Donald Trump signed an executive order preventing people in seven countries -- Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen -- from entering America for 90 days, executives from three media-based companies moved to protect any employees affected by the situation.

NYT Columnist Warns Media Against 'Hysterical' Opposition to Trump

January 24th, 2017 2:08 PM
New York Times right-of-center columnist Ross Douthat diplomatically but thoroughly documented the liberal bias and anti-Trump animus in the mainstream press. Of necessity, he avoided criticizing his own paper, but some of the shrewd points he made in “The Tempting of the Media” on Sunday certainly apply to journalists at his own paper. Douthat summarized “two common views among journalists about…

Non-Missing MLK Bust Turns Into a 'Scandal'-Hungry Media Bust

January 22nd, 2017 12:08 PM
Here's an episode which indicates that many reporters in the establishment press expect the worst from Donald Trump, and can't wait to put it out there when they think they have it. On Friday, when Time Magazine political reporter Zeke Miller didn't immediately see the bust of Martin Luther King in the White House's Oval Office where he expected to see it, his knee-jerk assumption was that it was…

ProPublica Head Defends BuzzFeed’s Release of ‘Unverified’ Dossier

January 18th, 2017 4:24 PM
Buzzfeed showed its lack of journalistic integrity last week by publishing an unverified dossier accusing President-elect Trump of communicating with Russian operatives. After BuzzFeed published the document on Jan. 10, even liberal news outlets including The Washington Post, the Atlantic and Vox criticized Buzzfeed’s choice. But ProPublica President Richard Tofel sided with Buzzfeed, giving it “…

Concha Blasts ‘Obnoxious’ Acosta for ‘Grandstanding’ at Trump Presser

January 16th, 2017 10:29 PM
Appearing on Sunday’s edition of Fox News’s MediaBuzz, The Hill’s Joe Concha ripped into CNN’s Jim Acosta as “entitled” and “obnoxious” when he tussled on Wednesday with President-elect Trump by “grandstanding” and yelling over a dozen times at Trump.