Charlie Rose Wonders If Reported IRS Scrutiny of Liberal Groups Makes

June 25th, 2013 4:18 PM
Charlie Rose forwarded the latest liberal spin about the IRS scandal on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. The anchor hyped how the agency apparently placed liberal groups on "be-on-the-lookout" lists, and asked Rep. Paul Ryan, "Does it look less partisan with this new information?" Moments earlier in the morning newscast, correspondent Nancy Cordes reported that "groups were flagged for a whole…

This May Day: Media Fail to Acknowledge Any Downside of Socialism

May 1st, 2013 9:56 AM
Philosopher George Santayana once said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” In regards to socialism, the media has turned a blind eye to the more than 100 million victims of the ideology. In fact, May 1 actually marks a socialist holiday – International Workers’ Day, or May Day. “Socialist” is a word often used in conjunction with President Obama, but seldom…

CNN Catches Obama's Falsehood on Sequester; Networks Barely Report It

March 4th, 2013 6:45 PM
CNN's Dana Bash fact-checked President Obama's falsehood about the sequester on Friday, but the major networks didn't exactly follow CNN's lead in reporting the distortion that Capitol Hill janitors and police would receive a pay cut because of the sequester. In his Friday press conference, Obama claimed, "They're going to have less pay, the [Capitol Hill] janitors, the security guards. They…

Ten Outrageous Anti-Gun ’Journalists

January 8th, 2013 11:01 AM
The media agenda against guns is nothing new. But recent mass shootings have encouraged supposedly neutral journalists to push for gun regulation instead of reporting the facts surrounding the tragedies. One thing the media seldom mention is that both the Newtown and Aurora shootings occurred in gun free zones. In the Clackamas Town Center Shooting in Oregon, however, a gunman was…

Despite Terror Rocket Attacks on Israel, ABC, CBS, NBC Won’t Call At

November 16th, 2012 3:12 PM
Israel was attacked by more than 200 rockets on Nov. 15 by a known terror organization – known by everyone but ABC, CBS and NBC. Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, was declared a “foreign terrorist organization” more than 15 years ago by the United States. But not one rocket attack story on the network morning or evening news shows called the terrorists anything other than “militants.” In 61…

Just in Time for Election, Media Forecast Falling Gas Prices

November 2nd, 2012 10:19 AM
Up or down, the media often hype changing gas prices, in spite of a long track record of incorrect predictions. But the most recent forecast stands to benefit media favorite: President Barack Obama. In recent months, all three broadcast news networks and the USA Today have offered predictions ahead of the presidential election, saying prices would be much lower by late November: after…

CBS's Rose Boosts Liberal Talking Point About Rich Wanting to be Taxed

February 22nd, 2012 6:32 PM
On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose promoted a talking point used by liberals, including President Obama, that Warren Buffett and other billionaires want their taxes raised. After playing a clip of Chris Christie ripping Buffett, Rose asked Jack Welch, "Do you agree with the governor of New Jersey, or do you agree with...Buffett, that there ought to be more tax on the super-rich?"…

CBS Sends a Valentine to the Kennedys With Gushing Segment on Jackie

February 14th, 2012 4:09 PM
CBS has not even mentioned a new book spilling unflattering details about former President John F. Kennedy, but they devoted over 8 minutes Tuesday morning to a fawning report on former First Lady Jackie Kennedy's scripted interview with CBS inside the White House. Liberal presidential historian Douglas Brinkley hailed the day when Kennedy "became America's sweetheart," adding that "50 years…

NBC Ignores Burning of American Flag by Oakland Occupiers

January 30th, 2012 5:35 PM
NBC whitewashed the anti-American activities of the violent Occupy protests in Oakland. The network dedicated only 34 seconds to covering the riot, but refused to mention the fact that Oakland protestors burned an American flag - despite the fact that both its sister networks, ABC and CBS, had done so. On Saturday, Jan. 28, nearly 400 Occupy Oakland protesters were arrested for their actions…

New CMI Special Report: Baptism by Fire

December 5th, 2011 10:19 AM
With the 2012 elections less than a year away, the liberal media are attacking President Obama's potential opponents on a number of fronts, but especially on religion. ABC, CBS and NBC have used religion in two ways, either painting the field of GOP primary challengers as a God Squad of religious zealots or playing up differences in their faith. Whether they're letting viewers know that "Rick…

CBS News Covers Tracks After Pro-Obama Merchandise Store Revealed

August 18th, 2011 6:18 PM
As reported by the Blaze earlier today, CBS News's online store is selling seven different Obama-related items, but complementary Republican merchandise is suspiciously absent. The online store includes paperback and hardback copies of Obama's memoir, "Dreams From My Father," and five memorabilia books and DVDs of his campaign and election. When the Blaze looked into the matter, CBS News had…

Former CBS News Morning Show Anchor Harry Smith Taking His Low Rated T

July 8th, 2011 3:41 PM
It was exactly one year ago today that Lebron James announced he was "taking" his "talents to South Beach" and today TV Newser is reporting that longtime CBS newsman Harry Smith is taking his "talents" of drawing low ratings at The Early Show to NBC News. Of course Smith will be a good fit, from a liberal bias perspective at NBC, as he spent a good amount of time as host of CBS's morning news…'s Joe Bastardi Differs With Mainstream Media: Beware o

June 17th, 2011 10:54 AM
For years America's media have been enthralled by anything that supports the theory that carbon dioxide is warming the planet leading to an imminent cataclysm if governments don't regulate this partially man-made gas. By contrast, reports that might undermine CO2's importance in global warming, like the following released Tuesday by the AAS Solar Physics Division in Las Cruces, New Mexico,…

CBS Finally Covers NPR Scandal...On 4 A.M. News Program

March 18th, 2011 11:18 AM
Following the March 8 release of an undercover sting video of NPR executive Ron Schiller calling Tea Party members "racist," CBS initially gave no coverage to the ensuing scandal and resignations of him and NPR President Vivian Schiller. However, it turns out that the controversy was covered by a CBS News broadcast, the barely-watched 4 A.M. Morning News. On Thursday's CBS Evening News,…